After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 276 Fight for favor when it's time to fight for favor

"Why not? Is it because the Empress Dowager doesn't like Princess Yonghe, so I can't deal with Princess Yonghe?" Qin Zhao disagreed.

She will have to deal with Princess Yonghe one day in the future.

"Has that Liang Di ever thought that the Empress Dowager doesn't like Princess Yonghe all these years because, because..." Baozhu hesitated.

There are some things she dare not say, but the possibility is not impossible.

It took Qin Zhao a while to understand Baozhu's scruples. She lowered her voice and said, "Are you worried that it was the evil hands of the Empress Dowager?"

Baozhu nodded and said in a small voice: "There is a possibility of this, so Liangdi should think twice about this matter. Otherwise, when Concubine Wu is released from the cold palace, there will be another empress dowager who is eyeing the tiger, and Liangdi will not even be in the East Palace. It must be avoided.”

Qin Zhao looked solemn: "Your concerns are not unreasonable."

And she only asked Zuo Liangyuan about Princess Yonghe today, so she couldn't wait to go to Yonghezhai. Could Zuo Liangyuan also guess her thoughts?

Although Zuo Liangyuan is currently on good terms with her, it is too early to say that the enemy is a friend.

Still, be cautious and don't go too fast.

"Look for another chance in the future. The Empress Dowager has only returned to the palace. I shouldn't be too eager to fight against the Empress Dowager." Qin Zhao soon made a decision.

She has to keep her composure and find a suitable opportunity in the future, and she will meet Princess Yonghe again.

Seeing that Baozhu persuaded Qin Zhao to stop, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of when the Empress Dowager returned to the palace, other princesses came to greet her, but Yonghe didn't show up, and the Empress Dowager didn't ask about Princess Yonghe, which shows that it was a fact that Princess Yonghe didn't please the Empress Dowager. Even the emperor was very concerned about this matter. The reaction was very dull, I doubt whether the emperor still remembers Princess Yonghe." Qin Zhao felt pity for Princess Yonghe in his heart.

She had only met Princess Yonghe a few times in her previous life, and she didn't have a deep friendship. In this life, she didn't know if she could have contact with Princess Yonghe.

For two consecutive days, Xiao Ce did not come to Mochizukiju to walk around. On the contrary, he lingered in other gardens, which made Qin Zhao envious of the prince's beauty.

Donggong has raised dozens of beauties, and he favors one every day, and it takes a month to complete the cycle.

Fortunately, Xiao Ce is not that kind of playboy, no matter how beautiful a woman is when he comes to him, he is no different from an ordinary person.

That night Xiao Ce sent Qiushui over, saying that she should be proactive and go to the main hall to walk around.

"His Royal Highness hopes that Liang Di will not always wait at Mochizuki Residence, and will take action when it is time to do so, and compete for favor when it is time to compete." Qiu Shui conveyed Xiao Ce's words one by one.

Qin Zhao wondered why he wanted to compete for favor?

Xiao Ce came to her with the purpose of making babies, and she felt that she was too physically exhausted that night, and she needed a few days of rest to recover.

Even though she thought so, she still replied: "I won't go there tonight. When I think about what kind of means of competing for favor, I will go to His Royal Highness. With my wisdom, I will definitely be able to think of it soon, you And return to the main hall to resume life."

"Yes, Liang Di." Qiu Shui believed it to be true, and returned to Xiao Ce to return to his orders.

After Xiao Ce heard this, a little smile flashed in his eyes, and Qiu Shui said, "Qin Liangdi really said that, the servant did not lie."

"That girl is fooling you. Forget it, let her rest early tonight and invite her tomorrow." Xiao Ce smiled lightly and hooked his lips.

According to what he knew about that girl, Qin Zhao was unlikely to do anything like competing for favor. Since she told Qiu Shui to consider competing for favor, she must be fooling Qiu Shui and making fun of him.

Only this girl dared to do such a thing.

Qiu Shui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xiao Ce didn't seem to be angry.

It can be seen from many details that His Royal Highness is very different to Qin Liangdi. It seems that no matter what Qin Liangdi does, His Highness thinks it is normal.

In the Cihe Palace, Mammy Li told the Queen Mother what happened.

The queen mother was counting the beads, as if she hadn't heard what Li Ma said. But Li Ma knew that the Empress Dowager had listened.

"The noble concubine seems to want to eliminate Qin Liangdi as an opponent for Wu Liangyuan, so she can't wait to pick Qin Liangdi in broad daylight. I heard that when His Royal Highness arrived at Guangyulan Garden, Qin Liangdi had already been hanged on a branch. If His Royal Highness takes a step further, Qin Liangdi will I can't be saved. There were many witnesses at that time, which is why the imperial concubine couldn't argue." Li Ma said slowly.

"The emperor has been so accustomed to the imperial concubine these years that the imperial concubine has become more and more ignorant." The queen mother finally opened her eyes and said in a low voice.

"The imperial concubine also knows how to please the empress dowager, but it's not just the emperor who spoils the noble concubine." Li Ma pointed out.

The queen mother gave Li Mammy a cold glance, and Li Mammy didn't dare to speak any more.

"If it wasn't for the emperor's doting on her, she would have been broken, and she deserved to be sent to the cold palace!" The queen mother remembered what Qin Zhao said at this time.

This Concubine Wu wanted Sister Xi to be the Crown Princess, didn't the Zhao family have the same idea?

Now that Sister Xi has been grounded, and Concubine Wu has also been put into the cold palace, after all, whether their two aunts and nephews are Qin Zhao's opponents.

She has been in the harem all these years, and she has only dealt with Qin Zhao once, and it can be seen that Qin Zhao is quite capable.

People who can be treated differently by A Ce are naturally somewhat capable.

"Does the empress do you want to release the noble concubine?" Mammy Li glanced at the empress dowager quietly.

The queen mother continued to count the beads without answering.

Seeing this, Li Ma knew that the Empress Dowager was thinking about this issue.

About a quarter of an hour later, I heard the Queen Mother say: "The imperial concubine did something wrong, let her live in the cold palace for a longer time to save herself. However, Xi'er sister was grounded for no reason. I will go to the East Palace tomorrow to see you. See Sister Xi."

When Li Ma heard this, she knew that the Empress Dowager was going to support Wu Liangyuan in person.

Speaking of which, Concubine Wu Gui and Wu Liangyuan are both blessed, not only the empress dowager's eyesight, but also the empress dowager's empress dowager thinks so highly. Others don't have such a blessing.

The next day, the sky was clear.

Qin Zhao was exercising in the yard when Baoyu came in and told her that the Queen Mother had arrived in the East Palace, and now everyone went to the door to greet the Queen Mother.

She is Liang Di, her position in the East Palace is considered the highest, and of course she cannot be absent.

Immediately, she changed into a set of clothes as quickly as possible, and went to the East Palace to meet the Queen Mother.

When Qin Zhao arrived, he was still a step behind, and the Queen Mother had already stepped down.

Seeing that Qin Zhao was late, the queen mother just glanced at Qin Zhao without any harsh criticism, so she excused everyone from the ceremony.

"Today, Ai's family came to the East Palace to visit Sister Xi. I don't have anything to do with you, so let's go." As soon as the queen mother started, everyone knew it.

It can be seen from the title that the Queen Mother regarded Wu Xiyu as her own.

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