Before Niansu finished speaking, he heard Baozhu speaking not far away: "The slave maid will go back to Mochizuki Residence and pick up Liang Di's clothes. Liang Di has a noble status, how can she wear slave's clothes?"

Where did Niansu come from, and came up with such a bad idea.

Do you think that you will be able to resist Liang Di in this way? I just don't know what it means!

Niansu was robbed by Baozhu, her face flushed and her ears shy: "His Royal Highness, this servant has no other intentions."

"Forget it, you don't need to be on duty tonight, you can just wait here if there is an orb here, you retire." Xiao Ce ordered in a low voice.

Nian Su did not expect that he would be driven away.

At this time, she also heard Qin Liangdi say a sarcastic remark: "His Royal Highness really knows how to be sympathetic to his servants. Our family's treasures are not so lucky. It's too hard to be on duty at night."

Baozhu laughed when she heard the words: "Slaves like to work at night."

As long as Niansu isn't disgusting here, it's fine, she'll be fine for a few more nights.

"You don't need the orbs to be on duty at night, you can arrange two servants to be on duty at night, how about that?" Xiao Ce asked Qin Zhao for his opinion.

Qin Zhao has no objection: "My concubine listens to His Highness."

After Niansu walked out of the dormitory, she couldn't help but look back and saw Qin Liangdi and His Highness were talking. His Highness was in a good mood and looked at Qin Liangdi tenderly.

When she was not mentally prepared, His Highness suddenly let Qin Liangdi stay in the main hall. Could it be affected by her words during the day?

If His Royal Highness really listened to her words, it should not be for Qin Liangdi to stay in the main hall.

No one in the room cared about Nian Su's stay.

Qin Zhao had to wait patiently because he had to wait for Baozhu to bring a change of clothes.

Seeing that Xiao Ce was still reading, she leaned over to take a look, but hesitated.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Xiao Ce glanced at Qin Zhao who was pacing back and forth.

Qin Zhao sat down on the vacant seat beside him, "Well, can concubine go back to Wangyueju? Concubine remembers what His Highness said, not to force concubine..."

"Gu also remembers what you said, you are willing to sleep." Xiao Ce interrupted Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao was at a loss for words.

She is indeed willing to serve the bed, anyway, she is Xiao Ce's good Di, and sooner or later she will get to this point, but she does not want to start in this way.

"Don't be afraid, Gu won't hurt you." Xiao Ce thought Qin Zhao was worried about this, and his voice was very gentle.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao had to shut up.

Anyway, the horizontal is a knife, and the vertical is also a knife, what scruples does she have.

When Baozhu brought a change of clothes, Qin Zhao went to the clean room and thought about his thoughts while taking a bath, and those so-called thoughts were actually things of his previous life.

She took a comfortable bath, Baozhu waited for her to dress properly, and whispered, "Don't bump into Your Highness when Liang Di is serving the bed..."

It's only their fault, none of them taught Liang Di what to pay attention to in sleeping.

The Qin family sent her and Baoyu two dowry maids to Zhao's house, and there was no maid to dowry, so that they didn't know about men and women, and they couldn't help Liang Di at the critical moment.

Qin Zhao's mind was a little empty, and it took a while for her to understand what Baozhu meant.

She glanced at Baozhu angrily: "Okay, I don't need you to teach this kind of thing."

Anyway, Xiao Ce looks so good, she doesn't suffer when sleeping with Xiao Ce. On the contrary, she was very greedy for Xiao Ce's body in her previous life.

"Liangdi is usually carefree, but after all, men like women who are more reserved..."

Orb began to babble and preach again.

Qin Zhao pretended to listen carefully, but in his heart he complained that Baozhu became more and more like Baoyu.

After she took a bath, it was Xiao Ce's turn to take a bath. Hearing the sound of water not far away, Qin Zhao was still a little nervous.

Xiao Ce is inexperienced. It was like that in her previous life. It hurt her to death for the first time. Should she take the initiative later...

Thinking that there was no other closer movement between her and Xiao Ce other than holding hands, this time they jumped directly to the step of going to bed. To be honest, she felt a bit fast.

While she was thinking about it, Xiao Ce had already taken a bath and stood in front of her at some point.

Qin Zhao stood up subconsciously, he didn't know how to place his hands and feet, and his tongue was a little knotted: "Well, that, go to bed..."

As soon as she said these words, she wished she could bite off her own tongue. Her words were probably too straightforward for Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

She looked at Xiao Ce suspiciously, and met his ink-like eyes, which were as deep as cold pools. Under the light of the soft light, his facial features seemed to soften a little, and his expression was also very gentle. He was very focused when looking at her, but the tips of his ears seemed to be a little red?

She took a closer look and determined that Xiao Ce's ears were indeed red. Is he shy?

"Don't be afraid, Your Highness, my concubine will take care of you..." As soon as she opened her mouth, she wished she could slap herself twice.

She stopped talking at the moment, sat back on the bed, touched the bed again, and lay on the inside of the bed.

I don't know if it was too quiet at night, or her heartbeat was too strong, in short, it was like thunder drums, and she felt harsh when she heard it.

In her wild thoughts, she heard the sound of Xixi Suosuo taking off her clothes, and she didn't dare to look at it until there was another person beside her.

The main hall was considered cool, because some palace servants fanned the ice basin, just like blowing the air conditioner, but Qin Zhao felt that his whole body was hot.

At this moment, a pair of men's hands touched her waist, and her body immediately became as hard as a zombie.

She closed her eyes subconsciously, thinking that she would die, the first time was always a little nervous, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Xiao Ce was also a little nervous. It was the first time he had asked a woman to sleep with him. When he was taking a bath, he even wanted to retreat and wanted to send Qin Zhao back to Wangyueju.

But as long as he thought that Qin Zhao was sent back to Wangyueju like this, he might become the laughing stock of Donggong, and he stopped the idea.

At this moment, when he saw her tightly pursed pink lips and slightly trembling eyelashes, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he forgot that he was nervous.

This girl is usually bold and outspoken, but she doesn't seem to be much better than him when it comes to the bridal chamber.

The smile in his eyes was even stronger, he bullied his body forward, and kissed her on the forehead: "Don't be afraid..."

"I'm not afraid of a concubine." Qin Zhao thought to himself that he was "experienced in a hundred battles" in his previous life. How could she be afraid?

She was just worried that he was still a brat and didn't know how to control his strength.

She felt his lips move on her face, and finally locked onto hers, but it didn't work out. Feeling that she should give him some encouragement, she kissed him back.

So, his lips moved away.

She opened her eyes and saw that Xiao Ce was looking at her with a frown. There was a hint of coldness in her eyes, she didn't know what she was thinking, and her expression was a little scary.

"What's wrong?" Qin Zhao was puzzled. Could it be that the way she kissed back was wrong?

Or does he like to take the initiative?

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