After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 256 Catch the big fish Wu Guifei

Qin Zhao's eyes flashed slightly.

She also made this decision suddenly.

It is impossible for someone like Wang Zhaoxun to repent, she was just curious about what kind of conspiracy Wang Zhaoxun wanted to kneel down to her and approach her.

Apparently, Wang Zhaoxun had some plan that suddenly wanted to approach her, right?

"But it's too risky for Liang Di to do this. Before she knows what Wang Zhaoxun's conspiracy is, it's very likely that something will happen if Liang Di is approached by Wang Zhaoxun." Baozhu expressed her worries.

Baoyu silently nodded in agreement.

She also felt that Wang Zhaoxun was not a good person, and dealing with Wang Zhaoxun was tantamount to scheming with a tiger. But Liangdi is not a vegetarian, she still believes that Liangdi can deal with sluts like Wang Zhaoxun.

Qin Zhao was silent for a moment, then looked at Baoyu and instructed: "Go to your good sister to inquire about the news. What is wrong with Wang Zhaoxun these days. No matter who she has been in contact with, she must report the situation to me."

As Baozhu said, she didn't know what conspiracy Wang Zhaoxun was playing, and she couldn't fight unsure battles, so she might as well take the initiative to check Wang Zhaoxun's whereabouts recently, so she had a good idea.

Baoyu went away.

Liang Di has nothing else but a lot of money. After the marriage, Liang Di's dowry was also placed in Mochizukiju, and these valuable things could come in handy in the harem.

There is a well-known saying, people die for wealth, birds die for food, it is difficult for Donggong to find true friendship, but she has the financial support of Liangdi, so when she inquires about news, she gets twice the result with half the effort.

Baoyu found some news in just an hour, and after returning to Mochizuki Residence, she told what she had inquired about.

"Someone saw Wang Zhaoxun leaving the East Palace, and the person who invited her was a servant of Jinyang Palace?" Qin Zhao thought that he was listening.

Did Concubine Wu actually join forces with Wang Zhaoxun?

"It's not just that, the slave maid and a little sister saw Wang Zhaoxun interacting with Li Chenghui, but it was a few days ago. Jinyang Palace's search for Wang Zhaoxun only happened recently. Maybe it was Concubine Wu who wanted to harm Liang Di. , but couldn't reach into the East Palace, so I went to Wang Zhaoxun." Baoyu said this, and said to Qin Zhao, "Why don't you go to His Royal Highness Prince and ask His Highness to help Liang Di get justice?"

"What are you going to do to trouble your Highness with this kind of thing? Since I already know that Concubine Wu and Wang Zhaoxun have joined forces, I will guard against Wang Zhaoxun in advance. Maybe I can find an opportunity to take the plan and catch the big fish Wu Guifei..."

"Liangdi can't take risks! Concubine Wu's life is vicious, and the slave thinks that Liangdi shouldn't risk her own safety. This is an unwise decision." Baozhu interrupted Qin Zhao's words.

Qin Zhao felt that this also made sense. However, she was unwilling not to seize this rare opportunity.

"Wang Zhaoxun hasn't shot yet, we should think about what method she will use to harm me, whether Wu Guifei wants to kill me, or..." Qin Zhao's voice faded away.

There are many ways for Concubine Wu to make her life worse than death, or to kill her directly. As for which one, only Wang Zhaoxun knows.

"Since Wang Zhaoxun wants to get close to me, he naturally wants to get in close contact with me, so it's very likely that he wants to harm me at close range. Otherwise, she doesn't need to do anything extra and use the Queen Mother as bait to lure me into the bait."

As soon as Qin Zhao said these words, the Four Treasures nodded at the same time, thinking that was the truth.

After that, Baozhu solemnly discussed with the other three treasures for a while, and all of them felt that since the master was willing to take risks, they had to find a way to protect Liangdi's safety and not let Liangdi do anything.

Since this day, Wang Zhaoxun has come to Qin Zhao to play every other day.

Coincidentally, not long after Wang Zhaoxun arrived, Xiao Ce came.

The moment he saw Wang Zhaoxun, Xiao Ce didn't show any expression, just skipped it at a glance.

Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce's expressionless face, there was nothing she didn't understand, she stepped forward and saluted him properly.

Wang Zhaoxun's eyes glued to Xiao Ce's body.

Since she was demoted, this was the first time she had looked at His Royal Highness so closely, but what she could see was only the back of His Highness.

Qin Zhao stayed by Xiao Ce's side. At this time, Xiao Ce glanced at her and gave her a slightly strange look.

Qin Zhao didn't understand the meaning of his eyes for a while, just when she was puzzled, Xiao Ce gave another small look.

"What do you mean?" Qin Zhao couldn't understand and asked with his mouth.

Xiao Ce's face sank instantly, and the corner of his eyes swept to Wang Zhaoxun behind him. For the first time, he felt that Qin Zhao was not smart enough and stupid.

Unfortunately, Qin Zhao still didn't understand what Xiao Ce wanted to express.

Then Xiao Ce gave her a few more glances, but she still didn't understand what it meant. In the end, even Xiao Ce gave up eye contact with her and glared at her with a bad expression, obviously blaming her.

After Xiao Ce sat down, he didn't speak.

As the hostess of Wangyueju, Qin Zhao should ease the tense atmosphere in the room.

Xiao Ce didn't speak, Wang Zhaoxun also sat obediently beside her, she kept talking and talking, and occasionally Xiao Ce's eyes came over, making her eyes turn cold.

She had been talking to herself for about a quarter of an hour, and her mouth was a little dry. At this time, Baozhu came in and whispered to her: "Baoyu forgot what to do with Jiuniang Yuanzi, can Liangdi go to the kitchen to give some pointers?"

Qin Zhao was a little surprised.

Jiuniang Yuanzi is very good. She can teach Baoyu once, but Baozhu said that Baoyu has not learned it yet. This is obviously an excuse, right?

Now she understood that Baozhu had something to say to her alone, and when Xiao Ce was there, this was interesting.

"My concubine will go to the kitchen and come back soon. Your Highness will wait a moment." Qin Zhao first asked Xiao Ce for instructions, and after receiving Xiao Ce's permission, he followed Baozhu away.

When he went to the kitchen, Qin Zhao slowed down: "What do you have to say, His Highness is still waiting there."

A smile flashed in Baozhu's eyes: "Liangdi is obviously very smart, how can she not understand what His Highness wants to convey?"

Qin Zhao pouted: "Probably because I don't have a tacit understanding with His Highness."

Anyway, she didn't understand what Xiao Ce's eyes meant.

"Silly Liangdi, Your Highness wants you to drive away Wang Zhaoxun." Baozhu reminded Qin Zhao with a smile.

Qin Zhao was stunned for a moment: "Is that so?"

She thought about it carefully, Xiao Ce looked at Wang Zhaoxun's location more than once. So, does Xiao Ce really mean this?

No wonder Xiao Ce was unhappy just now, it turned out that he was angry when he met such a Yumu knot as her.

"Of course it is. Liangdi doesn't think about it. Usually, His Highness deliberately alienates Liangdi, and it is not convenient to come here at night, because he is afraid of attracting the attention of others. But when His Highness came down, Wang Zhaoxun was there, of course His Highness was not happy..."

This time, before Baozhu finished speaking, Qin Zhao hurriedly turned back.

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