Concubine Shu only felt a pain in her face.

Although A Ce didn't say it clearly, she heard it. A Ce said that when he was a child, she, the concubine, didn't care about him. Now that he has grown up, he doesn't need the so-called concern of her concubine.

He thinks she is too busy, he is now a prince, his wings are hard, and he doesn't need her mother concubine to control him!

In this way, the dinner was passed in silence until Xiao Ce got up and left Changqiu Palace.

As soon as Xiao Ce left, Concubine Shu swept all the food on the table to the ground.

Nianyun hurriedly ordered people to clean up the wolves on the ground, and persuaded softly: "Niangniang, don't be in a hurry, your Highness must be unintentional."

"Do you think this is an unintentional remark? While sarcastic that Ben Gong is not favored by the emperor, and at the same time blames Ben Gong for not fulfilling his responsibilities as a mother these years, can this be blamed on Ben Gong?"

Nianyun didn't know what to say.

After all, what His Highness said is the truth. His Royal Highness was very smart when he was a child, but usually only when the empress wanted to compete for favor, the empress would bring the crown prince to the East Palace.

When His Royal Highness didn't know anything, he liked to stick with Concubine Shu, but later His Royal Highness knew about it and knew some thoughts of Concubine Shu.

But now Niangniang is intervening in the backyard affairs of the East Palace again, and that one is Qin Liangdi, who is much favored by His Highness, how can His Highness be happy?

It's just that she didn't expect that His Highness would speak so straightforwardly, embarrassing Concubine Shu.

"It's all Qin Liangdi's fault. If it wasn't for her, A Ce wouldn't have said these things that hurt the mother and son to Ben Gong!" Concubine Shu naturally put the blame on Qin Zhao.

Seeing this, Nianyun persuaded: "Since Your Highness cares about Qin Liangdi, then the empress will stop dealing with Qin Liangdi in the future. Isn't there a lot of ways to make His Highness spoil other women? Why don't you put some beauties in the East Palace? If you can see a good person, then you don't need the mother to do anything, and Qin Liangdi will also fall out of favor."

She felt that this method was the best, it would not hurt the mother-son relationship between Concubine Shu and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and it would also make Qin Liangdi fall out of favor.

"But beauties like Wu Liangyuan and Niansu can't impress Ah Ce, I'm afraid this is just useless work." Concubine Shu frowned.

Of course she knew that this was the best way, but A Ce's eyes were higher than Ding's, and ordinary women couldn't look down on it. She thought that Nian Su was good enough, and that there was a chance to serve A Ce nearby.

Nian Su couldn't grasp such an opportunity, not because Nian Su was not good enough, but because A Ce's vision was too high.

"My servant thinks that it is better to let His Highness get married as soon as possible. Since the establishment of my dynasty, there has never been a situation in which the Crown Prince has reached his twenties and has not established a Crown Princess. The niangniang can discuss with His Royal Highness the Prince well, and you can also let the Emperor take the lead, maybe you will be able to. Set the life-long event of His Royal Highness. When His Highness has a Crown Princess, then he has a wife, can His Highness not marry the Crown Princess?" Nianyun felt that this was the best way.

Or how about starting a family and starting a business?

"This palace went to the emperor to ask for an decree." I have to say, Concubine Shu was moved.

Because Nianyun is right, only when A Ce becomes a relative and has a wife, will A Ce be controlled. She, the concubine, can't take care of him, so can't the wife take care of the entire backyard of the East Palace?

With the Crown Princess, A Ce will have a son-in-law, and the Qin family will be nothing at that time.

After making a decision, Concubine Shu cheered up and planned to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to discuss with the emperor the important matter of getting A Ce married as soon as possible.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the emperor exempted Concubine Shu from the ceremony.

The emperor has had a lot of gray hair recently, and under the light, he looks even older.

This is because Concubine Wu was sent to Wuye Mountain, and the emperor thought about it, so he grew old quickly, right?

How could she have been so fascinated by the emperor before?

In front of him, except for the dragon robe on his body, his appearance is more outstanding, and the rest are no different from ordinary men.

But it was this emperor who had let her pursue her for more than 20 years, but he was always lukewarm to her, just because she was neither Concubine Wan nor Concubine Wu.

Concubine Wan was the woman of the previous emperor, perhaps because of this, the emperor loved her so much. It's a pity that that one went early. After Concubine Wan, there was another Concubine Wu. She was never the opponent of Concubine Wu and was bullied by Concubine Wu for many years.

She thought that this would be the case in her life. Who knew that after Concubine Wu was confirmed to be unable to conceive a child, she was fortunately ordered by the emperor, and she was even fortunate to be pregnant with a dragon heir, and even got a boy.

At that time, the emperor only favored Concubine Wu, and Concubine Wu was arrogant and arrogant, and only let the emperor favor her alone, so that the emperor rarely walked around the harem.

Later, Concubine Wu was unable to bear children, and the emperor had no prince under his knees. In this case, she was pregnant with the emperor's heir, which was of course highly valued.

That is, after giving birth to A Ce, her life was reversed.

A Ce is her lucky star and a turning point in her life, but this son is not close to her mother and concubine, which also disappoints her.

After A Cexiao's incident, she became more alienated from her mother-in-law, and this was what made her sad...

Coming from the past, Concubine Shu remembered that she had something important to do with the emperor, so she made it clear: "A Ce will be twenty on the fifteenth of the first lunar month next year. In the past, he said that he did not want to get married, and the emperor and his concubines were used to him, but Is it time to put this on the agenda now? The concubine came here to ask for an decree, hoping that the emperor will marry A Ce."

"This..." The emperor hesitated.

He also wanted to marry the prince. After all, he was not young, but he had no children under his knees. This was an abnormal phenomenon in any dynasty.

As the prince, Xiao Ce is obliged to spread the branches.

"Your Majesty can't let A Ce go any more. A Ce said he didn't want to marry a wife, and both the concubine and the emperor obeyed him, but how could he not do it for the royal family? The concubines also heard that the East Palace Among all the people in the backyard, A Ce only asked Qin Liangdi to sleep, and the others were just decorations." Concubine Shu gritted her teeth and simply brought this matter out.

She felt that Qin Liangdi could be removed by the emperor's hand.

Since it is inconvenient for her to take action, it is more suitable to ask the emperor to take action.

Ah Ce doesn't respect her mother-in-law, how can she still act against the emperor?

"I am the monarch of a country. I promised the prince that he would decide his marriage. If I go back on my word, I'm afraid it will make the prince feel cold." The emperor hesitated.

He valued the prince very much, and the prince also gave him peace of mind from childhood to adulthood.

The crown prince grew up so big, and the only request he made to him was to decide the marriage by himself. Last time, Concubine Wu also wanted Wu Xiyu to be the crown princess, but he didn't agree and only promised the position of Liang Di.

Later, Wu Xiyu became Liangyuan, and the prince's move clearly embarrassed him.

Even a good lady makes the prince dissatisfied, let alone a marriage for the prince?

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