After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 220 The matter of serving the bed is negotiable

"Your Highness can't have no one to serve you, you go." Nian Su said without squinting.

She is not Mochizukiju's servant, so she doesn't need to look at Baozhu's face.

At this time, Baozhu walked up to Niansu and said word by word: "You are just a palace maid beside His Royal Highness, and you don't need to be by His Highness's side for twelve hours. Or, you want His Highness to know that you are still listening to the wall outside the study at the moment. horn?"

As soon as the words "Listen to the corner" came out, Niansu's face changed.

Baoyu and Baoping's gazes were also fixed on her face, looking at her up and down, as if they were about to strip her clothes off.

Baoyu is someone who can't hide her words. She vaguely felt that there was something in Baozhu's words, so she asked, "Niansu, do you really want to listen to the corner?"

It doesn't seem like a good word, and the picture is unimaginable.

Nian Su's face darkened: "You just want to listen to the corner."

Then she walked away.

Baozhu looked at Niansu's back, her eyes became colder.

Liangdi does not take Niansu in her eyes, it is Liangdi's generosity. But in this Mochizuki Residence, it is not Niansu's yin and yang strange energy.

In the study, Xiao Ce saw that Qin Zhao had not answered for a long time, and was puzzled: "You are a lonely woman, it will be a matter of time before you go to bed..."

"Well, my concubine is sleepy. Your Highness, please do it yourself." Qin Zhao said, and left without looking back.

She was not shy, but felt embarrassed to discuss this topic with Xiao Ce. Xiao Ce mentioned the official tone of the bedtime, as if this was just one of his tasks.

If Xiao Ce was not Xiao Ce, but any other man, she might not feel awkward.

But with all due respect to her, Xiao Ce's speech is sometimes too flat.

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao's back, not understanding why she was angry again.

Since she is his good concubine, she naturally has to serve in the bed, and since her illness has recovered, the matter of serving the bed has to be put on the agenda. Because of his respect for her, he specifically asked her for her opinion before going to bed.

He didn't want to force her to do what she didn't want to do, but why didn't she want to have children and stay in bed?

"Zhaozhao, are you angry?" Xiao Ce asked uncertainly.

Qin Zhao just wanted to reply to him, hehe, she said with a stern face: "No, which eye of Your Highness sees the concubine angry? Why is the concubine angry?"

This is also the question in Xiao Ce's heart, she has no reason to be angry.

"You look like you're angry." Seeing Qin Zhaomei's eyes wide open, Xiao Ce immediately added with interest, "But you must have a reason to be angry. You are right, and the wrong person must be Lonely."

Qin Zhao was originally angry, but when he heard Xiao Ce's words, he was not angry, nor did he laugh.

"Gu and women rarely deal with women. I don't know what kind of psychology a woman is. If there is something in the orphan that makes you unhappy, you can forgive the orphan once. Or you can tell the orphan that the orphan can change." Xiao Ce saw Qin Zhao His expression softened a bit, and then he sold a good mouth.

Qin Zhao saw that Su Ce lowered his stance towards him, and suddenly felt that he was a little unreasonable.

Xiao Ce is the prince, he is used to the obedience of women, and he also feels that it is only natural for her to serve in the bed. Before that, he was willing to consult her opinion, which was also his greatest respect for her.

What is there to be angry about, since she entered the East Palace, the matter of serving the bed will come sooner or later.

She had nothing to resist, after all, he was her man, the man she had deeply loved in her previous life, and whom she also respected and admired in this life.

"Not tonight, another day, His Royal Highness is a busy person, there is no need to ask the concubine's meaning in the future." Qin Zhao said, showing a sincere smile to Xiao Ce: "The concubine is not angry anymore, really. "

"If you don't want to, then you won't go to bed, and Gu won't force you." Xiao Ce patted her head: "It's Gu Tai who is right."

He also thought that since she was his good concubine, he couldn't let her be a widow for the rest of his life. Although he was not used to being close to women, Qin Zhao was different.

His original intention was for her good, but who knew he made her so unhappy.

"My concubine is not unwilling." Qin Zhao replied bravely.

But isn't it weird and embarrassing to discuss this kind of thing? What kind of strange brain structure is Xiao Ce?

"But you weren't happy just now..."

Before Xiao Ce finished speaking, Qin Zhao spread his hands: "Your Highness can think what you want, there is no need to discuss this matter. Concubine also doesn't know about this matter of sleeping in the East Palace, His Highness still has to discuss the result with the parties involved. , or should His Highness and other sisters in the East Palace seek their opinions first?”

Therefore, she could not understand Xiao Ce's thinking.

Xiao Ce couldn't answer for a while, because he never thought about finding another woman to sleep with.

"His Royal Highness is still busy with business, right? Your Highness is someone who does big things. There is no need to argue with a woman like your concubine on such trivial matters, and I will send you off to Your Highness." Qin Zhao decided to end the topic.

This time Xiao Ce had no objection.

After leaving Wangyueju, Niansu broke the silence and asked, "What's on your mind, Your Highness? If there is something you can't figure out, you can tell the servant girl, maybe the servant girl can solve the puzzle for Your Highness."

She was just curious about what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said to Qin Liangdi after she left.

Xiao Ce recalled the conversation between Cai and Qin Zhao, and he felt that it would be strange for Nian Su to talk about it.

"Nothing." Xiao Ce looked indifferent.

Niansu knew that he didn't want to say more. She was unwilling to give up, so she scolded: "Is Qin Liangdi unwilling to serve the bed?"

When Xiao Ce heard this, she looked at Niansu. Niansu was shocked by his sharp eyes. At that moment, she thought he saw through her mind.

"Because His Highness asked Qin Liangdi if he would like to sleep in the bed, the slave thought that if Qin Liangdi said no, it must be because of shyness. After all, the woman is thin-skinned and has a delicate mind. , you may feel that His Royal Highness is puzzled by the style..." She explained bravely.

Xiao Ce finally looked away from Niansu's face, and then remembered the previous conversation between him and Qin Zhao, maybe Niansu guessed right, Zhaozhao's girl was shy, so she didn't want to discuss such a topic with him.

This is his misstep, forgetting that no matter how daring Zhaozhao is, she is also a woman.

"What you said makes sense." Xiao Ce thought about it.

Niansu was stunned for a moment, but did not expect that his nonsense words would be approved by His Royal Highness.

So, she was right that Qin Liangdi was unwilling to serve in the bed?

There are many beauties who want to have the opportunity to serve in the bed, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is dismissive of these beauties. Qin Liangdi had the opportunity to serve in the bed, but she didn't know how to push it out?

Her eyes flickered a little, and she didn't know why, she added: "There is also a possibility that the reason why a woman is unwilling to accept another man may be because there is someone in the woman's heart. Of course, this kind of thing is not It may have happened to Qin Liangdi, Your Highness can rest assured."

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