After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 239 Mochizuki has one more man

Qin Zhao stepped forward and saw Xiao Ce lying on the couch, seemingly unconscious.

She was about to see more clearly, but Wu Xiyu said, "Your Highness is asleep. Sister, don't disturb His Highness to rest. Otherwise, I will leave with my sister."

Qin Zhao's smile is unclear: "I have never seen His Royal Highness sleep so deeply. Come on, go and invite Lord Feng to see a doctor for His Royal Highness!"

Wu Xiyu's face changed slightly. She was not sure what to do when Xiao Ce, who was in a drowsiness, suddenly said, "What's the matter?"

Qin Zhao looked back at Xiao Ce, and Wu Xiyu was also shocked.

Xiao Ce clearly also drank alcohol, how could there be nothing at all, why can Xiao Ce wake up so quickly?

"Is Your Highness alright?" Qin Zhao hurriedly sat in front of the couch and asked with concern.

Xiao Ce met her clear eyes and said softly, "I was asleep, but you woke me up."

"Is it the concubine's fault?" Seeing that he was sane, Qin Zhao suddenly understood one thing. Xiao Ce was so careful that he didn't drink the sweet-scented osmanthus brew.

That is to say, even if she didn't rush over, Xiao Ce wouldn't be caught, and he might have a relationship with Wu Xiyu.

Xiao Ce looked at Wu Xiyu and waved to her: "Wu Liangyuan, come here."

Wu Xiyu was shocked. She didn't know how much Xiao Ce knew. She thought that Xiao Ce was going to ask her to ask her about the guilt.

"Qin Liangdi is not malicious, don't be afraid, go back and rest early." Xiao Ce looked at Qiushui: "Go and see Wu Liangyuan."

Qiushui responded and took Wu Xiyu away.

When Wu Xiyu walked out of the main hall, her heart was still hanging.

The only possibility that Xiao Ce didn't get hit is that Xiao Ce didn't drink the glass of wine, but she clearly saw him drinking osmanthus brewed osmanthus brew. In this case, how could he be sober?

Xiao Ce didn't drink, which only means that Xiao Ce was guarding her, and even Xiao Ce saw through her sinister thoughts. If so, why didn't Xiao Ce expose the matter?

On the way back to the Autumn Pavilion, Wu Xiyu had a lot of thoughts, and she couldn't understand the reason...

In the main hall, Qin Zhao stood for a while, and after making sure that Wu Xiyu was far away, she said, "My concubine is back."

"No hurry, you drank sweet-scented osmanthus brew, is there something wrong?" Xiao Ce asked.

Since Qin Zhao will rush over, it proves that there is a problem with the wine. He saw her drink some before.

"Fortunately, I'm just a little dizzy. Your Highness is different. She is much more scheming. Not only did she deceive her concubine, but she also deceived Wu Liangyuan. The concubine shouldn't have come, and ruined the good things between Your Highness and Wu Liangyuan." Qin Zhao lightly curled the corners of his lips, his dissatisfaction written on his face.

Hearing her resentful tone, Xiao Ce couldn't help laughing: "What good can Gu and Wu Liangyuan have? Gu just thinks that Wu Liangyuan is different recently, so Gu must be careful about what she sent, so as not to be like the last time he was in Zhao Mansion. Hit."

Qin Zhao looked at his white fingertips and was too lazy to answer.

Anyway, the man's words were not credible, so she didn't believe it anymore. In the face of a stunning person like Wu Xiyu, Xiao Ce never thought about it.

After she became beautiful, didn't he quickly eat her up?

"The concubine went back." Qin Zhao didn't want to stay here any longer, so he wanted to leave.

Xiao Ce hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her: "Are you angry that you have been left alone during this time?"

"My concubine didn't hold her breath, it was just too late, I wanted to sleep." Qin Zhao yawned, this was not a lie, she was really sleepy, maybe the effect of the medicine came back.

Although she has not spoken to Xiao Ce recently, Qiushui has visited Mochizuki several times and told Xiao Ce the real reason for alienating her. That time she was called to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Although Xiao Ce didn't come to see her in person, he also sent Qiushui to come to condolence to her.

Speaking of which, Xiao Ce alienated her for her own good, so she wouldn't blame Xiao Ce for this.

"You are staying here tonight." Xiao Ce said, pulling Qin Zhao to the bed.

Qin Zhao hurriedly shook his head: "No, it's more appropriate for my concubine to go back to Wangyueju to sleep."

Compared with some kind of favor, she still felt that her life was more important.

"Be obedient." Xiao Ce lowered his face.

Qin Zhao struggled to stand up, so as not to be intimidated by his black face.

The next moment, she was thrown down on the couch by Xiao Thorn and kissed him fiercely.

She is a woman with not very strong self-control. Being kissed so forcefully by Xiao Ce, she suddenly forgot the fact that her life is more important. In front of Mei Se, and without threatening Xiao's life for the time being, she can still go on.

The two were kissing in full swing, when someone's voice came from far to near: "Liangdi, it's not good..."

The owner of the voice is the treasure bottle.

Qin Zhao broke free from the trap of beauty, she pushed Xiao Ce away, sat up straight, and quickly sorted out her clothes and hair.

Xiao Ce watched her face-changing movements from the side, looking at her strangely.

Qin Zhaobai glanced at him, then raised his voice and asked, "Come in, what happened?"

When Baoping heard Qin Zhao's voice, he dared to enter and report: "Fangcai slave and Baoyuan found one in Wangyueju, one..."

Out of the corner of her eyes, she looked in Xiao Ce's direction.

"Tell me, what did you find?" Xiao Ce's thin lips parted lightly.

Bao Ping had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "I found a man in Wangyueju, and now he is under the control of Baoyuan. The slave does not know what to do, so I came here to ask Liang Di."

Qin Zhao was stunned for a moment, and soon his face darkened again.

Of course, there is another possibility. Wu Xiyu's plan is not only for her, but also for being able to sleep tonight.

Good one kills two birds with one stone.

There is no doubt that Wu Xiyu's main purpose is to destroy her.

It was clear that she wanted another man on her couch, and Wu Xiyu could bring someone to arrest her the next day. She drank osmanthus brewed with drugs, and she was completely conscious.

Wu Xiyu's move is really poisonous.

Qin Zhao wanted to understand the truth in an instant, and Xiao Ce also wanted to understand.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "This matter should not be publicized, and people will be executed in secret."

Qin Zhao heard the words and looked at Xiao Ce, "His Royal Highness knew who caused the matter, but did you plan to let that person go like this?"

"Gu will use her to contain Concubine Wu. If she is not in the East Palace, Concubine Wu will have no scruples in doing things." Xiao Ce said solemnly.

Of course he knew that this was unfair to Qin Zhao, and it was clear that Qin Zhao was the victim.

"Well, it's up to you to do whatever you want. It's up to you if you want to teach her a lesson. You can use your own way. You don't have to let Gu know." Xiao Ce thought about it, and he felt that he couldn't let Wu Xiyu go easily, otherwise It will only help Wu Xiyu's arrogance.

Qin Zhao snorted lightly, "That's not too bad."

She was angry and didn't want to face Xiao Ce's ugly face again, so she walked away without looking back.

She was about to leave the main hall when she met Niansu...

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