After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 224 Starting today, everything will be different

"Don't move!" Xiao Ce grabbed Qin Zhao's chin and kissed it again.

It's just that compared to the gentleness before, this time his strength is much stronger.

Qin Zhao passively accepted his kiss, and his mouth was full of his breath.

She was a little absent-minded, wondering if it was the initiative just now that made him unhappy? Well, she will stay still and lie down.

I have to say that Xiao Ce is quite kissable, and the speed of progress is visible to the naked eye, but he didn't like her touching his mouth in his previous life.

At this moment she wondered if they were the same person.

"Zhaozhao, you are very soft and fragrant." Xiao Ce couldn't help but let out a real sigh.

He didn't know that a woman's body was so soft before, as if she had no bones.

Qin Zhao wanted to give him an inappropriate stare, but she held back.

Next, Xiao Ce seemed to have enough research on her lips, and turned to "study" other parts of her body.

As the subject of "research", Qin Zhao felt that he was a piece of fat on Xiao Ce's chopping block. This metaphor is not beautiful, but it fits the actual situation.

Her clothes were quickly cleaned by him neatly, and when his eyes roamed around her, the cheeky she also blushed.

Xiao Ce had seen the Huo Huo map many years ago. At that time, he didn't think why men were so enthusiastic about it. Today, there is a Qin Zhao for him to study carefully, but it made him feel the taste.

It is a fact that her body is soft and fragrant, and it seems that a little force can break her slenderness.

When all the clothes are down, she is even more amazingly beautiful under the shadow of the lights.

Baozhu was waiting outside, she heard the movement from time to time inside, and her face blushed and her ears were ashamed. Later, she simply stood farther away, and the heat on her face gradually dissipated.

Congratulations, Liang Di finally went to bed.

About half an hour later, there was a voice asking for water, so she and Zhang Jixiang went in to clean up.

Qin Zhao's body is really weak. As Xiao Ce said, his actions are considerate and gentle, and he also takes into account her feelings.

After cleansing, she was brought to the bed by Xiao Ce. Previously, she also saw Baozhu holding a red veil with a very ambiguous expression. Zhang Jixiang was also on the side, but it was another complicated expression.

She was too tired to open her eyes, lying in Xiao Ce's arms, suddenly remembered that he didn't like to share a bed with others in his previous life, and there is no reason to change his living habits in this life.

Thinking of this, she reluctantly opened her eyes and said, "His Royal Highness will have to go to court early tomorrow, so the concubine will go back to Wangyueju to rest first."

"You just rest here." Xiao Ce pulled Qin Zhao into his arms again and let her lean against his arms. This girl is too delicate.


Qin Zhao just opened his mouth, and Xiao Ce glared at him: "It's nothing, but sleep well."

Qin Zhao saw that Xiao Ce was not joking, and she was really tired, so she leaned into his arms.

She cradled his firm and warm chest, and he still had the scent of soap after bathing, and for some unknown reason, tears suddenly welled up in her eyes.

She was afraid of losing her temper, so she buried her head in his arms.

From today onwards, everything will be different. She is his Liang Di and his wife, and she will also be one of the three thousand in his future harem.

This seems to be no different from the previous life, but she came earlier in this life, and this Xiao Ce is also different from the previous life.

Everything will only be better than the previous life, right?

Maybe Xiao Ce won't die early, maybe she and her children can continue their relationship.

Xiao Ce didn't know Qin Zhao's complicated feelings, he just felt that he should treat her better and let her be in the future. Her body is so delicate, but she can't take it for an hour...

Feeling her breathing gradually stabilized, he pushed her away, and when he saw the wet tears in the corners of her eyes, what Niansu said was ringing in his ear.

Niansu said that perhaps Qin Zhao had someone in his heart, so he didn't want to serve the bed.

If it wasn't for his surprise today, would she still be unwilling to serve the bed?

He looked at the swaying lamp shadow not far away, and did not sleep for a long time.

Qin Zhao slept until dawn, and the moment she opened her eyes, she thought she was in Wangyueju, until Baozhu's voice sounded: "Liangdi is awake?"

Qin Zhao struggled to get up, and when she saw this unfamiliar bedroom, she remembered the incident of suddenly serving the bed last night.

The soreness on this body can't deceive anyone. She did sleep in last night, and she was still staying in the main hall.

She should be the first woman to sleep in the East Palace, but why is she not happy at all?

When she walked out of the dormitory and saw Nian Su standing outside, she suddenly laughed.

"Niansu, your face is very bad, did you rest last night?" Qin Zhao asked gently while standing beside Niansu.

Niansu lowered her eyes and replied respectfully: "Lao Liangdi remembers, the slave is very good."

"You are His Highness's valet. His Highness depends on you for many things. Although there is still autumn water, the person His Highness trusts most is you. You must not fail His Highness and serve His Highness well." Qin Zhao said in a low voice. .

"What Liangdi said is that slaves can save it." Niansu still bowed his head to answer.

Qin Zhao smiled and walked away with the treasure.

Interestingly, when she was about to leave the main hall, Qiushui happened to come in with a pot of flowers. When she saw her, Qiushui hurriedly saluted: "This servant has seen Liang Di."

"No ceremony. Coincidentally, I just said a few words to Niansu. I just mentioned you, and I don't want to meet you here. Since I lifted the ban, this is the first time I see you, but it's Niansu, who often sees His Highness. , you will be able to see her. You are all palace servants beside His Highness, and you are also highly regarded by His Highness, so you must serve His Highness well and not be lazy." Qin Zhao deliberately mentioned Niansu.

Niansu is a time bomb around Xiao Ce, but this bomb is not difficult to deal with. Just find a suitable enemy for Niansu, and that person is Qiushui.

Compared with Niansu, she actually thinks Qiushui is more cute, because Qiushui's desire can be seen at a glance, but Niansu's desire is hidden in the darkest corner.

"Slaves don't dare." Qiu Shui replied in a hoarse voice.

"It stands to reason that Wu Liangyuan and you should be close. She has been favored by His Highness recently. Hasn't she said a few good words for you in front of His Highness?" Qin Zhao was puzzled.

Her seemingly inadvertent words just hit Qiushui's sore spot.

Qiushui originally wanted to have a good relationship with Wu Liangyuan, and also hoped that when Wu Liangyuan was favored, she could say a few words of kindness in front of His Highness, so that she could have the opportunity to serve His Highness closely.

However, Wu Liangyuan only cared about herself, with Zhang Jixiang and Niansu beside His Highness, how could she have anything to do with her?

She is in the main hall, but the chance to see His Royal Highness is very few, which is also where she is depressed.

She had already seen that Wu Xiyu was unreliable, and she could not get the slightest benefit from cooperating with such a person.


Well, today is over, Daqian has done his best, thank you for your support, wow, compare your heart.

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