After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 304 Falling apart overnight

"So it's easy to prove your innocence. Get Nianyun over, can't you two know the whole story by confronting each other face to face?" Qin Zhaocai didn't give Niansu a chance to fool him.

She said and looked at Zhang Jixiang: "Go and find Nianyun, go and come back quickly."

Zhang Jixiang agreed, and this time there was no need to ask His Royal Highness the opinion of the Crown Prince. After all, he had recently regarded Qin Liangdi as his other master.

Niansu didn't want to confront Nianyun, let alone let Nianyun disappoint herself, because she knew that Nianyun was the confidant of Concubine Shu, as long as Nianyun said a few bad things about her in front of Concubine Shu, Concubine Shu would abandon her This chess piece.

"Yes, the servant said it!" Niansu did not dare to take the risk of confronting Nianyun.

She knelt down in front of Xiao Ce: "Nianyun asked this matter more than once, but the servant refused to tell it at first, but later the servant remembered the kindness of Concubine Shu and the relationship between Sister Nianyun and the servant, and didn't want to miss it. Yun was embarrassed, and the servant told the truth..."

As she spoke, her tears became blurred: "The slave thinks that it is Concubine Shu and Nianyun, who also cares about His Royal Highness, saying that this matter should be fine, but never thought that Qin Liangdi would make a big deal about it—"

Xiao Ce was originally expressionless, but when he heard Niansu's words, his thin lips lifted slightly: "Where do you see that Qin Zhao is fighting?"

It was clear that Qin Zhao was called to Changqiu Palace for questioning. Qin Zhao felt that this was unusual and decided to investigate the matter. If Qin Zhao hadn't decided to investigate the matter, he wouldn't have known that Niansu was actually a person who violated yin and yang.

Nian Su was facing Xiao Ce's cold eyes, her lips moved, she wanted to explain, but she felt powerless.

She just lied to His Royal Highness the Prince, and she also said that Qin Liangdi was wrong. She committed two major taboos at the same time. And the patience and composure she used to be proud of, as well as the long time she had won the trust of His Highness, fell apart overnight.

At this moment, she suddenly understood one thing, which was Qin Liangdi's real purpose.

It was she who failed to hold her breath and gave Qin Liangdi a chance to fight back against her.

This time, Qin Liangdi clearly wanted His Highness to no longer trust her.

"Slave is wrong, voluntarily go to the Criminal Division to receive punishment!" Nian Su lowered her head and said in a hoarse voice.

I don't know when it started, she became no longer patient and no longer calm. Every time she is in chaos, it is the beginning of her cocooning.

Rather than saying that Qin Liangdi forced her to expose her many shortcomings and find her weaknesses, it is better to say that she destroyed a good game of chess by herself.

Xiao Ce didn't speak, Niansu knew what Xiao Ce meant, she got up and left the study, and then went to the Criminal Division to receive the punishment.

It is better to suffer from flesh and blood than to be abandoned by His Highness. As long as there is still a chance to serve in front of His Highness in the future, she will not worry about the chance of turning over.

Thinking that even a powerful person like Wu Guifei suffered two losses in Qin Liangdi's hands, and was sent to Wuye Mountain because Qin Liangdi was sent to Wuye Mountain. How about she suffers a little in Qin Liangdi's hands, isn't that normal?

She is not wronged at all, just because she underestimated Qin Liangdi's ability.

In the study, there was silence.

Seeing Xiao Ce's cold expression, Qin Zhao looked a little scary, she shook his arm: "Don't be like this. Nian Su has taken the initiative to take the penalty, which proves that she knows her mistake, so she must be given a chance to reform, right? "

Niansu's move to retreat is really high, but she doesn't think Niansu will change.

A person like Niansu will not die until the Yellow River, and he will definitely want to regain Xiao Ce's trust. Everyone knows that Xiao Ce's trust in her has already been decided, and it will not be easy for Niansu to regain Xiao Ce's whole-hearted trust in the future.

"One infidelity, a hundred times of rejection, I'm afraid she can't do it." Xiao Ce couldn't help but sighed: "Niansu was not like this before, she has changed."

Qin Zhao lightly curled the corners of his lips.

Wasn't it because of Xiao Ce that the change of mind and thought?

Although she doesn't like Niansu, she can understand Niansu's mental process. He just likes Xiao Ce too much, and wants more and more, especially seeing Xiao Ce being nice to her, which makes Nian Su feel more and more uneasy.

"What is your expression?" Xiao Ce asked in confusion when he saw the strange smile on Qin Zhao's face.

"His Royal Highness is busy, the concubine is back. Concubine Shu asked the concubine to bring the concubine, and then the concubine Shu can't blame the concubine for dragging the highness and not allowed to spoil other women." Qin Zhao finished speaking, and nodded his head. Went away without going back.

Xiao Ce shook his head, this girl really knew how to respond to him.

As for the concubine, he really should talk to the concubine.

That evening, Xiao Ce went to Changqiu Palace.

When Concubine Shu saw Xiao Ce suddenly come over, she couldn't hide the joy on her face.

Her son is so excellent, and he is the crown prince, which is the greatest pride in her life.

After Xiao Ce greeted Concubine Shu, Concubine Shu kept him for dinner in Changqiu Palace, and Xiao Ce readily agreed.

The more Concubine Shu looked at Xiao Ce, the more satisfied she became. This was her son, the child she gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy. It was only at the beginning that she was busy fighting for favor and ignored Xiao Ce, which made Xiao Ce more and more related to her.

But no matter what, this is her son, with her blood flowing on her body, which is an unchangeable fact.

"Qin Liangdi looked for her son during the day, and she let him soak in the rain and dew." During the meal, Xiao Ce brought up the business.

Upon hearing Qin Zhao's name, Concubine Shu frowned. When I heard this name during the meal, I instantly lost my appetite.

"There is one thing that my son hasn't mentioned to others. It is a blessing for his son to meet Qin Liangdi. Before he met her, his son didn't like to be near any woman, but she changed the situation. But he still did not want to be close to other women. , The son knows that this is not her problem, and I hope the concubine will not take this matter on her." Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently.

After so many years, that is a Qin Zhao he is willing to get close to, he really has no idea about other women.

But the mother concubine put the responsibility of this matter on Qin Zhao, which is unfair to Qin Zhao.

"What spell did she cast you?!" Concubine Shu's face darkened.

After all, Ah Ce was protecting Qin Zhao. He didn't come to accompany her to dinner, but to be a lobbyist.

"It seems that the concubine didn't listen to what the son said. The son does not want anyone to interfere with the people and affairs of the East Palace, including the concubine." Xiao Ce said sternly: "Now that Concubine Wu is not in the palace, the concubine does not need to face Concubine Wu. I must have more time to accompany the father and emperor."

Concubine Shu put down the bowls and chopsticks: "Do you think the concubine is too busy?"

"The son respects his mother and concubine, but it doesn't stop there. For a long time, the son knows what he wants, and I believe that the mother and concubine do the same. Don't the mother and concubine like the father very much? You should accompany your father more. As for the son's backyard affairs, the son will take care of it himself." Xiao Ce said slowly.

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