"This tea is good. As the empress dowager, concubine, please make a pot of tea." Wu Guifei said, and went to the tea room to make tea.

Seeing this, Mammy Li hurriedly followed behind Concubine Wu and said, "Let the servants come."

"Bengong wants to honor the empress dowager, mammy, don't try to take the credit of this palace." Wu Guifei smiled and joked to Mammy Li.

Mammy Li had to step aside and watch Concubine Wu make tea.

After making a pot of tea, Concubine Wu Gui made a cup of tea for the Queen Mother herself, and poured another cup for herself: "The concubine replaces the wine with tea, and I offer a cup to the Queen Mother, and I hope that the Queen Mother is blessed with good health."

She drank it first.

Seeing this, the queen mother also took a sip, "It's really good tea."

"This is a good tea that concubine treasures. If it weren't for a noble person like the Queen Mother, concubine would be reluctant to take it out." Concubine Wu replied with a smile.

The Queen Mother felt that the tea was fragrant on her cheeks, so she drank two more sips.

Concubine Wu looked in her eyes, lowered her eyelids, and a calculating edge flashed in her eyes...

Qin Zhao was in Wangyueju, and he also heard that Concubine Wu went to the Cihe Palace to ask for peace as soon as she left the cold palace.

"Concubine Wu Gui leaves the cold palace, and she will definitely try to harm Liang Di again. Today, she suddenly went to the Cihe Palace to walk around. It must not be because she wants to join forces with the empress dowager to harm Liangdi, right?" Baozhu felt that this possibility was very high.

Qin Zhao agreed with this.

"The empress dowager is not so easy to fool, and she will not be easily used as a spearman by Concubine Wu. I'm afraid that because of what happened to Princess Yonghe last time, the empress dowager holds a grudge against me, so it's hard to say..."

Qin Zhao was talking eloquently when Baoyu hurried in and said, "His Royal Highness is here!"

Qin Zhao was stunned, she quickly stood up and pulled her clothes. While she was in a hurry, Xiao Ce stepped inside, just in time to see her arranging her appearance.

He slowed down, a smile flashing in his eyes.

Qin Zhao didn't see this detail, so he stepped forward to greet Xiao Ce immediately.

"Why does Your Highness come to Wangyueju so much?" As soon as Qin Zhao opened his mouth to speak, Xiao Ce couldn't be happy.

Seeing Xiao Ce's expression sinking in an instant, Qin Zhao hurriedly said again: "His Royal Highness took time out of his busy schedule to come to Mochizuki Residence, which is a concubine's honor. But Your Highness's temper is really not good, can you stop being stern? "

If she was a little less timid, she would probably be scared away by Xiao Ce directly, right?

Xiao Ce gave her a cold look: "Are you sure it's Gu's bad temper?"

Is it not that she can't speak too much?

"Anyway, what His Royal Highness does is right, it must be the concubine's fault." Qin Zhao said, stepping forward and holding Xiao Ce's hand.

Seeing that he hadn't shaken her off, she breathed a sigh of relief: "As the saying goes, accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger, and the concubine always has to speculate on the thoughts of His Royal Highness, which makes the concubine very tired..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xiao Ce shook off her hand.

Qin Zhao didn't take the initiative this time. She went to the side and didn't want to deal with the bad-tempered prince.

She's not his little valet who comes and goes when he invites her. Does he treat her like this? She is already low-spirited, he still doesn't accept the goods, she also has a temper, okay?

Zhang Jixiang saw this scene from a distance, afraid that the two masters would quarrel again, and hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things out: "Baozhu, you go and make tea first."

Baozhu didn't know what to do, so she complied.

Zhang Jixiang smiled at Qin Zhao again: "His Royal Highness is still worried that Liang Di will be frightened because the noble concubine has left the cold palace, so he specially rushed to accompany Liang Di."

Qin Zhao looked at Xiao Ce, and Xiao Ce also looked at him. The eyes of the two met in the air, and they laughed together after that.

"I just made fun of you, so why is it so arrogant for a little girl like you?" Xiao Ce stepped forward and took Qin Zhao's hand.

Qin Zhao patted his chest lightly: "It is true that harming the concubine body, how could Your Highness think of using this trick to tease the concubine body? His Highness was not like this before."

"Then you now know how Gu felt when you were teasing him?" Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao tenderly.

Qin Zhaobai glanced at him: "His Highness is not only bad-tempered, but also very stingy. He said just now that he would not be angry with me, this little girl, but here he is deliberately taking revenge on his concubine."

Xiao Ce was at a loss for words, but he thought that the logic of her words was fine.

Qin Zhao sat for a while and leaned on Xiao Ce like a boneless person: "Does Your Highness think Concubine Wu will easily let go of her concubine?"

"What do you think?" Xiao Ce asked back.

Qin Zhao sighed softly: "I definitely won't let it go, Concubine Wu should be thinking about how to kill her concubine, right? Besides, Concubine Wu is anxious, because when His Royal Highness the Prince is on the throne, it will be harder for Concubine Wu to take action than it is now. too much."

Xiao Ce smiled and felt that Qin Zhao's words were not unreasonable.

"You have to be careful when you act in the future." Xiao Ce's color is correct: "Last time Gu failed to kill Wu Guifei, Wu Guifei is very revengeful, and Gu is worried that she will attack you as soon as she comes out. Although you are in the East Palace, But I'm still worried..."

Seeing Xiao Ce's serious expression, Qin Zhao pulled the corner of his lips: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will try my best to protect myself."

A powerful person like Xiao Ce is afraid that he can't protect her, right?

"Gu knows that you are very capable, but Concubine Wu has been in an invincible position in the harem all these years, in addition to the favor of the father and the emperor, there is another point because she has the means. Even the mother concubine has the prince of Gu, and she must not suffer. Concubine Wu's idleness." Xiao Ce smiled bitterly: "This is the most ridiculous."

"That's because Concubine Wu didn't meet her opponent, and now the concubine has entered the East Palace. No matter how powerful Concubine Wu is, there is nothing she can do with her concubine." Qin Zhao said this, thinking of Princess Yonghe.

She was thinking, if Concubine Wan's death was related to Concubine Wu, could she join forces with Yonghe to get rid of Concubine Wu?

It's just that because of the Queen Mother, she never dared to get too close to Princess Yonghe blatantly.

"Can Your Highness answer a question from your concubine? It's about Princess Yonghe." Qin Zhao looked serious.

When Xiao Ce heard Princess Yonghe, he said, "Why do you always mention Princess Yonghe?"

"Because Princess Yonghe's life experience is very similar to that of a concubine. Princess Yonghe has been abandoned by her relatives since she was a child. Although she is a princess, her father, her grandmother, her brothers and sisters don't care about her. This is not a concubine. Are the encounters very similar? The concubine was poisoned since she was a child. Later, the concubine was married into the Zhao family. No one Qin family cared about whether the concubine died or lived. Come here. My concubine feels that I and Princess Yonghe are the same way. We came to this world, but we are not loved by others..."

"Girl, it's not what you think. Many people like you. The Qin family doesn't like you, but Gu, as well as Sibao, even Qiushui. Gu believes that soon, grandmother will like you too. "

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