After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 281 Meeting you is also the greatest blessing of Lonely

Wu Xiyu's gaze was fixed on Qin Zhao's face.

I don't know if it's because the sky is too beautiful or if Qin Zhao is too gentle at the moment, Qin Zhao looks so holy and inviolable.

"Although I don't believe in Buddhism, I still benefit a lot from copying Buddhist scriptures. If my sister is free, you can also copy Buddhist scriptures together to purify your mind and soothe the anger in your heart." Qin Zhao put on a faint smile, clear as water. His eyes looked at Wu Xiyu like that.

Mammy Li, who was standing at the door of the Buddhist hall, nodded slightly. Qin Liangdi was indeed a man of wisdom, but Wu Liangyuan, who had just been a villain, had taken care of a gentleman's belly.

She later told the Empress Dowager about this, and the Empress Dowager asked, "How did Sister Xi answer?"

Mammy Li looked back at the direction of the Buddha Hall. After a while, Wu Liangyuan came back, which showed that Wu Liangyuan was not very interested in copying Buddhist scriptures.

The empress dowager obviously understood the truth, and she took away the emotion in her eyes.

In the past, Sister Xi was innocent and naive, but now, Sister Xi is not like before. Has it changed since she entered the East Palace for a long time?

Wu Xiyu was a little absent-minded after meeting Qin Zhao.

Before she came, she originally wanted to see Qin Zhao's jokes, and even thought that the Empress Dowager would make things difficult for Qin Zhao, or torture Qin Zhao.

Who knew what she saw was the exact opposite of what she thought.

Shouldn't the empress dowager hate Qin Zhao very much? How could Qin Zhao be allowed to eat and live in Cihe Palace, just copying Buddhist scriptures, which was very different from what she thought.

She also counted on the empress dowager to help her deal with Qin Zhao, so she would be even more powerful, but why is this the result?

"Sister Xi, do you have something on your mind?" The Queen Mother's voice awakened Wu Xiyu's drifting thoughts.

Wu Xiyu hurriedly shook her head in denial: "My concubine is in the East Palace, eating well and living well, and I have nothing to worry about. I just met Sister Qin just now, and seeing how she is concentrating on cultivating Buddhism, I sigh."

"You can also stay and transcribe Buddhist scriptures. This is a good thing, and you can calm down." The Queen Mother said casually.

"My concubine can't sit still. I'm not as calm as Sister Qin, so I won't make a joke. Speaking of which, Sister Qin's handwriting is good, maybe she learned from Master Zhao when she was still in Zhao's house..."

Wu Xiyu seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, so she stopped the conversation quickly, her expression was a little embarrassed, and she changed the subject abruptly: "Can I accompany the Empress Dowager to lunch at Cihe Palace today?"

The empress dowager's expression was a little condensed: "Next time."

Wu Xiyu only said that he had successfully provoked the empress dowager's hatred of Qin Zhao, so he got up and retire.

As soon as she left, Mammy Li said, "Wu Liangyuan is different from before."

In the past, Wu Liangyuan would not sow discord, but now she still wants to use the empress dowager, and it is also because the empress dowager loves her so much.

"She thought that Aijia didn't understand her thoughts. It's true that Qin Liangdi was Zhao Yu's original wife. Does Aijia need her to beat her from time to time? I don't know what it is!" The queen mother's face was ugly.

Although Sister Xi's behavior displeased her, she did remind her of the fact that Qin Zhao was married.

"What happened to Qin Liangdi and Zhao Yu in the past? You go to the Ai's family to find out, and the Ai's family needs to know all the past between them. Also, last time it was reported that Qin Liangdi and Zhao Yu lived under the same roof in Changzhou. Rumors, and rumors that their old relationship has rekindled, you should also find out about this matter, it is best to send someone to Changzhou to check it yourself." The Queen Mother soon made a decision.

Instead of listening to Sister Xi's one-sided remarks, it is better to find out the whole truth by yourself.

"Others don't know, but Qin Liangdi's innocence was given to His Royal Highness, but this old slave knows about it, and Yuanpa is the evidence. As for other things, Rong Laonu will check them out one by one, and then come back and report to the empress." Li Mammy replied.

After the queen mother heard that there was Yuanpa, her expression softened a little.

But whether the relationship between Qin Liangdi and Zhao Yu is broken, we must find out the truth, and we must not leave the cause of trouble.

Qin Zhao was so focused on copying Buddhist scriptures that Wu Xiyu didn't notice Wu Xiyu and put on his little shoes. She forgot to eat and sleep, and by the afternoon of the third day, she had finished transcribing all the Buddhist scriptures.

After careful inspection, the queen mother found that the words behind Qin Zhao were getting better and better, and it could be seen that she put her heart into it.

To have such a characterization, presumably Qin Zhao's character will not be too bad.

"Go back." The Queen Mother did not comment on the Buddhist scriptures Qin Zhao copied.

Qin Zhaoyi resigned.

Baozhu breathed a sigh of relief the moment she walked out of the Cihe Palace: "Fortunately, Liang Di can keep her composure, otherwise it will take a day before she can leave the Cihe Palace."

It was also the first time for her to discover that Liang Di was so patient that she could sit still for such a long time. In the past, Liang Di sighed as soon as she wrote, saying that she was not the material.

But when it comes to major events, Liang Di can always make everyone look up to her with admiration.

"It's just copying Buddhist scriptures, it's not a big deal." Qin Zhao said with a smile.

She stretched and looked back at the Cihe Palace: "I also benefited a lot this time."

Anyway, as long as it's not about taking her life, she doesn't think it's a big problem.

"When you go back, ask Baoyu to help Liangdi do some massage." Baozhu knew that Liangdi had been exhausted for the past three days.

If it wasn't for Liang Di's diligent copying of Buddhist scriptures, it would only take two more days to return to Wangyueju.

Qin Zhao complied and accelerated his pace back to Mochizuki Residence.

She took a hot bath and ate meat with big mouthfuls, feeling that people were instantly refreshed.

After that, she slept on the high bed and warmed the pillow, and couldn't help but sigh that Mochizuki is the best. This seems to be her home, and only in her own home is the most comfortable.

Qin Zhao slept late and got up early two days ago, and he didn't get enough sleep. Lying on the comfortable couch, he soon fell asleep.

When she woke up, she found that someone was guarding the bed, it was Xiao Ce.

"Are you awake?" Xiao Ce stepped forward to help Qin Zhao up, "Listening to Baozhu, you have been copying Buddhist scriptures day and night these past few days, and even the imperial grandmother is very satisfied with you."

This girl usually looks very frizzy and doesn't sit still for a moment, but the critical moment is not ambiguous at all, which amazes him.

"I don't know if the empress dowager is satisfied or not, but it's enough for the concubine to do her best." What Qin Zhao didn't say was that the reason why she wanted to copy it out as soon as possible and copy it as well as possible was because she didn't want to delay Xiao Ce. The prince's hind legs.

Xiao Ce is a perfect person, and her status as a concubine has already embarrassed Xiao Ce, so she doesn't want to embarrass Xiao Ce in other ways.

She is his woman, but she doesn't want to be his burden.

"Yeah, that's enough. Has Gu said that meeting you is also Gu's greatest blessing?" Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao softly.

Outsiders only knew that Qin Zhao used to be a court lady, so they dismissed her whole person with partiality. No one knew how good and caring she was.

But that's enough for him to know.


I can't complain anymore. Yesterday, there was a chapter in which Lao Xiao asked for water three times, and as a result, this paragraph was deleted. Why do people write articles?

Alas, thank you all for your support.

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