After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 241 Drag Qin Niangdi to Ben Gong and beat her hard!

Qin Zhao sneered and hooked his lips: "This is ridiculous. I was drunk after drinking your sweet-scented osmanthus brew yesterday, and I was unconscious all night. I just told Sister Li about it, and Sister Li also said that she She was drunk, so I came over with her to ask you what's going on. Who knew that you saw a wild man on your couch, and now you want to blame me? Why don't you go to His Highness and let His Highness see your couch with his own eyes? Who is the man up there?"

Wu Xiyu was forced to say a word by Qin Zhao's words.

Yesterday, it was true that she added hypnotic drugs to the wine, but the person she wanted to deal with was Qin Zhao. It might be evidence that she was drugged in alcohol.

Now Qin Zhao suddenly turned against her, how could she explain it?

Here, Qin Zhao brought Li Chenghui to arrest the rape, and over there Baoyu had spread the news of Wu Xiyu stealing people that night while everyone was drunk.

Of course, this incident alarmed Xiao Ce, and Concubine Wu rushed over after hearing the news. Of course, this incident inevitably spread to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Concubine Wu arrived at Wangqiu Pavilion, Qin Zhao had already left Wangqiu Pavilion in time.

Because of the gap in identity, she still does not have enough strength to confront Wu Guifei head-on, and she did it. If Wu Guifei wants to take her for interrogation, she has nothing to do, so she still has to avoid Wu Guifei sharp.

I was afraid that Concubine Wu would not let her go easily, so I still moved Xiao Ce, the rescuer, in case of emergency...

This concubine Wu Gui entered Wangqiu Pavilion, and after asking what happened before and after, she shouted in a deep voice: "You are also true, since you used a trick, why didn't you kill her once, but instead be led by that slut? The fact that there is someone in Wangqiu Pavilion has spread throughout the entire harem, and the emperor has also received the news, how can this be good?"

Wu Xiyu lost his claim and cried in Concubine Wu's arms: "Auntie Concubine must avenge me, it's not enough for that slut Qin Zhao to take my crown princess position, and he actually wants to kill me, Aunt Noble Concubine, I am wronged!"

Wu Guifei felt very distressed, and she was also very unhappy when she thought of Qin Zhao.

In this harem, apart from the emperor and the prince, she has never put anyone in her eyes. Qin Zhao is a good lady in the district. Does she still want to act according to Qin Zhao's face?

"Bengong is here to help you get justice. You go to Wangyueju with Bengong." Concubine Wu said solemnly.

She then glanced at the man whose mouth was gagged on the ground, and ordered coldly: "First castrate and then kill, do it cleanly and neatly, don't leave the tail! When the emperor asked, he said that this is the servant."

"Yes, Niangniang." Madam Zhong immediately ordered someone to do this, and then went to Mochizuki Residence.

Mochizuki was in the room, Baoping saw Concubine Wu coming from a distance, and immediately winked at Baoyu. Baoyu understood and ran to Qin Zhao to report the incident.

"It's coming soon!" Qin Zhaoren was in the study, her lips curved slightly: "This is my first head-to-head confrontation with the concubine, so don't be short of breath."

"Liangdi, should we avoid it first?!" Bao was already short of breath.

Qin Zhao laughed and laughed: "Do you think it's too late for me to avoid it now?"

Wu Guifei has come to the door, can she escape to the sky?

Baoyu felt that this was true, so she had to bite the bullet and wait by Qin Zhao's side.

"Don't talk for a while. I'm worried that she will use you to perform surgery. I will handle everything and make a decision based on the situation." Qin Zhao urged worriedly.

As soon as the voice fell, there were footsteps approaching, and soon Concubine Wu came to kill him aggressively.

Qin Zhao was still standing by the desk and saw Concubine Wu saluting calmly and calmly: "Congratulations to the concubine Jin An, what is the matter of the concubine coming to Wangyueju?"

"Drag Qin Niangdi to this palace and beat her hard!" Concubine Wu Gui was never unreasonable, and this moment was no exception.

Qin Zhao dared to tease Sister Xi like this, did she really think she was a noble concubine for nothing?

Madam Zhong couldn't get used to Qin Zhao for a long time, so she would rush to Qin Zhao to get someone.

Qin Zhao was not afraid at all, and asked in a low voice, "I don't know why the concubine wanted to take me down? If I did something wrong, the concubine would not tell me and I would voluntarily take the punishment, but if I did nothing wrong, the concubine would fight me. Because of the emperor's favor, he ran to the East Palace to be wild, I don't accept it!"

Concubine Wu Gui was arrogant and domineering, and she went to Mochizukiju to beat someone when she didn't agree with her words. This was not only to beat her, but also to beat Xiao Ce in the face.

Madam Zhong only listened to Concubine Wu's orders, Concubine Wu didn't call to stop, of course she couldn't stop.

In the blink of an eye, she rushed to Qin Zhao, and was about to start, Qin Zhao said coldly, "Bao Yuan, stop this dog slave!"

Bao Yuan couldn't hold back for a long time, and when he got the order, he quickly shot and stopped Madam Zhong.

When Wu Guifei heard that Qin Zhao called Madam Zhong a dog slave, she was already so angry that Qin Zhao, a slut, dared to call Madam Zhong a dog slave. Isn't she calling her a dog in disguise?

Mammy Zhong always relied on serving in front of the noble concubine, and never put anyone in the eye. There are many concubines in the harem who have suffered from Mammy Zhong's idleness.

This time, when she was stopped by Bao Yuan, she couldn't get close to Qin Zhao's body.

Baoyuan's martial arts are excellent, she avoided it lightly, but Zhong mama couldn't hold back the charge, and she was planted on the desk, making her grit her teeth in pain.

Qin Zhao didn't seem to be able to see Madam Zhong's embarrassment and Concubine Wu's dark face, she said in a low voice, "There is a state and a family with family rules. , You must know that this is the territory of His Royal Highness, and I am the good Di of His Highness. If I do something wrong, His Highness will punish me, and it is not the time for the concubine to overtake the robe."

"The prince is busy with government affairs and neglects to discipline the backyard of the East Palace. This palace will take care of the prince today!" Concubine Wu looked at all the servants behind her: "If you win Qin Liangdi, you will be rewarded!"

Seeing this, Qin Zhao simply sat down: "Bao Yuan, let these servants who don't have long eyes see clearly, this is the East Palace!"

Bao Yuan understood, and he did not hesitate to start now, and he brought down one, and soon all the servants brought by Wu Guifei fell to the ground.

Concubine Wu's face was extremely ugly. She did not expect that the servants around Qin Zhao would have such good skills.

Now that it's hard to ride a tiger, she didn't get any advantage from Qin Zhao, how could she be willing?

"I said that if I do something wrong, I will admit the punishment. But if I do nothing wrong, the imperial concubine will never want to put a dirty hat on me. If the imperial concubine insists on messing around, even if it comes to the imperial court, I will not be afraid! "Qin Zhao said again in a leisurely manner.

She sat in front of the desk with a dignified manner, yet nobility and elegance, exuding a powerful aura.

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