Hearing Wu Xiyu threaten him like this, Qin Zhao simply lay down on the couch: "Whatever you want, I'll sleep for a while."

She didn't care about Wu Xiyu, just stared at him, and soon fell asleep.

She slept until she woke up naturally, it was dusk, and Wu Xiyu was still sitting beside her. It seemed like what Wu Xiyu said, if she didn't agree, Wu Xiyu wouldn't leave.

Originally, Qin Zhao had only suspected that Wu Xiyu had prepared some trap for her to jump in. Now that Wu Xiyu was not looking for her to attend the party, she felt that her suspicion might be the truth.

"If elder sister finds it troublesome, why don't you invite everyone to Mochizuki Residence, which just happens to be spacious enough. Big sister is Liang Di, and all sisters should have elder sister." Seeing that Qin Zhao was awake, Wu Xiyu made such a suggestion.

Qin Zhao had no interest in this party at first, but now that Wu Xiyu came up with such a bad idea, she had no choice but to compromise: "Forget it, I just participated, and I really convinced my sister's perseverance."

Wu Xiyu's eyes lit up, and she couldn't hold back her smile: "Sister agreed, just go ahead and prepare, and wait for her visit later. By the way, the meeting place will be in Wuhua Pavilion."

Qin Zhao responded lightly and watched Wu Xiyu walk away, the smile on her face faded.

Although she didn't know what trick Wu Xiyu wanted to play, it wouldn't be a good thing.

"Liangdi needs to be careful, the slave thinks that Wu Liangyuan's kind people will not come." Baozhu also had a bad premonition.

"It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided. Let's see what tricks she's playing." Qin Zhao said, and asked Baozhu to help her choose a dress.

The weather is getting colder, the Mid-Autumn Festival has already entered the autumn, and it is night again, Baozhu chose a thicker dress, especially since I haven't seen His Royal Highness for such a long time, tonight is a good opportunity, so this dress is of course There must be certain characteristics that can match Qin Zhao's stunning appearance.

After Qin Zhao put it on, he turned around in front of the four treasures, "Just this set, it's warm enough."

"Liangdi looks good in whatever she wears. Later, when His Highness sees Liangdi, she will be fascinated by Liangdi again." Baoyu sighed from the bottom of her heart.

When Qin Zhao heard Baoyu's words, he understood that Xiao Ce commented on her "slickness" every time after her flattery. Speaking of which, she also felt that when Baoyu spoke sweet words, she had a virtue with herself.

She used to be lazy, and her hair was casually tied in a bun. The Four Treasures wanted to dress her in gold and silver, but she thought it was troublesome and refused.

Baoyu's saliva was exhausted, but Qin Zhao could not be persuaded.

When Qin Zhao appeared in Wuhua Pavilion, the scene was already overcrowded.

Speaking of the day Qin Zhao entered the East Palace, today is the first time I have seen all the beauties in the East Palace. There are probably more than 30 people, each of them is beautiful and has its own characteristics.

But when so many beauties saw Qin Zhao, they all fixed their gazes, and even Xiao Ce's gaze came over and couldn't move away for a long time.

Qin Zhao appeared in everyone's field of vision during the lively moment.

She was dressed in a brocade robe woven with flowers and butterflies made of cloud and satin, and a skirt of clouds and butterflies. She had no ornaments on her body, like a fairy who had entered the world by mistake. Jie Shenghui.

The noise at the scene disappeared unconsciously, everyone remembered the former Qin Zhao, who was so ordinary, and how did Qin Zhao achieve such a qualitative change in his temperament and beauty in a short period of time?

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Qin Zhao thought that he had never seen a beauty before?

She went to the first seat and saluted Xiao Ce, but Xiao Ce's expression was very flat, obviously calmer than these bumpkins who had never seen the world, worthy of being the prince.

She took her seat, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Wu Xiyu, who was sitting beside Xiao Ce, looking at her with a smile: "Sister Qin came too late, she has to punish herself with three cups."

Qin Zhao thought that it was good to drink alcohol, but this body had never drank alcohol before, so she didn't know how much she could drink, but she could drink it before.

"I'm not good at drinking, why don't I punish myself for drinking three cups of tea." Qin Zhao said, picking up the tea cup and wanting to drink it all.

Of course Wu Xiyu wouldn't let Qin Zhao go easily, she smiled and said, "This is Sister Qin's, isn't it. Sister Qin is such an arrogant woman, she can't be unwilling to honor the Crown Prince even after three glasses of wine. Your Highness, do you think so? "

She said while looking at Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce glanced at the naive Wu Xiyu, then looked at Qin Zhao who was sitting in the lower seat, and opened his lips indifferently: "Women should not drink..."

"His Royal Highness is looking down on Sister Qin? If not, there happens to be a good osmanthus brewed in a jar, and it should be fine for Sister Qin to drink three glasses." She whispered to Xiao Ce as she spoke: "All sisters They are all looking at the concubine body, the concubine body has already spoken, if His Highness stops it, where will the concubine body face?"

Xiao Ce took a deep look at Wu Xiyu and met her pleading eyes. In the end, he acquiesced to Wu Xiyu's actions without saying anything.

After that, Luoxia brought the sweet-scented osmanthus brew and poured a glass for Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao looked at the fine wine in the glass and thought to himself that there would be no poison in the wine, right? But she can't always test for drugs in public.

At this moment, Xiao Ce suddenly raised his voice: "Pour a drink for everyone, and a drink here alone."

Qin Zhao secretly rejoiced, feeling that Xiao Ce's method worked. With just such a jar of wine, one drink per person is finished, and the wine that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince drinks, Wu Xiyu only dares to poison the wine unless he wants the Wu family to be buried with him.

Xiao Ce gave the order, Luoxia went to the first seat and poured a drink, and the other beauties in the East Palace also poured a glass.

Everyone just thinks that this sweet-scented osmanthus wine is fragrant, and if you smell it, you will know that it is a good wine.

After Qin Zhao smelled the aroma of the wine, his nose moved. It was really fragrant, but he didn't know how it tasted. She sat still and didn't drink, and Wu Xiyu asked, "Why doesn't my sister drink?"

"I'm not good at drinking, I'm afraid I'll make a joke if I drink too much." Qin Zhao smiled reservedly.

Wu Xiyu laughed when she heard this: "Sister is used to joking, even His Highness drank it, why don't you give it a try?"

Seeing that she couldn't dodge it, Qin Zhao took the wine glass, and after taking a sip, she shook her head: "No, I'm not used to drinking it."

Baoyu had never seen Qin Zhao drinking before, so she believed it to be true, and she was anxious: "Your Highness, Liang Di is really not allowed to drink, please let your Highness go to Liang Di."

Seeing this, Xiao Ce said, "If you can't drink it, that's all."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Baoyu hurriedly handed Qin Zhao another cup of tea.

Qin Zhao took a sip of tea and said, "I'm dizzy and want to sleep."

Wu Xiyu was sitting next to Xiao Ce, and when she saw Qin Zhao's pretentious look, she could still smile hard: "It seems that my sister's alcohol intake is really poor. Today is a special day, and my sister's status is honorable, so she can't leave the table first."


Good night little fairies, rest early

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