After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 225 Everyone is in a hurry! !

"I think you and I have a good relationship. Well, if I have the opportunity, I will mention the premise to His Highness, but unfortunately I am not a favored person. I am afraid that people will not be able to help you much. The key is to make progress on your own. That's fine." Qin Zhao added with a light smile.

Qiu Shui was flattered and looked at Qin Zhao: "Slave maid Xie Liangdi's grace."

After a closer look, she realized that Qin Liangdi's appearance had undergone a qualitative leap, and she was dumbfounded for a while.

"Don't thank me first, I don't know when I will see His Highness next time. You are busy, I will go back to Wangyueju." Qin Zhao smiled lightly and then walked away.

When she was about to return to Wangyueju, Baozhu said the question in her heart: "Does Liangdi really want to lift Qiushui? The slave thinks that Qiushui is not easy to give to each other, and she is not necessarily better than Niansu."

"I don't care if she's good or not, the person I'm defending is Niansu. Bring Qiushui out and let Qiushui and Niansu face each other, I just need to watch the fun, the dog bites the dog show is good, Niansu's heart is getting more and more The older you are, because she is too busy." A sneering smile flashed in Qin Zhao's eyes.

She could understand that Niansu's behavior in the previous life was definitely not innocent. It was only because she cared too much about Xiao Ce that she was repeatedly irritated by Niansu and fell into Niansu's trap without knowing it.

Reincarnation, she can't make the same mistake again, Niansu doesn't need to do it herself, wouldn't it be better to find an equal servant for Niansu to fight?

"Liangdi is brilliant!" Baozhu praised from the bottom of her heart.

Since Niansu is a villain, then find a similar villain for Niansu, so that Liangdi's own hands will not be dirty.

"Now it's up to Qiushui to compete. Last night I was sleeping, so everyone's attention should be on me again?" As Qin Zhao spoke, he saw the other three treasures coming forward.

Baoyu even more thoughtfully said: "The slave has prepared hot water, would Liang Di want to take a hot bath?"

Qin Zhao just wanted to do this, she pinched Baoyu's face: "You girl is getting more and more caring."

Baoyu was praised and smiled.

After that, Qin Zhao took a hot bath and slept for a while before feeling refreshed.

There was a lot of news about Qin Zhao outside. Although Wu Xiyu was mentally prepared, he was so angry that he dropped a whole set of tea sets.

She also stayed overnight in the main hall, but after a whole night, she couldn't even see Xiao Ce, let alone serve in the bed.

Why did Qin Zhao go to the main hall for dinner, so he could serve in the bed?

Or Qin Zhao didn't sleep at all, it's just a rumor.

Thinking of this possibility, she made a special trip to the main hall. In this main hall, she came and went freely, and now the guards didn't stop her when they saw her.

She found Qiushui and specifically asked Qin Zhao about serving the bed.

Qiushui has been very dissatisfied with Wu Xiyu recently. She understood that no matter how favored Wu Xiyu was, it had nothing to do with her. Wu Xiyu would not regard her as his own, and would guard against her, so it was impossible for her to have a chance to rise to the top.

On the contrary, what Qin Zhao said gave her some hope.

"It should be true. Yesterday, Qin Liangdi lived with His Highness. It seems that His Highness got up later than usual." Qiushui replied in a low voice.

Wu Xiyu's face changed slightly: "She is really serving the bed?"

Originally, she still had a glimmer of hope, but now her hope has come to nothing. She has been very favored recently. It was her chance to rise to the top, but Qin Zhao took the lead.

How can she be embarrassed by this?

Didn't Xiao Ce neglect Qin Zhao recently? Why do you suddenly find Qin Zhao to serve the bed? Does Qin Zhao know some kind of seduction?

"If Liangyuan has nothing else to do, the slave will go down to work." Qiu Shui bowed to Wu Xiyu and resigned.

Wu Xiyu didn't say anything.

Qiushui has little effect on her, even if it is not Qiushui, there are other people who can tell her about the main hall. What's more, Qiu Shui didn't even have the chance to serve in front of His Royal Highness the Prince, so it would be more useful than Nian Su.

If it wasn't for Niansu being sent by Changqiu Palace, she might still be able to let Niansu do things for herself.

Coincidentally, Niansu happened to come over, her face was a little haggard, she glanced at it one more time, and said loudly: "Niansu, come here."

Niansu didn't expect Wu Xiyu to call herself. Before Wu Xiyu saw her, she ignored her existence.

She went to Wu Xiyu according to the words and saluted her: "What is Liangyuan's order?"

"Your face looks bad, but your body is unwell?" Wu Xiyu asked with concern.

She thought that since Xiao Ce trusted Niansu, even if Niansu was sent by Concubine Shu, she would have to deal with Niansu well. Only in this way could she make full use of all the servants in the main hall to serve her.

"The servants are all well, Lao Liangyuan is concerned." Niansu replied respectfully.

"If you feel unwell, don't force it. After all, your body is important. You can't be without your Highness." Wu Xiyu said gently again with her brows and eyes.

Nian Su lowered her head and replied in a low voice.

In fact, Qiushui hadn't gone far, mainly because after seeing Niansu, she had a thought, and she turned back for some reason, but she saw Wu Xiyu's warm and cold scene at Niansu from a distance.

To be honest, seeing such a scene, she was not surprised at all.

Niansu's popularity has always been very good, whether it is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Zhang Jixiang, or other masters of other gardens, they all like Niansu.

Even if they are all servants serving in the main hall, which one is not targeting Niansu, but secretly targeting her?

Before Niansu entered the East Palace, although she wasn't necessarily so likable, at least these people wouldn't look down on others. Now when she sees Wu Xiyu looking at Niansu differently, her anger is burning in her heart.

She is also a servant, but Wu Liangyuan is also looking towards Niansu, obviously she is the one sent in by Concubine Wu.

Since Wu Liangyuan doesn't treat her as her own, why should she turn to Wu Liangyuan?

If you really want to find a backer, Qin Liangdi is more reliable than Wu Liangyuan.

Her brows became cold, and she walked away without looking back.

Wu Xiyu said some caring words to Niansu, and then walked away.

Nian Sugong sent Wu Xiyu away from the main hall, and the smile on his face gradually faded. I'm afraid that even Wu Liangyuan doesn't know that His Highness's favor for her is only superficial, but Qin Liangdi's favor is real.

Another anxious person was Wang Zhaoxun. After she received the news, she wanted to find someone to discuss, but Li Chenghui also said that she did not want outsiders to know that the two of them were close.

She sent Ziyuan to find someone to inquire about the news, and it was true that Qin Zhao was indeed sleeping last night.

It's just that after serving the bed, His Royal Highness didn't have any reward, and the news didn't spread to the East Palace. It seems that His Highness the Prince didn't pay much attention to Qin Zhao's bed-serving.

On the side of the main hall, since Niansu entered the East Palace, it was the first time that Niansu sent a message to Changqiu Palace.

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