After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 293 The Mystery of Concubine Wan

Qin Zhao's lips curved into a smile.

So to a certain extent, her meaning to Xiao Ce is different from anyone else's, because she is the only one who can break his men's and women's defenses.

"Absurd!" Xiao Ce's thin lips lifted slightly.

But he had to admit in his heart that this girl's words made sense, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Okay, Your Highness, you are right. Anyway, I feel that it is the most realistic thing to cherish the people in front of me, because no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. I won't say it, Your Highness think about it for yourself." Qin Zhao said After finishing, I no longer consciously punished to stand, and walked away quickly.

Watching Qin Zhao walk away, Xiao Ce frowned slightly.

He should really think about what Qin Zhao said.

The grandmother of the emperor is very old, and it is unpleasant to say, who knows what will happen tomorrow?

At that time, because of the existence of Concubine Wan, the grandmother and the father were very unhappy. Even on the day of Princess Yonghe's full moon, Concubine Wan suddenly died suddenly, and all the evidence of harm points to the imperial grandmother.

Under the circumstances at that time, the imperial grandmother disliked Princess Yonghe, the daughter of Concubine Wan.

After so many years, Yonghe grew up, and the emperor's grandmother was relieved because of the death of Concubine Wan. Anyway, this incident became something that the emperor's grandmother should not mention.

All the evidence in Concubine Wan's death back then proved that the grandmother killed Concubine Wan, but he knew that no matter how much the grandmother didn't like Concubine Wan, she would never be able to kill Concubine Wan.

The case of that year also ended without a hitch, and of course, the suspicion of the imperial grandmother was never cleared.

Yonghe is naturally not liked by the imperial grandmother.

That night, Xiao Ce couldn't sleep for the first time, just because of what Qin Zhao said, it was indeed worth his thought.

Because Zhang Jixiang served closely, of course he knew that the reason why his master did not sleep well was because of Qin Liangdi's words.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Jixiang persuaded Xiao Ce when he was serving Xiao Ce's dressing: "Discuss with Qin Liangdi about the things that your Highness can't figure out, and make a decision after consultation."

"You also think her words make sense, don't you?" Xiao Ce smiled.

Zhang Jixiang has changed a lot recently, which is a good thing.

"The servant only knows that His Highness can listen to Qin Liangdi's words. Since it is difficult to decide, it is better to discuss it with Liangdi before making a decision. Your Highness is the most important thing. You don't have enough rest, and you are busy with government affairs. whispered.

Xiao Ce smiled: "Forget it, listen to you."

After the morning court, Xiao Ce went straight to Wangyueju after discussing political affairs with Zhao Yu and the others.

Qin Zhao was learning to play the piano in the study, and she didn't know that Xiao Ce was here until someone blocked her light.

"Isn't His Highness discussing matters at this hour?" Qin Zhao looked at the hourglass, it was still early.

"Do you want to unravel the knot between Yonghe and the imperial grandmother?" Xiao Ce asked straight to the point.

Qin Zhao blinked lightly, "Yes, Your Highness finally figured it out?"

"Your words make sense. If this matter keeps escaping, there will be no reconciliation between Yonghe and the imperial grandmother, and the imperial grandmother is old..."

Qin Zhao understood what Xiao Ce did not finish.

Unforeseen circumstances may arise, and the problem that should be solved will be solved, and there will be no regrets.

"If Your Highness trusts the concubine, let the concubine be the peacemaker, right? The concubine doesn't have any other skills, but she can speak well, so maybe it will come in handy this time. It's the Empress Dowager who passed by last time, I don't know. Would you still like to see my concubine?" Qin Zhao said this, but he didn't have any confidence.

Listening to Xiao Ce's tone, he respects the empress dowager very much, and the person who can be respected by Xiao Ce is definitely not a barbarian. What's more, for a noble woman in a high position like the Empress Dowager, it may be feasible to reason.

"You can solve the trouble yourself. This matter will be left to you. Whether you can solve the knot between them depends on your ability." Xiao Ce directly threw the blame to Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao felt that Xiao Ce in front of her was not cute at all, but this matter could not trouble her.

"Okay, let His Highness see the concubine's abilities then!" Qin Zhao agreed.

Seeing Qin Zhao's confident appearance, Xiao Ce's eyes flashed with a smile.

He stepped forward to grab Qin Zhao, and put his long arms on Qin Zhao's shoulders: "This is about Yonghe and the emperor's grandmother, how can Gu stay out of it? However, the emperor's grandmother would not be happy to see Gu and you getting too close, so many It's more convincing to figure things out on your own than to be alone."

Qin Zhao moved Xiao Ce's arm away from his small shoulder: "His Royal Highness does not need to explain, the concubine understands. It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, and the concubine will go to the Cihe Palace and greet the empress dowager."

Before Xiao Ce could speak, he saw Qin Zhao hurried away.

She had never tried to be so enthusiastic about pleasing him, but it was Yonghe's matter that made her so serious, which made him uncomfortable.

Qin Zhao deliberately arranged his appearance on the way to Cihe Palace, and asked Baozhu again and again, and Baozhu said that there was no problem before he was relieved.

Because Concubine Wu returned to Jinyang Palace, she did not dare to neglect her, so she took Baozhu, Baoyuan and treasure bottle with her, leaving only Baoyu to stay at Wangyueju.

The reason why she brought the treasure bottle is, of course, because there needs to be someone who can tip off in the event of an accident. That's what she thought about it.

But she didn't expect that bringing the treasure bottle this time would actually come in handy.

The four of them, the master and the servant, entered the Cihe Palace smoothly. According to what the palace maid said, the Queen Mother did not rest well last night, and her spirit was not very good. Mammy Li was worried and was staying by the Empress Dowager's side.

Qin Zhao heard that the empress dowager was not resting well, and immediately said to Baoping: "You will take good care of the empress dowager later, this time is your chance to make a contribution."

It can also make her guilty.

Although Aquarius' medical skills were not as good as those of Imperial Physician Feng, they were comparable to those of many imperial physicians.

"The servant knows." The bottle immediately responded.

When they entered the main hall, they saw Mammy Li massaging the head of the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother's face looked a little haggard.

Qin Zhao was the first to ask for peace, and then said to the queen mother, "Our treasure bottle is good at medicine. Let Bao bottle take the pulse for the empress, right?"

"I have already consulted Imperial Physician Lai for a pulse diagnosis in the morning, so there is no need to do anything more." The Queen Mother rejected Qin Zhao's proposal.

Seeing the Queen Mother's kindness, Qin Zhao knew that the Queen Mother was indeed broad-minded. At least it proved that the Queen Mother was not angry because she mentioned Princess Yonghe last time.

"One more person to diagnose and one more guarantee, Niang Niang, let Aquarius diagnose the pulse once." Qin Zhao pleaded.

This time, she really cares about the Queen Mother's body without any utilitarian intentions.

The queen mother was facing Qin Zhao's eyes full of expectations, and couldn't bear to refuse for a while, so she asked Bao Ping to come forward to check the pulse.

Bao Ping frowned slightly after taking the pulse of the Empress Dowager.

Qin Zhao knows best what the expression of Bao Ping represents: "How is the body of the Empress Dowager?"


I feel like a lot of parents have started school.

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