After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 222: Staying Her Overnight

When she was about to finish dinner, Qin Zhao seemed to remember Niansu kneeling on the ground. She shook her head and sighed: "Your Highness doesn't understand Lianxiangxiyu, are you still kneeling without seeing Niansu?"

She said this as if Niansu kneeling on the ground had nothing to do with her.

Zhang Jixiang glanced at Qin Liangdi out of the corner of his eye, and secretly said that this Liangdi is really not a kind woman, but this is the type that His Highness likes.

"Get up, you don't need to serve here." Xiao Ce mercifully opened his mouth.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your grace." Nian Suyi stood up, and she retreated far away. Seeing the scene of Qin Liangdi and His Royal Highness having a good conversation, she felt bitter.

When the dinner was coming to an end here, Niansu entered again and said, "Your Highness, Wu Liangyuan is here and is waiting outside at the moment."

Qin Zhao raised his brows lightly, thinking that Wu Xiyu had chosen a good time, and only came when dinner was almost over.

If Wu Xiyu had come earlier, it would have made people mistakenly think that she was here to compete for favor, but at this point in time, it was more like a coincidence.

This Wu Xiyu's mind is also becoming more and more delicate, and the fighting power will definitely become stronger and stronger.

Xiao Ce's expression did not change, "Let her in."

Soon Wu Xiyu entered.

She was wearing a pink dress, because she was so charming in life, and when she wore pink, her skin was as white as snow, and her whole person was dreamlike and unreal.

In the past, if she stood in front of Qin Zhao like this, it would make Qin Zhao even more bleak, but today is different from the past, Qin Zhao's appearance has undergone a qualitative change, even standing in front of the radiant Wu Xiyu, Qin Zhao's appearance has changed. Zhao is also not much to give up.

It can only be said that they are beautiful in their own way, and no one is worse than the other.

After Wu Xiyu bowed to Xiao Ce, her eyes swept aside, and when she saw Qin Zhao with a face like a hibiscus, her sense of superiority instantly disappeared.

In fact, she was well dressed today, and she knew that Qin Zhao was invited to the main hall for dinner by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince today. She was in the lead these days, so she didn't need to care too much about Qin Zhao's existence.

But she was still afraid that Qin Zhao would suddenly ascend to the throne, so she had the idea of ​​coming to the main hall.

Seeing Qin Zhao's pretty face up close now, she felt even more turbulent in her heart.

In the book, Qin Zhao is as beautiful as a flower and is Xiao Ce's favorite concubine, and Qin Zhao in front of him suddenly becomes as beautiful as a flower. Wouldn't Qin Zhao become exactly the same as Fanwaizhong?

She put away her strange thoughts and took a seat beside Xiao Ce: "My concubine came too late, I didn't make time for dinner."

"It's not too late, if you don't like the dishes on the table, ask someone to change it." Xiao Ce said, telling Zhang Jixiang to add another set of tableware.

Qin Zhao had no intention of making a light bulb, so he got up and said, "My concubine is full..."

"Just rest for a while when you're full." Before she could say goodbye, Xiao Ce interrupted her.

Qin Zhao glanced at Xiao Ce and found that Xiao Ce was busy taking care of Wu Xiyu, as if what he said just now was not what he said.

She was a little depressed, so she had to go to the chair next to her and sit down.

Not far away was Wu Xiyu's voice talking to Xiao Ce. She casually found a book to read to pass the time.

By the time Wu Xiyu finished eating, it was three quarters of an hour later.

Qin Zhao unknowingly leaned back on the chair and dozed off, and when she heard Xiao Ce's voice above her head, she realized that Wu Xiyu had left.

Zhang Jixiang and Niansu were still standing not far away, and the expressions of the two could tell that they were not very happy.

"I'm sorry, just now, the concubine fell asleep accidentally. It's getting late, and the concubine has to go back to rest." Qin Zhao said and got up.

"Don't worry, there will be someone who will serve the pen and ink later. You will take up this position today." Xiao Ce stopped Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao had no choice but to agree, although she would rather go back to take a hot bath earlier and have a good beauty sleep.

Xiao Ce went to the study to be busy, and Qin Zhao started to fight. She glanced at the various cases piled up on the bookcase, and she thought that being a prince is not easy.

After being busy for nearly an hour, Qin Zhao yawned again and again, but persisted.

After all, Xiao Ce is busy with business, so she can't be lazy.

Qin Zhao's movement was caught in Xiao Ce's eyes, and he finally mercifully opened his mouth: "That's it for today, rest early."

"Yes, Your Highness." Qin Zhao deserved to be cheerful.

She was about to leave the study when Xiao Ce stopped her and said, "Aren't you waiting to be alone?"

Qin Zhao thought to himself, what is there to wait for? The two of them are in different ways.

But she didn't tell the truth, she slowed down and said, "Wait a minute, it's an honor to be able to wait for Your Highness to be a concubine."

"Glossy." Xiao Ce's eyes were filled with a smile.

In this way, the two left the study together.

Qin Zhao thought that she could get out now. She was about to leave the main hall when she heard Xiao Ce ask, "Where are you going?"

Qin Zhao looked back at Xiao Ce, and replied as a matter of course: "Of course, he is going back to Wangyueju to sleep."

Her task of being a companion has been completed, and she is not allowed to go back to rest if she fails to do so.

However, Xiao Ce walked up to her and took her hand to the main bedroom: "You can stay in the main hall tonight."

Qin Zhao thought she was listening wrong, she looked at Xiao Ce and met his gentle profile.

"This doesn't seem to be very good." She said indifferently.

Let her stay in the main hall, what does that mean? She couldn't blame her for thinking too much.

"There's nothing wrong with you. You're a lonely good-hearted lady. No one dares to say no to letting you stay overnight." Xiao Ce gave Qin Zhao a reassuring look.

From the corner of Qin Zhao's eyes, Yu Guang glanced at the position where Nian Su was standing, and suddenly thought in a wicked way, she would be very happy if she could deal with the disgusting Nian Su by staying overnight.

But, when she saw Xiao Ce's big bed, she had the urge to turn around and want to run.

She felt that Xiao Ce was a bit strange, she was obviously not used to being close to people, why did she want her to sleep here?

Or did he prepare another bed for her?

"Go to wash first, and go to bed early after washing." Xiao Ce said this, suddenly a little embarrassed.

He didn't seem to have prepared a change of clothes for her, and he didn't tell Nian Su to prepare properly. In that case, what will she wear later?

Qin Zhao also thought of this question, and she asked, "Where is the concubine's change of clothes?"

"Niansu, get ready." Xiao Ce instructed Niansu.

Niansu only recovered from her shock at this moment. She did not expect His Royal Highness to make preparations for Qin Liangdi to stay overnight. Wu Liangyuan offered to stay in the main hall last time, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince deliberately avoided Wu Liangyuan.

But this time was different. His Royal Highness took the initiative to keep Qin Liangdi, and let Qin Liangdi live in His Highness's dormitory.

"Everyone is asleep at this hour, and the slaves don't know where to get their clothes. The slaves have clothes to change, and Ruo Liangdi doesn't dislike it..."


There are still two chapters, and I will update it tonight.

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