This is the first time that Concubine Wu has faced Qin Zhao squarely. How could this bitch dare to speak nonsense in front of her? !

The most incredible thing is that she actually has the aura of a superior, which is ridiculous!

Today, she was reckless, and she underestimated Qin Zhao, so she could not get any benefits when facing Qin Zhao.

In particular, she forgot that Qin Zhao had a master like Bao Yuan by his side, which was her mistake.

"Qin Zhao, this palace remembers you!" Concubine Wu Gui gave Qin Zhao a cold look, and then walked away.

She walked far, and she heard Qin Zhao Yang say, "Congratulations to send off the concubine!!"

Concubine Wu clenched her fists tightly, her teeth itch with hatred.

Qin Zhao, ah Qin Zhao, sooner or later, she will take off a layer of skin from this woman, a bloody shame today!

After Wu Guifei walked away, Xiao Ce, who was hiding in the dark, stood up.

Qin Zhao invited him over early in the morning, saying that she would let him out when she was in critical condition, but this girl was so talented that she drove away Concubine Wu without much effort.

Qin Zhao this girl...

Xiao Ce shook his head and laughed.

Qiu Shui stood aside, and saw the smile on Xiao Ce's face, and his eyes flashed slightly.

At this time, she listened to Xiao Ce and said, "Do you know why Gu reuses you?"

Qiushui didn't know how to answer: "Yes, is it because of Qin Liangdi's recommendation?"

"Although you were sent over by Concubine Wu, Zhaozhao thinks you can use it, so you can use it alone. But you must also know that this is the East Palace. Once you enter the East Palace, there will be no Concubine Wu and Wu family. You have to be loyal. There are only Gu and Qin Liangdi." After a pause, Xiao Ce added: "If you can't do it, you can leave on your own."

There is a lack of such people around him. Zhang Jixiang can't do it, and Niansu can't do it. Qiushui is someone sent by Wu Guifei, and he thought it couldn't be done at first.

But at present, Qiushui is still interesting, but it will take time to carefully observe the whole picture.

Qiu Shui heard the words with a solemn expression: "This servant will definitely live up to His Highness's high hopes!"

Xiao Ce didn't say anything, and took Qiushui and left Wangyueju.

Here Qin Zhao sent away the great plague god Wu Guifei, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Baoyuan is there, otherwise Wu Guifei will give me a meal."

"Even if there are no slaves, there are still jewels. Besides, Liang Di is calm when she is in trouble, and the noble concubine is arrogant, she will not be able to get good things here." Bao Yuan said modestly.

Baoyu echoed on the side: "Fangcai Liangdi is so powerful, and people like Wu Guifei can't help Liangdi."

Just scared them to death.

"I still have to find a way to get rid of Concubine Wu. This is a ticking time bomb. But I am a good concubine, how can I deal with Concubine Wu who covers the sky with one hand?" Qin Zhao couldn't help but sigh, this is nothing but a dream.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's that she can't.

She is stretched thin in the East Palace, not to mention that she is the emperor's harem favorite concubine?

It was said that Concubine Shu, the biological mother of His Royal Highness, had to bow her head when she met Concubine Wu?

This is really hard, hard, hard!

"Don't worry about Liang Di, there will always be a way in the future. As long as Wu Liangyuan is in the East Palace, the noble concubine will not turn against the East Palace. The slaves think this is a good thing." Baozhu said.

The hopes of Concubine Wu and the Wu family are pinned on Wu Xiyu. If Wu Xiyu is really removed one day, Concubine Wu will be even more unscrupulous towards Liang Di.

The scruples of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are right, which is why His Highness the Crown Prince does not want to go deep into the matter knowing that Wu Xiyu murdered Liang Di last night.

"Your words are the same as His Royal Highness. Forget it, I will listen to you. Anyway, I have fought back, and I feel much better." Of course Qin Zhao also knew that Xiao Ce was only the prince.

The prince is still pressing the emperor's mountain on it.

She counted the days carefully, and it would be two full years before Xiao Ce would ascend the throne.

Before Xiao Ce ascended the throne, he always had to look at the emperor's face. It was really a long two years.

Concubine Wu Gui went to Wangyueju aggressively, then returned without success and returned to Wangqiu Pavilion.

When Wu Xiyu saw Wu Guifei's return, he asked, "Could your aunt teach Qin Liangdi a lesson for me?"

Afraid that Concubine Wu would be embarrassed, Madam Zhong hurriedly replied, "Of course there is. Liangyuan can rest assured that with the concubine, Qin Liangdi will not be able to turn the tide. This matter is also resolved by the concubine, so Liangyuan can rest first."

Wu Xiyu believed it to be true and thanked Concubine Wu Gui.

When Wu Guifei saw that Wu Xiyu was back to normal, she comforted a few words and went to the main hall.

Xiao Ce was not surprised when he saw Concubine Wu coming to kill him.

"What does the prince think about the fact that there is one more eunuch in Wangqiu Pavilion?" Wu Guifei went straight to the topic.

"Gu believes in Wu Liangyuan's character, and she will naturally not do anything to betray Gu. There may be some misunderstanding." Xiao Ce also understood Wu Guifei's intention at this moment.

Wu Guifei couldn't get any benefit from Qin Zhao, so she wanted him to deal with Qin Zhao, but she really knew how to plan.

"How could this be a misunderstanding? It's clear that Qin Liangdi deliberately framed Sister Xi. You usually dote on Sister Xi, shouldn't you seek justice for Sister Xi at this time?" Concubine Wu took it for granted when she said this.

Xiao Ce's expression did not change, and his thin lips opened lightly: "Is there any evidence for the imperial concubine? If the evidence is conclusive, Gu will naturally report it to the public."

"Qin Liangdi is cunning and treacherous, how could she leave evidence..."

"As a prince alone, you can't convict a person based on the concubine's imagination and guesswork alone." Xiao Ce interrupted Wu Guifei's self-righteousness.

"Ben Gong sees that you don't dote on Sister Xi so much either. Sister Xi has been wronged, and the crown prince has no intention of avenging her." Concubine Wu's words were meant to be probed.

The Crown Prince is a scheming person. Although she has been doting on Sister Xi during this time, she always feels that she should not take it lightly.

"What happened to that person in Wu Liangyuan's house has yet to be found out. Gu respects the imperial concubine, and I also hope that the imperial concubine will know to avoid suspicion." Xiao Ce said and looked at Qiushui: "Qushui, see you off!"

Qiu Shui came out according to his words and went to Wu Guifei: "Your Majesty, please!"

Wu Guifei looked at Qiushui for a long time, then smiled coldly: "You send this palace out."

Qiushui did not dare to object and sent Wu Guifei out of the main hall.

"You have to remember that you are from Bengong. You must also remember to take care of Sister Xi. Since Bengong can hold you, naturally he can also step on you." Before leaving, Concubine Wu did not forget to beat Qiushui. .

Qiushui should be respectful, watching Concubine Wu go away.

At present, it was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who promoted her and Qin Zhao who gave her the opportunity, but Concubine Wu Gui and Wu Liangyuan thought they were her masters, which was ridiculous!

After Wu Guifei left the East Palace, she went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation non-stop.

Since she came out after the foot ban was lifted, it was the first time Wu Guifei faced the Holy Spirit.

"Chen and concubine see the emperor." When Wu Guifei faced the emperor, she still made a full gesture.

The emperor glanced at Concubine Wu and saw that she was holding it, and knew that she was still angry with him about the grounding.

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