The emperor wanted to step forward to help himself, but remembering what happened at Wangqiu Pavilion last night, his face sank: "No gift."

Concubine Wu stood up straight and looked directly at the emperor with a just and awe-inspiring look: "The emperor must have also heard the rumors from the East Palace. Just now, the concubine went to the East Palace on purpose to check the whole story. Fang knew that there were rumors, The man in Wangqiu Pavilion is not a man at all, but a servant who entered Wangqiu Pavilion by mistake, and the concubine has ordered the execution of this servant who did not know how to advance or retreat, and the prince also knew that this was a misunderstanding."

The emperor remained silent after hearing this.

He knows best what kind of person Wu Guifei is. Usually, he does whatever Wu Guifei does, but this time she didn't know the importance and put her hand into the East Palace, which made him unhappy.

"I hope you can reflect on the last time you were confined. The East Palace is no better than other places. It is the prince's palace. How is it proper for a concubine of your harem to interfere in the affairs of the East Palace's backyard?!" The emperor opened his lips coldly.

Wu Guifei did not expect that the emperor would scold her for this matter, and she explained dissatisfiedly: "Sis Xi has been wronged, can't the concubines seek justice for her? Sister Xi is being favored, I don't know how much People hate..."

"I said, that is the backyard of the Eastern Palace, and you are the concubine of the harem, it is your fault that you meddle in the affairs of the Eastern Palace!" The emperor's impatience was written on his face.

Concubine Wu still wanted to defend, and the emperor lost his patience: "Go back, I don't want to see you."

Concubine Wu Gui was also angry, and even sarcastically said: "The emperor has no concubines in his heart for a long time, so he doesn't want to look at the concubines. After all, the concubines paid by mistake."

After she finished speaking, she walked away arrogantly.

The emperor's blood surged, and it took a while to calm down. Over the years, the worst thing he did was dote on Concubine Wu so much that she didn't take him as an emperor in her eyes.

What happened in Wangqiu Pavilion was suppressed by Concubine Wu's iron-blooded wrist, but it also became a heart disease of the emperor.

The most important thing in the family of emperors is the blood of the royal family. No matter what happened to the men in Wangqiu Palace, it is inappropriate to spread such a thing.

But two days passed, the prince had no grudges in his heart, and still doted on Wu Xiyu.

When the emperor heard the news, he was extremely disappointed with the prince's performance.

After the court, he called Xiao Ce to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After talking about political affairs, he asked what happened to Wangqiu Pavilion.

"The imperial concubine has already figured out this matter. It was a servant who broke into Wangqiu Pavilion and was beaten to death at the time. Wu Liangyuan was frightened, and it has been much better in the past two days, so the emperor doesn't need to worry." Xiao Ce moved out the speech he had prepared earlier in the morning. .

"You never doubted the Wu family?" The emperor couldn't believe that the wise prince would spoil a woman to such a degree.

"Wu Liangyuan has a pure heart and a simple personality. She is sincere to her son, how could he suspect her?" After a pause, Xiao Ce said again: "And this matter has been checked by the imperial concubine. Isn't the father the emperor the most trusting of the imperial concubine? ?"

The emperor was silent.

After all, he, the father, did not set an example.

In the end, the emperor could not say enough about Xiao Ce, and signaled Xiao Ce to step back.

When Xiao Ce returned to the East Palace, he left the matter behind.

His father did not allow him to dote on Qin Zhao alone, so he turned around to dote on Wu Xiyu. Isn't this exactly what the father wanted?

At the moment, he went to the backyard of the East Palace for a walk, and went to Mochizuki Residence for the last time.

Qin Zhao was in the kitchen instructing Baoyu to make Jiu Niu Yuanzi, and Xiao Ce came over by smelling the fragrance.

He just went to the door of the kitchen when he saw Qin Zhao sniffing in front of the cauldron. His greedy appearance made him laugh: "Look at you being so greedy, so delicious?"

When Qin Zhao turned around and saw Xiao Ce coming, he immediately stepped forward and took his arm, answering the question: "Just now, my concubine listened to Baoyu's words, and His Highness was called by the emperor to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Have you been reprimanded again?"

Xiao Ce scratched the tip of her nose lightly: "How come you know everything?"

"That's because of His Highness's business, and the concubine only cares about it. If it's another person, the concubine doesn't want to know." Qin Zhao pointed to the tumbling Yuanzi in the pot: "This is the fermented Yuanzi, which is fragrant, soft, glutinous and delicious. …”

As she spoke, she saw that Xiao Ce looked at her strangely.

"What kind of look is your Highness?" Qin Zhao touched his face.

Xiao Ce looked away and looked at the white jade balls that were churning in the pot: "It's really fragrant, soft, glutinous and delicious..."

Qin Zhao felt that when he repeated this sentence, it sounded strange to her, but she couldn't seem to find his fault.

It happened that when he was eating the fermented Yuanzi, Xiao Ce looked at her while eating the Yuanzi, which made her scalp tingle.

After eating and drinking enough, Qin Zhao felt sleepy: "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep for a while, Your Highness can do it."

Anyway, he was a busy man, and he just found time to come to Mochizukiju for a walk.

Unexpectedly, he followed behind her and went to the bedroom. She lay down on the bed and he lay up too.

Qin Zhao glared at him: "What do you want, Your Highness?"

"Sleep with you for a while, close your eyes." Xiao Ce pushed her into the bed and made her face inward.

It's daytime, otherwise he might just...

What appeared in front of him was the soft, glutinous and delicious Yuanzi he had just eaten.

How did Qin Zhao know that Xiao Ce was full of thoughts?

She was used to taking a nap, and as soon as she closed her eyes, she fell asleep.

Xiao Ce heard her slight breathing, and somehow remembered that she once said that he was puzzled. He felt that this woman was more incomprehensible, and probably did not regard him as a man.

Sleep when you say sleep, pig!

Baoyu stayed outside for a while, when he saw His Royal Highness come out, with a gloomy expression on his face.

She was about to greet His Royal Highness, but His Royal Highness slowed down and asked, "I haven't been here for a month, and she lives like this every day?"

Just now, he had visually observed that her breasts had grown flesh, so he didn't know—

"Liangdi said that you need to take good care of your body, eat well, and sleep well, so that you can be worthy of the little life saved by His Highness." Baoyu replied truthfully.

When His Royal Highness, who had a gloomy face, heard her words, his expression turned slightly: "Remind her to pay more attention and beware of becoming a little fat man."

"But Liangdi looks as good as she gets fat."

Xiao Ce glanced at Baoyu and felt that her words seemed logical.

Qin Zhao is a beautiful girl. She used to be too thin, but now it's not too much to eat well. She doesn't mind it herself, and naturally he doesn't mind either.

"Forget it, let her go. If there is anything, remember to report it to Gu as soon as possible." After Xiao Ce finished speaking, he walked away with graceful steps.

Baoyu entered the dormitory and saw Qin Liangdi sleeping peacefully in the room, she thought that their master was really big-hearted. His Royal Highness came here once a month, and Liang Di didn't know how to take the opportunity to serve her in bed.

The lower part of the Crown Prince's Highness even went up to the bed, but Liang Di only cared about sleeping by herself, so why didn't she keep His Highness?

This is probably like what Liang Di herself said, being a person is too Buddhist.

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