After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 228 As an orphaned woman, I have the obligation to stay in bed

The more Niansu thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high, otherwise it would not make sense.

But His Royal Highness is not a soft-hearted person, how could Qin Liangdi give such an order just because Qin Liangdi chewed a few words?

Qiu Shui was also flattered, and it took a while for her to find her voice: "The servant will definitely be on duty and live up to His Highness's expectations."

"Yeah." Xiao Ce didn't want to say more.

Since Qin Zhao mentioned Qiushui, he might as well give Qiushui a chance. As for whether Qiushui can handle the important task, it depends on Qiushui's performance.

Qiu Shui's next performance was quite remarkable. Although he was not as delicate as Nian Su, he was not able to make his own decisions, which made him satisfied.

It was night, and Qiushui finally found out that Xiao Ce had gone to Mochizuki Residence. After returning from Wangyueju, His Royal Highness transferred her to serve her, which was probably Qin Zhao's credit.

Qin Zhao only mentioned this matter to her a few days ago, and Qin Zhao took action so quickly, which she did not expect.

This also shows that Qin Zhao did not fool her verbally and made her feel good about Qin Zhao.

For the next two days, Qiu Shui and Niansu spent as much time on duty as Xiao Ce, and Qiu Shui worked hard and wanted to be reused, so he worked very hard.

Niansu finally felt a sense of crisis at this time. If Qiu Shui was to be reused by His Royal Highness, her status would be threatened. She might think of a way to "remove" Qiu Shui as an opponent.

The maid in front of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can only be her. She wants to let His Highness see that Qiushui is a very ambitious maid, and she is not willing to be a maid.

That evening, Xiao Ce asked Qiushui to visit Wangyueju and invited Qin Zhao to the main hall for dinner.

When Qiushui went to Wangyueju, he immediately expressed his gratitude to Qin Zhao: "The servant knows that Liang Di is in front of His Highness to help the servant, and the servant has the opportunity to serve in front of His Highness. The servant is very grateful."

Qin Zhao was very satisfied when she saw Qiu Shui's interest, and she did not forget to remind Qiu Shui: "This is all I can do, and whether I can make His Royal Highness trust you more will depend on your own ability. Qiushui, do you know why Niansu? Can you trust His Royal Highness?"

Qiu Shui felt that the question was very simple, and answered without hesitation, "Because Nian Su was the one sent to the East Palace by Concubine Shu."

"It's a big mistake. According to His Highness's temperament, if he doesn't trust Niansu, even if it is someone sent by Concubine Shu, His Highness will not reuse her. The reason why Niansu can be highly regarded by His Highness is because she acts steadily, And she hid her thoughts to His Highness very well, you can't compare to Niansu." Qin Zhao said bluntly.

Qiushui didn't expect Qin Zhao to be so straightforward, her face instantly flushed red: "No slaves..."

"You don't have to be nervous. Whether it's the Eastern Palace or this harem, there are many palace maids who admire His Royal Highness, but they have no chance to serve His Royal Highness. I think everyone has a love for beauty. His Royal Highness is so handsome and so handsome. He is valued by the emperor, and he is also the heir of Daqi. There are many women who are happy with His Highness. Mind, because His Royal Highness wants a loyal servant. If a loyal servant is interested in him, he will not be able to do errands. In this regard, Niansu has done an excellent job. She knows how to restrain her feelings and how to be a loyal servant. The way. Now that you have been transferred to His Royal Highness, you need to prevent her from designing and setting up..."

On the way to the main hall, Qin Zhao said a lot to Qiushui.

Qiu Shui was very helpful. At the very least, Qin Zhao didn't look down on her because she was a palace servant, and he didn't think she was tempted by His Royal Highness, so he looked down on her.

For the first time, she felt that there was a reason why His Royal Highness treated Qin Liangdi differently, just because Qin Liangdi was different.

Not to mention that His Royal Highness likes such a person, she likes it too.

"Usually, if you pay more attention to Nian Su, you will surely gain something." Before entering the main hall, Qin Zhao said one last sentence.

"Xie Liangdi's suggestion, this slave can save it." Qiu Shui replied respectfully.

Qin Zhao didn't say anything after that.

When she went to the dining room, she saw that dinner was ready and Xiao Ce was waiting for her.

Seeing her coming, he pulled her to sit next to him: "It's all your favorite dishes, you can see if you like it. If you don't like it, let the cook cook it again."

Seeing the delicious food on the table, Qin Zhao nodded again and again: "I like it all."

It was indeed her food preference, but why did she think he had fed her because he was waiting to kill her?

I can't blame her for being a villain. I ate dinner here last time, and then she went to bed. Will it be the same this time?

She looked at Xiao Ce and met his gentle eyebrows.

Forget it, even if he was slaughtered by him, she would be willing, who told him to be good-looking, her man, or her savior?

Moreover, his figure is indeed very good, and his face is seductive, and it is not a loss to sleep with him.

After figuring this out, Qin Zhao happily ate.

Seeing that she was having a good time, Xiao Ce looked at her increasingly round face and was very satisfied.

This girl is actually very easy to raise. If her body is not as delicate as before, it shouldn't be too hard to give birth to a child.

Qin Zhao followed Xiao Ce's line of sight and looked at his... stomach, a little puzzled: "What is Your Highness looking at?"

What's so beautiful about her belly?

Xiao Ce retracted his gaze as if nothing had happened, and said softly with his eyebrows: "You need to gain more weight. Now your body is too delicate."

"It's much better now than before. In the past, my concubine fainted at every turn, but now I don't." Qin Zhao, while eating by himself, didn't forget to prepare food for Xiao Ce: "Your Highness doesn't need to worry about the concubine, the concubine will take care of herself. It is in vain and fat, His Royal Highness is usually busy with government affairs, and he has to take good care of himself."

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao who was so considerate and thoughtful, thinking that when she first saw her, she was so thin that she lost her shape.

Now not only is he in better shape, but he is also more and more sensible. He actually has a sense of pride and satisfaction that I have grown up with as a young girl.

As she said, she is indeed still young, and she really shouldn't be in a hurry to have children.

"If you don't want a child now, don't give birth for now, and wait until your body is in the best condition, or you are ready to be a mother."

Xiao Ce's words made Qin Zhao's eyes light up: "Does Your Highness mean that your concubine doesn't need to be in bed?"

Wouldn't she feel a lot more relaxed?

Xiao Ce looked directly at Qin Zhao's dark and bright eyes, and his thin lips opened lightly: "Zhaozhao, do you know that you are an orphan?"

"I know. But Liangdi is not only a concubine, isn't there another Liangdi?" Qin Zhao lightly curled his lips.

"The meaning of being lonely is that you are an orphaned woman. As an orphaned woman, you have the obligation to serve in bed." Xiao Ce tried to reason with Qin Zhao.

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