After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 284 They are all pitiful worms

Qin Zhao looked at Princess Yonghe's gentle face, and knew in her heart that she had successfully relieved Princess Yonghe's heart. Only when her friendship with Princess Yonghe becomes deep in the future, she will come to find out how Concubine Wan died that year.

After chatting with Princess Yonghe for nearly an hour, Qin Zhao did not forget to close the net before leaving: "I am an ominous person. After entering the East Palace, everyone regarded me as a thorn in their eyes, and no one wanted to make friends with me. Concubine Wu is eyeing me, and I don't even know when I was killed. When the princess sees me in the future, I'd better take a detour, I'm afraid it will hurt the princess."

Princess Yonghe is unwilling to deal with people in the harem, and what Qin Liangdi said is also her heart.

She also felt that she was an ominous person, and everyone close to her would be unfortunate. She didn't want Qin Liangdi to think the same as hers.

"If you don't mind, you can go to Yonghezhai to find me. If you encounter difficulties, you can also come to me for help. Although I live in seclusion, I'm still a princess. I can talk to my father." Princess Yonghe took the initiative. Throwing an olive branch to Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao was a little surprised when he heard Princess Yonghe's last words.

Doesn't it mean that the emperor has ignored Princess Yonghe all these years? Could it be that this is a superficial phenomenon for outsiders to see, just like Xiao Ce seems to be alienating her?

She had doubts in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, and replied politely: "I'm afraid that I will hurt the princess..."

"You don't need to be arrogant, you won't implicate anyone." Princess Yonghe interrupted Qin Zhao.

She seemed to see another self in Qin Liangdi's body.

Qin Zhao smiled heartily: "Then I will be disrespectful. I just hope the princess doesn't dislike me!"

Then she took the orb and left the Imperial Garden first.

Princess Yonghe watched Qin Zhao go away, and was immersed in the story of Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce just now.

"It's no wonder that Qin Liangdi can become a Liangdi and get the favor of His Royal Highness. The starting point between Qin Liangdi and His Royal Highness is different from others." Lvca couldn't help sighing.

You must know that Qin Liangdi is the concubine and was Zhao Yu's original wife, but she can enter the East Palace and become the Liangdi of His Royal Highness the Prince. This kind of luck is not available to every woman.

"Everyone has their own fate. Qin Liangdi is a special woman. It is reasonable for the prince's brother to treat her differently. There will never be another Qin Liangdi in this world, nor will there be another woman like her. The fate." Princess Yonghe sighed: "Go back."

It was an unexpected joy to meet Qin Liangdi today.

She has no friends in this harem, and she seems to be alone when she has relatives, which is very similar to Qin Liangdi's fate.

Maybe this is her fate with Qin Liangdi...

After Qin Zhao left the imperial garden, Baozhu gave Qin Zhao a thumbs up: "It's still Liang Di who is so powerful, it's easy to let Princess Yonghe drop her guard."

"My strategy is to attack the heart. Only this method can be effective." Qin Zhao recalled the process of dealing with Princess Yonghe before: "Princess Yonghe is actually a very soft-hearted child. She must be lonely all these years, right?"

Princess Yonghe had father, grandmother, brother and sister in this imperial city, but she walked alone for fifteen years.

This is no different from her original body.

The original body has a family, a father, a grandmother, and sisters, but she was poisoned, and no one cared about her life or death.

Thinking that after she was divorced from Zhao's house, and since she entered the palace, no one from the Qin family has ever come to Beijing to care about her life or death. This is the so-called family affection.

Qin's father gave the original body life, but he did not give the original body the slightest father's love.

Even now the Qin family doesn't know that Qin Zhao, who was abandoned by all of them, is dead and replaced by her.

In her lifetime, if there is a chance, she really wants to avenge the original body.

After returning to Wangyueju, Qin Zhao was in a very bad mood, so he simply went to bed and fell asleep.

Then, she dreamed that the original body came to find her, the original body said, this is the first time to come to her, and the last time, and the original body has only one wish, to find out the real cause of her mother's death...

"Zhaozhao, wake up." When Xiao Ce came over, he happened to see Qin Zhao sweating profusely and having a nightmare.

Qin Zhao concealed his eyes, and what he saw was Xiao Ce's concerned eyes.

She remembered the day when she first met Xiao Ce in Zhao Mansion. He still has a touch of warmth for her, a stranger, so what about Princess Yonghe? Did he take Princess Yonghe as his sister?

Xiao Ce had never seen Qin Zhao's eyes so cold. She looked at him so strangely, which made him uncomfortable.

"Why do you look lonely like this?"

Xiao Ce's voice awakened Qin Zhao's thoughts, and she realized that she had lost her temper, "I just had a bad dream."

Xiao Ce came over at this time. Did someone tell him that she met Princess Yonghe in the Imperial Garden?

"Dreams are illusory, don't take them seriously. You are in the East Palace, everything is fine, don't think wildly." Xiao Ce said softly.

Qin Zhao remembered the dream she had before, and even if she woke up, she still remembered the way the original body spoke to her. The original body did not say that she should find out who poisoned her, but only hoped to find out the reason for her mother's death. How similar is this to Princess Yonghe?

Is it because of the thoughts of the day, or did the original body really fall into her dream?

"Sometimes dreams are the reaction of real life. Your Highness, today, concubine met Princess Yonghe. After chatting with her for a while, concubine found that she had no friends in the palace, and her relatives didn't seem to take her princess to heart. Come on. Although she didn't say anything, she could feel it. She suddenly wanted to know, does His Royal Highness regard Princess Yonghe as a younger sister?" Qin Zhao asked Xiao Ce directly.

Xiao Ce never thought that Qin Zhao would ask such a question.

It looked simple, but for him, it was difficult to give an answer.

"Is this a difficult question? When was the last time Your Highness saw Princess Yonghe? In which year was the last time Your Highness celebrated Princess Yonghe's birthday? Did Your Highness give Princess Yonghe a gift during the Chinese New Year?" Qin Zhao sent out three consecutive ask.

Xiao Ce was dumbfounded for a while.

It took him a while to answer mechanically: "The last time I saw Yonghe was during the Chinese New Year. Gu has never celebrated Yonghe's birthday, nor has he prepared gifts for Yonghe during the Chinese New Year."

Qin Zhao laughed when he heard this: "When the concubine heard that Princess Yonghe called you the prince's brother today, I thought that Princess Yonghe and His Highness had a very close relationship. It turns out that His Highness did not regard Princess Yonghe as a younger sister."

Princess Yonghe is a pitiful creature, just as pitiful as her original body. She still silently keeps those relatives in her heart, but their relatives do not regard them as relatives.

Xiao Ce heard the sarcasm in Qin Zhao's tone: "Are you blaming the solitary?"


Halo, Daqian just found out that this chapter was not published.

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