After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 282 Don't Conspiracy His Love

Qin Zhao was overjoyed when he heard this: "Really?"

It turns out that she is also Xiao Ce's blessing? In the past, she always felt that she was not worthy of him. Although she has caught up with other women in her appearance recently, she knew that she was not knowledgeable enough and her identity was not enough.

Most importantly, she was married.

She didn't even think about catching up with him, but she just didn't want people to know that he was a good girl like her and be laughed at.

"Gu won't make fun of this kind of thing." Xiao Ce said sternly.

Without Qin Zhao, he didn't know when he would let a woman get so close to him.

Her meaning is much more than that.

"That proves that the concubine is very good, so no matter what happens in the future, Your Highness must remember what His Highness said today. You can't push the concubine away, and you can't let go of the concubine." Qin Zhao was excited and sat on Xiao Xiao with a smile. Tzu's thigh.

Xiao Ce was dissatisfied with her unrestrained sitting posture, and hurriedly put her back on the edge of the couch and sat down: "Sit with a seated posture."

I really can't give her a good word, otherwise she can fly to the sky easily.

Qin Zhao didn't feel anything wrong when he found out that he was reprimanded by Xiao Ce. Xiao Ce's temperament has always been old-fashioned, and it is not normal not to scold her.

"His Royal Highness, let's continue to pretend. It is rare for the concubine to take the initiative once, but the concubine does not accept the goods. In the future, the concubine will not take the initiative to sit on the thigh of the highness. In the future, maybe the concubine wants the concubine to sit on the thigh of the highness, but the concubine will not move. ." Qin Zhao snorted softly, his nostrils turned upside down.

Xiao Ce laughed and shook his head: "How is that possible?"

He couldn't do such a thing.

He is the prince, and he is strict, how can he allow a woman to sit on his lap easily?

As the Crown Prince of the East Palace, one must obey the rules, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.

Qin Zhao secretly thought that according to Xiao Ce's temperament, it was indeed impossible for such a thing to happen.

Forget it, just treat yourself as if you just humiliated yourself.

Because in the past life, apart from getting closer to Xiao Ce on the couch, at any time in the other life, Xiao Ce was affectionate towards her, only polite, and more often Xiao Ce regarded her as a stranger.

The situation in this life is much better than the previous life, at least he gave her a lot of tenderness, but his indifference to others, which is already commendable.

Xiao Ce and Qin Zhao talked for a while and then planned to leave Mochizuki Residence.

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce's back and thought that it was dark, but he didn't plan to stay overnight?

She thought she was going to bed tonight.

Just when she was wondering, Xiao Ce turned to look at her, "You are tired these days, so rest early. I don't plan to see you in the next few days. You have to practice more piano, chess, calligraphy and painting when you have time. Learn these things. It won't do you any harm."

Qin Zhao nodded yes.

She wanted to ask why she didn't stay for dinner, but she stopped.

Now that he's decided to go, there's no point in asking the question. He didn't want to stay in Mochizuki for too long, probably for her own good, she understood this truth.

The moment he walked out of Wangyueju, Xiao Ce sighed for some reason.

"Liangdi came back safely, His Highness should be happy." Zhang Jixiang couldn't figure out why Xiao Ce was not happy.

"Fang Caigu should accompany her for dinner." Xiao Ce had the urge to return to Mochizukiju for a moment.

From the look in Qin Zhao's eyes just now, she wanted him to stay, but she didn't say anything in the end.

And his reason also triumphed over his emotions, and he chose to leave.

He knew that his decision was good for Qin Zhao, but in a certain way, if he looked ahead and looked back, would it make Qin Zhao feel cold?

"Qin Liangdi is a sensible woman, and she must know that His Highness has good intentions." Zhang Jixiang tried to look at the problem from a neutral perspective.

Letting go of his prejudice against Qin Liangdi, he now understands that Qin Liangdi is indeed worthy of His Highness's favor. But on the head of His Highness are the Emperor and the Empress Dowager, and they are not happy to see His Highness doting alone on Qin Liangdi.

Even His Highness understands that one woman should not be favored exclusively, so what is wrong with His Highness?

Xiao Ce didn't say anything, because any words were empty and could not change any results.

In the dormitory, Qin Zhao also sighed inexplicably. After exhaling the foul breath, she suddenly regained her spirits.

She had long known that Xiao Ce was not a man with a long love for children, and there was nothing to worry about. She should not seek his love in her life, so she would not be so tired, and Xiao Ce would not have any pressure.

People like Xiao Ce are born to do big things, so they shouldn't stick to their children's affection.

Qin Zhao had a good rest that night, and the next day she decided to go to the harem before Concubine Wu was released from the cold palace.

Even she never thought that she would meet Princess Yonghe when she visited the garden once.

Princess Yonghe had just reached her hairpin, wearing a light blue dress with embroidered bird patterns. She has a beautiful face and a cold temperament, but at a glance, Qin Zhao recognized Princess Yonghe.

In her previous life, she only felt that Princess Yonghe was difficult to get close to. She wanted to get close to Princess Yonghe several times, but Princess Yonghe ignored her, and then she gave up.

When she comes back again, she understands one thing, Princess Yonghe's unattainability may be due to her character, or it may be forced by circumstances.

Princess Yonghe in the front also saw Qin Zhao, she slowed down, as if to identify which palace owner this was.

Judging from her dress, appearance and temperament, she is sure that this is not the concubine of her father's queen's palace.

At this time, Qin Zhao walked up to Princess Yonghe and said, "Are you the legendary Princess Yonghe?"

"Who are you?!" Princess Yonghe was a little surprised that Qin Zhao could call out his name.

Qin Zhao smiled: "My surname is Qin, and I am well-known. I am the good Di of His Royal Highness, and I have only been in the palace for a few months."

"You are Qin Liangdi?" Lvcai, the little palace maid next to Princess Yonghe, spoke with a surprised expression.

"You actually know me?" Qin Zhao was a little surprised.

Soon she remembered that she had a bad reputation in the palace, coupled with the grudge between her and Wu Guifei, so it was not surprising that Lvcai knew her.

"Of course I do. Qin Liangdi is a powerful figure in the palace, and slaves often mention Qin Liangdi to the princess." Lu Qi looked Qin Liangdi up and down: "Did Liangdi really look bad before?"

But this one in front of me is so beautiful, like a fairy descending to earth.

Qin Zhao couldn't help laughing: "I really should show you what I looked like before. I was probably only this tall before..."

Qin Zhao gestured at his previous height and said, "I'm still very thin and my complexion is very yellow. After I became beautiful, I passed by His Royal Highness twice, but His Highness didn't recognize me, and it was only the third time that I finally looked at me. It turns out that I am his Qin Liangdi, can you imagine the foolishness of His Royal Highness at that time?"

Lvcahu couldn't help laughing at what she said, and then she didn't dare to laugh, because the person Qin Liangdi was talking about was His Royal Highness, and Qin Liangdi was as bold as the rumors said.

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