After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 229 The difference between Xiao Ce and her was exhausted

Qin Zhao immediately retorted when he heard Xiao Ce's words: "His Royal Highness once said in Guangyu Lanyuan that day that he would not have the idea of ​​hitting a concubine's body, and he also said that he would not be interested in a concubine's body."

Xiao Ce was stunned for a while when he heard this, he thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was such a thing.

At that time, he did not expect that Qin Zhao would become his Liang Di.

"Nevertheless, as your man, Gu can't let you live as a widow. This is the responsibility of Gu as your man." Xiao Ce justified it.

Qin Zhao smiled and said without a smile: "The concubine is willing to be a widow, can your Highness let go of the concubine's body?"

His tone of looking for her to sleep with her seemed to be giving her a hand, she didn't need this kind of alms, and she was not the kind of woman who couldn't live without Xiao Ce's body.

"That goes against Gu Gu's original intention of letting you in the East Palace." Xiao Ce said, wiped his mouth for Qin Zhao, and looked at her tenderly: "Are you full?"

Qin Zhao didn't want to talk to him anymore, and clapped his hand away.

Sure enough, as she thought, he had fed her and raised her to become fat, so he could just tear her apart and swallow her up. Unexpectedly, the virtuous First Prince Xiao turned out to be such a man.

Fortunately, he was relatively gentle on the bed, he would take into account her feelings and would not be too rude.

After Qin Zhao had eaten and drank enough, he was led by Xiao Ce to go out to digest food. Later, he was forced to be his book boy. She was not happy and pushed Qiushui out: "Let Qiushui study ink, and my concubine will go and rest first. ."

After she finished speaking, she rolled away, wanting to leave the main hall by the way.

Xiao Ce saw through her little trick, raised his lips and said, "Tonight you are staying in the main hall, so be obedient."

Qin Zhao wanted to reply to him why she should be obedient?

But she still didn't struggle, because he had a lot of interest in her body, so he didn't know which part of her he was going to study tonight.

Xu Shi thought of the inappropriate picture, and her face flushed red.

When she walked out of the study and felt a strange sight, she raised her head and met Niansu's scrutinizing eyes.

"The slave maid respectfully sends Liang Di." Nian Su bowed to Qin Zhao and lowered her head.

Qin Zhao walked up to Niansu and said in a low voice, "Niansu, come with me."

"The servant girl wants to serve His Royal Highness the Prince and cannot leave without permission. Please forgive me." Niansu replied respectfully.

She couldn't find any fault in her attitude, but she refused plainly, that is, not treating her as a master.

It's also true that Xiao Ce, who was served by Niansu, is not a good lady like her.

"There's something I've wanted to say for a long time. You are not that important to His Highness. No, without you, there is also autumn water for dispatch. Let's go, don't let me rush and ask for four times." Qin Zhao finished , then headed towards the main hall.

Nian Su lightly bit her lower lip, looked at Qin Zhao's back, and hesitated to follow.

She is really not that important, but why should she obey Qin Zhao's orders? After all, she is also the maid of the main palace, how can Liang Di be bigger than His Royal Highness?

After thinking about it again and again, she suddenly hesitated and did not intend to follow.

If Qin Liangdi had a small belly and complained to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness would be able to see what kind of person Qin Liangdi was.

This is not a bad thing.

Who would have thought that she had waited for a while, but Qin Liangdi had not come back, which made her unable to understand what Qin Liangdi was thinking.

I thought that based on Qin Liangdi's arrogance, she would not miss this opportunity to humiliate her, but the truth is just the opposite.

Qin Zhao was not surprised that Niansu ignored her orders.

Although Niansu is a palace maid, she has strong self-esteem and high self-confidence. She usually looks down on her. How could Niansu take her orders into consideration?

She expected such a result, which gave her more room to play.

She walked around the main hall by herself, and then ran to the clean room to take a bath. When she came out of the fragrant rose bath, Xiao Ce had already returned to the bedroom.

Qin Zhao still has moisture on her body, because she just took a bath, her cheeks are red and pink, her beautiful eyes are misty, her lips are also red and gorgeous, and her whole body is like a ripe red apple, which makes people think Take a bite.

Xiao Ce pulled Qin Zhao to him and took a light bite on her red face.

Qin Zhao was startled and pushed Xiao Ce away quickly, "What if my concubine's body is broken?"

It's hard to have a beautiful face, but Xiao Ce can't be ruined.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nian Su who was not far away, and she took it to heart.

At this time, Xiao Ce pulled her to him again, she hurriedly pushed him away, and said in a muffled voice, "My concubine wants to go back."

Seeing her darkened face, Xiao Ce was completely different from the radiant face she had before: "Isn't it good just now?"

"I'm not happy here. The people in your main hall look superior to others, and even the servants can't move. I don't like coming here. It's more comfortable to go back to Wangyueju." Qin Zhao whispered: "It's not rude to be a concubine. The person who was here specially waited for His Highness to come down, and then told His Highness about returning to Mochizukiju."

"Tell me, who disrespects you?" Xiao Ce instantly grasped the point of the question.

Qin Zhao shook his head: "It's not a matter of respect..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Niansu knelt down on the ground: "It's the servant's fault. Just now Liangcai asked the servant to accompany her for a while, but the servant was worried that there was no one around to serve her, so she didn't follow."

"I said that at the time, there is Qiushui waiting by His Highness, and His Highness is not inseparable from her... Anyway, I just don't understand why the servants of the main hall are higher than the master, and each one's vision is so high. Yes, it makes people feel unhappy. Forget it, let's not talk about it, rest early, my concubine will return to Mochizuki to stay overnight." Qin Zhao said and planned to leave.

Anyway, it was impossible for Niansu to resist her, she wanted to set back Niansu's spirit.

Since Niansu in the previous life could slowly wear off Xiao Ce's differences towards her, she could also use the same method to wear off Xiao Ce's differences towards Niansu little by little.

Xiao Ce grabbed Qin Zhao's arm and pulled her back to his side: "You stay by Gu's side."

While speaking, he looked at Nian and returned it, and ordered in a cold voice: "Niansu does not discriminate between high and low, he will go to the Criminal Division to receive his punishment. In the next half month, you don't have to wait in front of the lonely one, retire!"

Nian Su did not expect that he would be punished so severely.

That was the Criminal Division, and the maids who made mistakes would go there to receive punishment. The lightest punishment was flogging. The last maid to be punished was Bao Yuan, and it was also because of Qin Zhao that he was punished.

Her eyes were red, and she had never felt so wronged like this.

No matter how tired or bitter she was in the past, she never complained, but now because of His Royal Highness's punishment, she felt like she was stripped of her clothes by Qin Liangdi, so she couldn't look up to see anyone.

She felt uncomfortable, and after kneeling to thank her, she left the dormitory.

Qin Liangdi is really good, but it was just one sentence that made His Royal Highness be so cruel to her. She still underestimated Qin Liangdi's ability and miscalculated the situation, so she would have this disaster.

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