After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 257 Eat and wipe away and run away, looks like a scumbag

When Qin Zhao entered the living room again, he saw Wang Zhaoxun saying something, and Xiao Ce was drinking tea silently, with the same expression on his face.

It was also difficult for him. He clearly didn't like to deal with Wang Zhaoxun, and he had not walked away, so he was not someone who would wrong himself.

"Sister Wang, let's go back today." As soon as she entered, she ordered Wang Zhaoxun to evict guests.

Of course Wang Zhaoxun didn't want to leave just like that. After finally seeing His Royal Highness and asking His Highness to remember her again, how could she be willing to leave like this?

But no matter how unwilling she is, she can't stay shameless, so as not to make His Highness's impression of her worse.

"My concubine retire." Wang Zhaoxun looked at Xiao Ce and left respectfully.

Xiao Ce was still drinking tea, as if he didn't care about her whereabouts.

She frowned and turned away.

As soon as Wang Zhaoxun left, Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao: "Why don't you just keep her for lunch?!"

Knowing that he was coming, he didn't know how to chase people, and he had never seen a woman more stupid than Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao's lips rose when he heard his words: "If you keep her for lunch, wouldn't that affect His Highness's appetite? My concubine knew it was wrong, and I didn't realize His Highness's intention to drive her away. Strange concubine body, it can only be said that concubine body and His Highness do not have a tacit understanding."

Xiao Ce shook his head helplessly and waved to her, "Come here."

Qin Zhao walked towards him according to her words, and she held her little hand and sat beside him, looking obedient and obedient.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Ce's heart almost melted: "Can you eat well and study hard these few days?"

"Yes, you can be diligent every day and eat more than pigs." Qin Zhao leaned on his pale and tender face: "Look, Your Highness, have you gained weight again?"

Xiao Ce touched her face, she was not slippery, her face was rosy, and at a glance, she knew that she had taken care of herself well.

She seemed to be doing fine no matter what the circumstances were, and she would still be doing fine without him.

Qin Zhao was admiring Xiao Ce's prosperous beauty up close, when he was suddenly hugged by Xiao Ce.

This sudden flight made Qin Zhao panic: "What is your Highness doing?"

Xiao Ce glanced at her, looking meaningful: "What else can I do here alone?"

Qin Zhao was stunned for a moment, remembering what he had done recently, so he was here to make a baby again?

"Well, aren't you here to catch lunch?" Qin Zhao smiled dryly: "Baoyu is making lunch, and it will be over soon, why don't His Highness have lunch here?"

Xiao Ce's beautiful thin lips rose: "The lonely lunch has been settled."

He glanced at Qin Zhao pointedly.

Qin Zhao knew that Xiao Ce treated her as a lunch, no matter how white his eyes were, but he couldn't see that the old antique Xiao Ce would actually say something with color.

She snorted softly: "His Royal Highness has changed."

If she didn't come here once in a few days, she would be pulling her to make a baby. If she hadn't known that he only wanted children, she would have thought that he was greedy for her body.

However, she doesn't have much expectations for the baby making, it's just a routine thing anyway. Since he was here in time for dinner, she would try her best to cooperate.

But when she got to the couch, she was still lying on a corpse, just because Xiao Ce didn't like women taking the initiative, so she would just cooperate occasionally.

As for the process of serving the bed, there's not much to go into, anyway, it's just undressing and rolling the sheets, but because it's daytime, there's plenty of light, and many details can be seen, so she can only try to be as calm as possible.

Anyway, this round of rolling off the sheets is not much different from doing fitness exercises for her.

After the baby making campaign was over, Qin Zhao saw Xiao Cezheng getting up and putting on his clothes, his expression was a little serious, so he didn't seem too happy.

She also felt that there was nothing to be happy about after doing this kind of thing, anyway, he would run away after eating her lunch.

"My concubine, serve His Highness to change." Qin Zhao felt that he should be more virtuous, and rarely offered to serve him.

Xiao Ce didn't say anything, and Qin Zhao helped.

Looking at her sloppy movements, he wondered if she had served Zhao Yu dressing like this before. Although her innocence was given to him, it is a fact that she once fell in love with Zhao Yu, and she was also Zhao Yu's original match.

Why does he care about things he didn't care about before?

Qin Zhao quickly helped Xiao Ce get dressed, and as soon as he raised his head, he met Xiao Ce's scrutinizing eyes.

She raised her brows slightly and asked, "What kind of eyes does Your Highness look like?"

Xiao Ce patted her head and asked, "Are you happy after becoming an orphan Liang Di?"

"I'm happy, I don't have to worry about food and clothing, I eat well and live well, and I have His Highness to protect me. My concubine is very happy. Anyway, I feel that being able to meet His Highness in this life is my greatest blessing." Qin Zhao never shy away. Talk about how positive Xiao Ce is to her life.

Xiao Ce patted her head, "That's good, I'm afraid you will regret it."

"I don't regret it. Anyway, up to now, the concubine has never felt any regret. The concubine only feels fortunate. And it is also an honor for the concubine to be the woman of His Highness."

Her words raised the corners of Xiao Ce's lips, he pinched her face and turned away.

Seeing Xiao Ce's back, Qin Zhao asked, "Is there really no need for your Highness to leave after lunch?"

The prince really lifted his pants, ate and wiped it up and ran away, looking like a scumbag.

Xiao Ce gave her a sentence without looking back: "Gu has already eaten enough."

Qin Zhao:  …

Therefore, no matter how sane a man is, there are actually some things that don't need to be taught. Let's see how natural it is to say this?

When Baozhu entered the room to serve, she saw her master was in a daze with his chin on his back, and his mood seemed a little depressed.

She stepped forward to change Qin Zhao's clothes and asked softly, "Is Liangdi unhappy?"

Liang Di should be happy when there is a chance to serve the bed.

"Nothing to be happy about." Qin Zhao shook his head: "You don't understand."

Her husband and wife life with Xiao Ce is unhappy, and there will be more than half of her life in the future. She is afraid that it will lead to a vicious circle in the long run. If there is no passion between men and women even in bed, it will basically be over.

However, she probably has no problem. Anyway, in her last life, her pleasure was chasing behind Xiao Ce. Xiao Ce didn't give her any response, and she never tired of it.

In this life, she has no obsession with Xiao Ce, and she can see her position clearly, and treat Xiao Ce as a relative, so she can enjoy herself.

That's all, there's nothing to worry about, just calm down.

"The slaves don't understand, and Liangdi said that until the slaves understand, Liangdi don't keep everything in your heart." Baozhu replied softly.

Qin Zhao looked at Baozhu and met Baozhu's gentle eyebrows. She smiled and said, "You still don't understand."

Baozhu is still an unmarried girl, how do you tell these children about the troubles of adults?

Moreover, she is very adaptable, and she should figure it out soon and stop asking for trouble.


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