Xiao Ce felt uncomfortable after hearing this.

Although he didn't know what kind of life Qin Zhao lived in the Qin family before, Qin Zhao was poisoned more than ten years ago, when Qin Zhao was still a child.

From this, it can be seen that Qin Zhao, the direct daughter, is not as good as the concubine.

"Since Your Highness loves your concubine, why don't you love Princess Yonghe? She is His Highness's younger sister." Qin Zhao frowned.

Is her luck at least better than Princess Yonghe?

In the previous life, Xiao Ce had never been close to Princess Yonghe before her death, and Princess Yonghe was not married in the end.

She hopes that this life can change this sad result, and she hopes that the soft-hearted Princess Yonghe can also be valued by her relatives.

"You are the only exception if you are not good at dealing with people." Xiao Ce felt the need to explain.

If Qin Zhao hadn't appeared, he probably wouldn't have gotten so close to anyone in his life.

Qin Zhao's eyes lit up when he heard this: "That's simple. In the future, the concubine will take His Royal Highness to find Princess Yonghe, and the concubine will worry about the queen mother..."

Xiao Ce heard the words and looked sideways: "What do you know?"

Qin Zhao knew that Xiao Ce was a smart person, but she was a little surprised by being so sharp.

"Just, someone told the concubine that Concubine Wan used to be the concubine of the previous dynasty, and because of this, the Empress Dowager doesn't like Princess Yonghe." Qin Zhao said indifferently, not daring to look directly at Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce sighed softly: "You can't find out the news here in Gu, so you ask others to inquire? Do you know that there are some things that Gu won't let you know is for your own good?"

She herself has no other support in the East Palace but him, yet she still wants to meddle in other people's business?

"Of course I know that your Highness is good, and I was curious, so I went to inquire about the situation. I already know, Your Highness can't erase my memory." Qin Zhao took Xiao Ce's arm: "Don't, Your Highness. I'm angry, the concubine didn't publicize this matter, and the empress dowager didn't know about it."

She knew that this was a royal scandal, and Concubine Wan had been dead for such a long time, and no one wanted to bring up this unpleasant past, especially the Queen Mother.

"Thank you for knowing how to advance and retreat."

Qin Zhao thought about it and decided to tell all the truth: "However, when the concubine was found by the Queen Mother two days ago at the Cihe Palace, she brought up Princess Yonghe and answered all three questions to His Royal Highness... "

After she said this, she instantly stood still far away from Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce's expression changes are not uncomplicated. He thought that she was usually daring, no big or small, but she actually dared to talk about Princess Yonghe in front of the imperial grandmother.

Does she know that the most taboo for the grandmother to mention are Concubine Wan and Princess Yonghe?

"Don't be angry, Your Highness. Although the Empress Dowager was a little shocked at that time, she did not embarrass her concubine. She felt that there might be some misunderstanding." Qin Zhao showed Xiao Ce a flattering smile.

Reach out and don't make fun of the smiling man.

Xiao Ce took a deep breath and suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart: "The imperial grandmother really didn't say anything at that time?"

"Yes, as soon as the concubine finished talking about Princess Yonghe, she left the Cihe Palace." Qin Zhao sneered.

So she didn't see the scene of the queen mother getting angry.

Xiao Ce sneered and lifted his lips: "Sometimes Gu really wants to strangle you!"

Boldness also depends on the situation. That is the grandmother. Even the father and the emperor are afraid of the grandmother.

"Don't, His Highness likes concubine so much, if concubine dies, His Highness will not have a good friend for a lifetime." Qin Zhao smiled.

Xiao Ce didn't want to talk to Qin Zhao at all at this moment, let alone see Qin Zhao's face.

"Turn your back, don't let Gu see your face!" Xiao Ce took another deep breath and waved to Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao really turned his back.

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao's back and suddenly felt a little tired. She said that she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life, but it was indeed a whole life to clean up the mess for her.

Back then, how could he think she was well-behaved, sensible and obedient? She is simply a troublemaker.

"Don't be angry, Your Highness, you get old quickly. Your Highness is so handsome, and I hope that one day His Highness will be as handsome as he gets old." Qin Zhao said with a smile.

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao's back. Although he was helpless, he couldn't help: "Did the imperial grandmother trouble you again later?"

"That's not true. At first, the concubine thought it was the empress dowager who resented the concubine, so she released the worst enemy of the concubine from the cold palace. Baoyu asked that Concubine Wu would be released back to Jinyang Palace, which was the emperor's word. "That is to say, this matter has nothing to do with the Queen Mother.

"You should be glad that the imperial grandmother is not a narrow-minded person." Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently: "Next time, don't mention those things that make her old man unhappy."

"Princess Yonghe is the granddaughter of the Empress Dowager, can't you mention the princess before the Empress Dowager?" Qin Zhao forgot that he was turning his back on Xiao Ce and rushed to Xiao Ce.

"Turn around." Xiao Ce looked disgusted.

Qin Zhao hummed lightly.

Turn around, what's so great, she doesn't want to see his face yet.

"As long as you remember, the grandmother doesn't want to bring up those bad memories of the past. Yonghe happens to be an indispensable part of those memories..."

"My concubine doesn't agree with His Highness. Not mentioning it doesn't mean that the bad doesn't exist. How can a person only remember the good and deliberately forget the bad memories? Isn't it what life should be like if you have ups and downs?" Qin Zhao sneered at Xiao Ce's remarks: "His Royal Highness is clearly escaping from reality, and this will not change any results."

Xiao Ce was at a loss for words, this girl has a powerful mouth.

"His Royal Highness will definitely think that the concubine is a mouth that can speak, but His Highness can't answer, doesn't it mean that the concubine's idea is reasonable?" Qin Zhao said with certainty.

Xiao Ce frowned unconsciously. Now he not only doesn't want to see her face, but also doesn't want to hear her voice.

"The truth is always unpleasant. Your Highness must be brave enough to admit your mistakes. Think for yourself, in a few years, the Empress Dowager will get older and Princess Yonghe will become more and more aware of things. At that time, , Princess Yonghe's heart will only get harder and colder, and Princess Yonghe at that time no longer cares about all those relatives who abandoned her, including His Royal Highness!" Qin Zhao said every word.

When a person's heart is really cool, it will be difficult to keep warm.

"Isn't His Highness a lesson from the past? In the past, His Highness was so used to being alone that he didn't want to approach any woman. If it wasn't for the intention of not being able to defy the Empress Dowager and the Emperor, would there be so many women in the East Palace? If not for a concubine, Your Highness It may be a lifetime of loneliness."

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