The Empress Dowager returned to the palace for several days, and there was no reason to know that Wu Xiyu was being grounded. Knowing that Wu Xiyu was on the ground, she ran over to see Wu Xiyu. The queen mother clearly meant to support Wu Xiyu.

At this time, Xiao Ce also heard the news and rushed over to greet the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother waived his courtesy and said kindly: "A Ce came just in time, so I'll accompany Ai's family to Wangqiu Pavilion to see Sister Xi, okay?"

Xiao Ce couldn't refuse the Queen Mother's proposal in front of so many people, so he respectfully complied: "Wangqiu Pavilion is here, and the grandson will send the imperial grandmother there."

The Queen Mother was very satisfied with Xiao Ce's answer.

So, accompanied by Xiao Ce, the queen mother entered Wangqiu Pavilion.

After that, the queen mother felt that it was useless for Wu Xiyu to stay in Wangqiu Pavilion all day long, so she proposed to walk out of Wangqiu Pavilion. After leaving, of course, he walked out of Wangqiu Pavilion, and there was no such thing as grounding.

The Queen Mother's move is not very clever. It does not require the consent of Xiao Ce, the prince, and can lift Wu Xiyu's grounding. It also needs to let everyone in the East Palace, including Qin Zhao, see one thing clearly, even if Concubine Wu is beaten In the cold palace, Wu Xiyu also has the support of the queen mother.

"The concubine is still old and hot." Even Qin Zhao couldn't help but admire it from the bottom of his heart.

Only the queen mother is called a master of palace fighting.

Because of the support of the Queen Mother, Wu Xiyu lifted the grounding in such a high-profile manner, and the Queen Mother even left Xiao Ce to accompany her, the old woman, for lunch at Wangqiu Pavilion. Xiao Ce could not refuse, and refusal was disloyal and unfilial.

Xiao Ce did his due diligence. He accompanied the Queen Mother to finish lunch and chatted with her for nearly half an hour. He did not return to the main hall until the Queen Mother left the East Palace.

And Wu Xiyu also followed up with the main hall. Many people saw this scene and felt that Wu Xiyu was going to take the rhythm again.

When there was no one around, Wu Xiyu knelt down in front of Xiao Ce: "My concubine is wrong and I dare not do the same thing again in the future. Can Your Highness forgive my concubine?"

With tears in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Xiao Ce pitifully, Xiao Ce looked at her for a moment, and opened her lips indifferently: "Get up, you can do it yourself in the future."

Wu Xiyu cried with joy, she wiped away her tears and said softly, "Can the concubine stay in the main hall to accompany His Highness?"

"Gu is very busy." Xiao Ce said, looking at Zhang Jixiang.

Zhang Jixiang understood, went to Wu Xiyu and said, "The slave sent Liangyuan to look back at the Autumn Pavilion."

Wu Xiyu was obedient, and returned to Wangqiu Pavilion under the escort of Zhang Jixiang.

After Zhang Jixiang left, she swept away the pitiful state she had shown before, and a bright smile appeared on her lips: "If it's really like what Mammy said, the return of the Empress Dowager to the palace is my turning point."

"With the Empress Dowager as a backer, even His Royal Highness has some scruples. However, Liangyuan should be more prudent and well-behaved in front of His Highness, then Qin Liangdi must be able to dress up, so His Highness valued it." .

Even the imperial concubine and the concubine suffered losses at the hands of Qin Liangdi, so it can be seen that Qin Liangdi is a scheming person.

Coupled with the fact that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince valued her, Liangyuan still had to work hard to seek benefits from Qin Liangdi.

"Since I've lifted my foot ban, of course I have to go to Mochizuki to move around a lot, so that Sister Qin remembers me." Wu Xiyu smiled: "That's it for today. I'll go to Sister Qin tomorrow."

It was night, and Qin Zhao went to the main hall.

She didn't want to go, but Zhang Jixiang came to invite her, could she still pretend not to see Xiao Ce?

If she wanted to be jealous, and when Wu Xiyu had just lifted the grounding, she ran to the main hall at this juncture, and everyone would think she was competing for favor.

So when she saw Xiao Ce, she felt a little resentful: "His Royal Highness is fine, most of them are beauties, and even concubines have learned to compete for favor. The happiest one should be Your Highness?"

He must have enjoyed the feeling of being sought after.

The corners of Xiao Ce's lips curved slightly: "If you really know how to compete for favor, that's fine."

By the way, he knew that if the girl wanted to compete for favor, unless the sun hit the west side.

"Okay, okay, what Your Highness said makes sense. From today onwards, the concubine will be jealous every day, so Your Highness will be satisfied?" Qin Zhao said angrily.

"This kind of thing can't be forced, it's boring to force it." Xiao Ce glanced at the documents in front of him and said to Qin Zhao, "You go to the couch and wait, and I'll come to you when you're done."

She was in front of him, and he couldn't focus on doing things.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce when he heard this.

Why does the eldest Prince Xiao still have such a righteous and dignified expression when he says these ambiguous words?

Xiao Ce met Qin Zhao's bright eyes, and when he saw that she didn't move, he raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you still doing?"

Qin Zhao rubbed his nose boringly, "Yes, the concubine went to the couch and waited for His Highness."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked away quickly.

Anyway, every time I say a few more words to Xiao Ce, it makes her angry.

Xiao Ce looked at her back, shook his head and laughed.

This dead girl can please him at any time.

When Qiu Shui, who was waiting nearby, saw the smile on Xiao Ce's face, he thought that His Highness was really good-looking. Such a good-looking person should smile more.

It is a pity that she can only be the maid of His Royal Highness, it would be great if she could be the woman of His Royal Highness.

But after thinking about it, there are so many beauties in the East Palace, none of them can serve the bed, and His Royal Highness Wu Liangyuan's appearance does not look down on her, and she suddenly feels that it is her blessing to be His Highness's valet.

After Qin Zhao went to the dormitory, after reading the ending of a story, he forgot Xiao Ce, a busy man, and soon fell asleep.

She was sleeping soundly, but she felt difficulty breathing. When she opened her sleepy eyes and found that Xiao Ce was kissing her, she resisted and pushed her.

But it turns out that the man's strength is stronger than she thought. The more she struggled, the harder he kissed, but in desperation, she gave up resistance...

Later, she was tired and fell asleep, and got up again before dawn, planning to go back to Mochizuki Residence.

Xiao Ce was also about to go to the morning. Seeing her getting up so early, he said softly, "You can go back later."

I have to say that this girl is too delicate and needs to take good care of her body.

Qin Zhao snorted softly, "I don't want to be jealous, so it's better to go back early."

She was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. It was indeed enough to feed Xiao Ce, but she was tired, and she was like a thief, no matter what she thought about it.

Xiao Ce thinks what she said makes sense: "Next time, let's go to Mochizukiju alone, so that you can sleep longer."

Qin Zhao yawned, too tired to speak.

Before she left, she glared at Xiao Ce and said what she wanted to say last night: "My concubine should persuade His Highness to be more restrained."

Xiao Ce looked indifferent and did not want to pay attention to Qin Zhao.

This girl is frail herself, why do you still blame him for not understanding temperance?

Qin Zhao was angry, kicked Xiao Ce and walked away quickly.

"Jixiang, go and see her off--" Xiao Ce paused, then changed his mind quickly: "Forget it, being seen will only cause trouble for her."

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