Qin Zhao secretly paid attention to the change in Princess Yonghe's expression.

At first, Princess Yonghe's expression was surprised, and then looked at her without a trace. When she talked about Xiao Ce's stupidity when she didn't recognize her, Princess Yonghe actually curled her lips and smiled.

She can see such a series of changes in details, which is enough to show that Princess Yonghe is also a normal person, with curiosity and childlike innocence. After all, she is only a fifteen-year-old girl.

"Is what Liang Di told the truth?" Lvcai was extremely curious.

"I can't invent this kind of thing, so I say it's a pity, you can't see what I used to be. When I was very young, my mother died early, and I had a vicious stepmother with me. That vicious stepmother. I don't know what poison the woman fed me, which made me not develop at the age of seventeen. If it wasn't for my luck, if I met His Royal Highness and took me back to the palace to see a doctor, I'm afraid I would have died early, that's why I used to be thin and small The root cause of the inability to develop." The smile on Qin Zhao's face gradually faded.

Lvcai quietly glanced at Princess Yonghe, and she suddenly felt that Qin Liangdi's life experience was similar to that of the princess.

Princess Yonghe's expression gradually became solemn.

She thought that only the harem would discover such a thing, such as the mother concubine, such as Wang Zhaoyi who raised her for several years, and all those close to her died in vain.

Her father and queen came to gradually alienate her, and she has become accustomed to being alone for so many years.

She didn't think there were poor people like her in this world.

"You have now met the prince's brother, which means that the bad things have passed, and it is time for you to turn around." The silent Princess Yonghe finally spoke up.

What Qin Zhao was waiting for was the words of Princess Yonghe.

No matter what she said in the previous life, Princess Yonghe ignored it. This time, she learned about Princess Yonghe's life experience, and she was emotionally moved, hoping that Princess Yonghe would let her guard down.

Since she can change her own destiny, can Princess Yonghe also change her destiny?

"Princess Jiyan, I am really good now, and I will be better in the future. I believe that wealth is in my hands. The greatest blessing in my life is to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. He is the lucky star of my life." Qin Zhao showed a bright and beautiful look smile.

Princess Yonghe stared blankly at Qin Zhao's smile.

If it wasn't for Qin Zhao's own words, she would not have known that such a person was once poisoned at a young age.

"Has Qin Liangdi really married someone before?" Lvca was curious about this and blurted out.

Princess Yonghe sank, "Green calyx, don't be presumptuous!"

How can you ask such a rude question.

Qin Zhao smiled when he heard the words: "It doesn't matter, I never shy away from my past, because it is a part of my life. So, Princess Yonghe, let's talk while walking."

When Princess Yonghe saw Qin Zhao's generosity, she became more fond of her.

Only an upright person would not shy away from talking about past relationships. If there is a ghost in his heart, he must have been angry.

"More than two years ago, I married into the Zhao family and became the first wife of Mr. Zhao Yu, Mr. Zhao. But because Mr. Zhao had someone in his heart, he ignored me from the day he married me. Most importantly, because I have been poisoned since I was a child, I was very weak, and when I met His Royal Highness, I only had half my life left..."

Qin Zhao slowly talked about some things that happened in Zhao's house, and Lvcai's eyes lit up when he heard it.

In her opinion, Qin Liangdi is really a strange woman. It is hard to imagine that Qin Liangdi had such a bad life before, but His Highness the Crown Prince has a unique vision.

Not to mention the green calyx listened with relish, even Princess Yonghe listened intently.

"How did Liangdi know His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?" Lvcai died of curiosity.

Baozhu glanced at her master, and saw that the corners of her lips were slightly curved. She probably remembered what happened in the Zhao residence that night, right?

"I was sent to Xiaoyuan where His Royal Highness lived. It happened that His Highness was unconscious that night, so I stayed with His Highness on the couch for one night. This is how I met His Royal Highness for the first time." Qin Zhao held back a smile. meaning.

It was the surprised expressions of Princess Yonghe and Green Calyx that pleased her.

The plot that their masters and servants dared not even think about really happened.

It took a while for Green Calyx to find her own voice: "Really, really?"

"It's true. It's just a misunderstanding. I shouldn't have been sent to His Royal Highness, but for some reason, someone made a mistake, which led to my first meeting with His Royal Highness." Qin Zhao felt that one day when he was not in the palace, he might be able to become a storyteller.

"How did His Highness react?" Lu Qi asked impatiently.

At this moment, Princess Yonghe was also very curious, looking at Qin Zhao eagerly, wondering what happened next.

Seeing the eager expressions of the two masters and servants, Qin Zhao couldn't help but smile: "His Royal Highness was a little surprised at first. Later, he only asked me what I wanted, and I proposed that I want to divorce Master Zhao. I hope Your Highness can facilitate this matter."

"It turns out that the relationship between you and the prince's brother started like this. It's no wonder that the prince's brother brought you into the East Palace." Princess Yonghe felt that no matter what happened later, it would make sense.

Because it was the prince's brother who ruined Qin Liangdi's reputation, Qin Liangdi wanted to reconcile, and the prince's brother would naturally fulfill Qin Liangdi.

"At the beginning, I just wanted to take care of my body, and His Royal Highness only hoped that my illness could be cured, so he brought me into the East Palace. I planned to leave the palace after taking care of myself, but what happened later got out of order. , When I first entered the palace, I never thought that one day I would become the good Di of His Royal Highness." Qin Zhao couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

When she knew that she would become Xiao Ce's Liang Di, she was very resistant at one time, she was afraid that she would go down the old path of her previous life.

Now that she has accepted her identity, she is determined to live with Xiao Ce for the rest of her life. Although I don't know whether he will have a crown princess in this life, or whether there will be a queen in the future, she will plan for the worst.

"Brother Crown Prince must like you very much." Princess Yonghe was thoughtful.

Although she can't talk about friendship with the prince's brother, but the prince's brother is cold and never easy to be nice to any woman. Qin Liangdi is the only one.

"His Royal Highness may have regarded me as a relative. When I first entered the palace, he forced me to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and said that it was my responsibility to teach me well. Anyway, your Highness just started raising me as a child, you don't understand. , the relationship between me and His Royal Highness is not what you think." Qin Zhao didn't know how to express it, but she knew that she and Xiao Ce were not together because of the love between men and women.

"Perhaps, the authorities are fans." Princess Yonghe was thoughtful.

No matter what kind of love, the person who can make the prince's brother value so highly, proves Qin Liangdi's ability.

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