"But I'm uncomfortable." Qin Zhao said and looked at Xiao Ce, his eyes filled with resentment: "His Royal Highness, my concubine is uncomfortable, and I want to go back and rest, okay?"

Her eyes were originally beautiful, but at this moment, it seemed that they would seduce people's souls. Xiao Ce lost his mind for a moment. Go back quickly."

"Yes." After Qiushui responded, he glanced at Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce didn't give her a wink, so she had to prepare the hangover soup.

When Qin Zhao saw this scene, he knew that what he had just done didn't work. She wanted to know what kind of surprise Wu Xiyu had prepared for her.

Qiushui quickly handed the hangover soup to Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao stopped drinking it after a sip: "The more I drink, the more disgusting I want to go back to rest, if you don't let me go back to rest, I'll beat her so much that she can't find it. to the north."

After she finished speaking, Wu Xiyu stopped her again: "Sister Qin, you can't..."

Qin Zhao got angry when he heard this, rushed to Wu Xiyu and slapped him.

Wu Xiyu didn't expect Qin Zhao to suddenly attack her. She didn't react for a while. Seeing that Qin Zhao was about to hit her in the face, Xiao Ce grabbed Qin Zhao's hand in time: "Qin Liangdi, don't go crazy!"

Qin Zhao curled his lips aggrievedly: "My concubine is dizzy, nauseated, and uncomfortable. Why don't Your Highness check to see if there is a problem with the wine."

"You're just drunk." Xiao Ce looked at Qiushui: "Go and send Qin Liangdi back."

"His Royal Highness is eccentric, and protects Sister Wu with everything. Well, I can't fight to hide, okay?" Qin Zhao said, shaking off Xiao Ce's hand, and left Wuhua Pavilion with the help of Qiushui.

On the way back to Wangyueju, Qin Zhao found that the rest of the East Palace was quiet, probably because everyone went to the so-called Mid-Autumn Festival party.

She felt that this was not so unusual.

There must be some conspiracy for Wu Xiyu to gather everyone together, and her intuition tells her that Wu Xiyu is targeting her.

"It's so quiet." Qin Zhao looked at Qiushui: "Go back to your Highness and serve, and remember to take good care of His Highness."

"Yes, Liang Di." Qiushui replied.

Because she was the only one serving by His Royal Highness today, she was indeed a little worried about His Highness.

When Qin Zhao returned to Mochizuki, he slowed down and looked left and right. Seeing that Qin Zhao was observing the environment, Baozhu asked, "But what's wrong with Mochizuki?"

"I don't know, it doesn't feel good anyway, so go first." Qin Zhao didn't see anything wrong outside, so he entered Mochizuki Residence.

Wangyueju was served by the Four Treasures, and Baozhu and Baoyu went out with her, leaving behind Baoyuan and Treasure Vase.

After returning to Wangyueju, she called Baoyuan and Baoping to her: "When I went out, did Mochiyueju hear anything?"

"No." Bao Ping and Bao Yuan said in unison.

Qin Zhao shook his head and felt a little dizzy: "I don't know if there is a problem with the alcohol, or if I can't drink, I'm actually a little dizzy."

At first, she was really pretending, but later she felt that she might be really drunk, anyway, people were dizzy.

She asked Bao Ping to take the pulse for herself: "You can help me diagnose the pulse to see if I have taken some psychedelic medicine."

At first, Bao Ping only thought that Qin Zhao was joking, but after taking Qin Zhao's pulse, her expression became more and more serious.

Qin Zhao yawned a lot and just wanted to sleep: "Have you finished your pulse? I want to sleep."

Baozhu saw the strange expression of Baojing, and she asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Bao Ping did not speak, and asked Bao Yuan to fetch the silver needle.

The silver needle was taken out from the treasure bottle, and the needles were inserted into Qin Zhao's several acupuncture points.

"It's fortunate that Liangdi has a lot of heart, otherwise she won't know it this time. The servant just checked the pulse and found that Liangdi's pulse was wrong. This is likely to be caused by taking some kind of drug that makes people drowsy. Fake appearance." Aquarius said sternly.

Qin Zhao was secretly shocked: "But I only took a sip. Others also drank the osmanthus brew from the jar, and even His Royal Highness drank it."

"This medicine only makes people drowsy and has the effect of sleeping. The slaves have to see the wine to know what the medicine is." While the bottle was talking, she put away the needle.

Qin Zhao's mind is clear now, and she is thinking about Wu Xiyu's purpose for doing this.

To deal with her? Or take Xiao Ce as a target?

If Xiao Ce was drowsy after drinking, and Wu Xiyu used the name of sending Xiao Ce back to the East Palace, and took advantage of Xiao Ce's drowsiness, wouldn't Xiao Ce become the fish in Wu Xiyu's hands?

"Wu Xiyu's target is probably His Royal Highness, I'm going to Wuhua Pavilion." Qin Zhao got up suddenly.

She remembered that she was also hit, and said: "Baozhu and Baoyu accompany me to the main hall, Baoping and Baoyuan will check Mochizuki again carefully, they must check carefully, and there must be no slack!"

Baoping and Baoyuan both knew that the matter was urgent, and they responded in unison.

Qin Zhao hurried to Wuhua Pavilion.

When she went there, she realized that she was one step late, Wu Xiyu and Xiao Ce both left Wuhua Pavilion, and the so-called party was also hastily ended because of Xiao Ce's early departure.

Qin Zhao had no choice but to turn around and head towards the main hall.

In the main hall, after Xiao Ce went to the bedroom, he fell down on the couch to rest.

Seeing this, Wu Xiyu said to Qiushui, "Go down, I will serve you here."

Qiushui hesitated.

She always felt that something was wrong with His Royal Highness. Although His Royal Highness rarely touches alcohol on weekdays, his alcohol intake is not so bad.

And only Wu Liangyuan was left to take care of His Royal Highness, she was worried about what happened.

"You don't listen to my orders anymore?" Wu Xiyu looked at Qiushui coldly.

Qiu Shui lowered his head and avoided Wu Xiyu's eyes: "Slaves don't dare."

"Retreat!" Wu Xiyu ordered coldly.

Qiushui stepped back according to his words, not daring to go too far.

Just when she was in a hurry, Qin Zhao came in a hurry.

She hurried forward to meet her, and winked inside: "The servant just came out."

Qin Zhao understood and raised his voice, "Where is Your Highness?!"

"His Royal Highness is about to go to bed, Liang Di can't rush in." Qiu Shui answered and cooperated perfectly.

Wu Xiyu was about to help Xiao Ce undress, but when she heard Qin Zhao's voice, she was secretly startled, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

How could Qin Zhao come to the main hall, and it was at this juncture?

At this time, Qin Zhao had already barged in. The moment he saw her, Qin Zhao seemed a little surprised: "Sister Wu is there too?"

"Isn't my sister drunk?" Wu Xiyu replied with a light smile, having returned to her normal state.

Her good game of chess should have been flawless. Tonight was the perfect opportunity for her to sleep, but Qin Zhao actually killed him?

Obviously Qin Zhao also drank sweet-scented osmanthus.

"Xu Shi drank the sober soup from Qiushui, and once he returned to Wangyueju, he sobered up. I remembered that I had something to ask His Royal Highness, so I came to look for His Highness."

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