After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 306 The Prince Is Getting Married

"If it's not like this, ask A Ce to come over to discuss it. The emperor's attitude is tougher, and you must make A Ce feel a sense of urgency." Concubine Shu was not reconciled to this, and urged her.

The emperor felt that Concubine Shu's words were reasonable, so he made a decision: "Tomorrow I will talk to the prince about this."

Concubine Shu achieved her goal and was satisfied, so she left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After going to court the next day, Xiao Ce was called to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When he saw the emperor's posture, he knew that something was going to happen today.

"Father, if you have something to say, you might as well speak directly." Xiao Ce saw that the emperor was hesitant to speak.

The emperor understands the prince's temperament. If he orders the prince to marry, the prince will definitely refuse. It might be better to change the method, which may be more effective.

"I'm getting old." The emperor opened his mouth with a different tone from his previous official tone.

"My father is in his prime. From my son's point of view, my father is not old at all." Xiao Ce replied immediately.

But he knew in his heart that his father was indeed old. The father was hard-hearted in the past, but now it is just the opposite. Even though he knew that Concubine Wu had done something wrong, he kept letting go of Concubine Wu, all because the emperor was soft-hearted.

"In the past two years, my health has been getting worse and worse. Sooner or later, the dragon throne of the Great Qi will be yours. You are all good, but you have no children. A minister mentioned this a few days ago, leaving me speechless. That's right. I hope to see you get married and set up a family in my lifetime and spread branches and leaves for the royal family. The fifteenth day of the first month of next year will be your birthday. I want to settle your marriage before your birthday. Even if it is for the sake of Daqi For the sake of the country, you should also consider this matter." The emperor looked at Xiao Ce earnestly.

As soon as Xiao Ce heard that he was going to get married, the first thing that came to his mind was Qin Zhao.

He knew that Qin Zhao was once a concubine, and because of this, he could raise her as a liangdi, but he could not make her a crown princess.

Not only the father, mother and grandmother would not agree to this matter, but also civil and military officials.

He was about to refuse, when the emperor said again: "Ce'er, think about it, don't rush to refuse. As the Crown Prince, you have a lot of responsibilities. I hope that you will consider the overall situation and the big Qi, and you must get married as soon as possible."

Xiao Ce was silent for a long time, but after all, he didn't say anything, and then left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhang Jixiang could see that his master was unhappy, but he also felt that His Highness, the eldest eldest, was twenty years old, and he had not married yet, not to mention rare in the royal family, except for those from poor families who could not get wives in the whole Daqi. .

"Your Highness is afraid that Qin Liangdi will not be happy?" Zhang Jixiang asked.

The person His Highness cares most about is Qin Liangdi. Qin Liangdi was able to become Liangdi because she was married before, or it was because His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was unexpected and killed everyone by surprise.

"She used to be Zhao Yu's wife anyway, and she can only be a good wife with Gu. Gu Ruo is married, and there is a prince concubine in the East Palace, Gu is only afraid that she will be wronged." Xiao Ce said solemnly.

However, he is the prince, the prince, and he has no children under his knees. It is because of this that he is criticized by others.

As the father said, as the crown prince, he must not have no children. For the sake of the great Qi, he must get married sooner or later.

If he hadn't met Qin Zhao, he felt that he could marry anyone, because any woman was no different to him.

But now it's different. He has to consider Qin Zhao's situation in the East Palace, as well as Qin Zhao's mood.

"No matter what decision His Highness makes, the minions will support you." Zhang Jixiang took the opportunity to express his opinion.

Xiao Ce took a deep look at Zhang Jixiang, he has become calm recently, which is an absolute good thing.

"Don't spread the word about the father's visit to Gu to discuss marriage, especially don't let Zhaozhao know, so that she doesn't think about it." Xiao Ce warned.

"Minions save it." Zhang Jixiang responded quickly.

But even Xiao Ce didn't expect that there were still people who had trouble spreading this matter into the East Palace. So there was a gossip in the East Palace that His Royal Highness was going to get married, and he had to get married before His Highness's 20th birthday.

Baoyu was very sad when she found out about this. She told Baozhu first, and Baozhu was a little worried after hearing it: "Don't tell Liangdi beforehand, lest Liangdi be sad when she finds out."

"It's not good to hide it from Liang Di like this. I think it's better to let Liang Di know about it earlier, so that Liang Di can be mentally prepared." Baoyu frowned: "Sooner or later, there will be such a day, isn't it?"

Even if His Royal Highness did not have a Crown Princess before ascending the throne, there will be a Queen after ascending the throne in the future, right? Today's good concubine is only a concubine, and she will only be a concubine in the future.

After all, Liang Di once married, this is a fact that everyone knows.

"Hidden one day counts as one day, Your Highness treats Liang Di so well..."

"No matter how good your Highness treats Liang Di, it is useless. There are also the Emperor, the Empress Dowager and Concubine Shu. They all urged His Highness to get married. Can His Highness really not marry the Crown Princess for Liang Di?" Baoyu hit the nail on the head.

Baozhu was silent, because Baoyu's words made sense.

If the emperor exerts pressure, or an imperial decree comes down, what can His Highness do?

The two stood for a while, and finally felt that they should not mention this matter to Qin Zhao.

When the two of them returned to the study, Qin Zhao glanced at them lightly: "What are you two whispering behind my back?"

And with such a solemn expression, those who didn't know thought they were going to mourning.

Baoyu would not hide her emotions, she glanced at Baozhu and motioned for Baozhu to answer.

Baozhu took advantage of the situation and said, "I had a quarrel with Baoyu just now, but the girl couldn't quarrel with the slave girl, so she was angry with the slave girl."

Qin Zhao looked at Baoyu and saw Baoyu hiding in the corner, snorted lightly, but did not refute Baozhu.

Qin Zhaoxin thought it was true, she was facing Baoyu at this moment, "Baozhu, you are smarter than Baoyu, you usually let her a little more, she is more childish..."

"Liangdi, is this a slave-protecting maid or a harming slave-maid?" Baoyu forgot that he was sulking, and said angrily.

"Of course it's to protect you. If you can't quarrel with Baozhu, then don't quarrel with her. You know that you can't fight her, but you still humiliate yourself. Isn't that what you find uncomfortable?" Qin Zhao said again.

Baoyu felt that what the master said was reasonable: "Then the slaves will not quarrel with Baozhu next time."

Qin Zhao:  …

In the end should I say that she has a brain, or should I say that she has no temper?

"When you can't quarrel with Baozhu, you can come to me and I will help you." Qin Zhao coughed lightly.

Baoyu's tears suddenly blurred: "Liangdi treats slaves very well..."

Such a good good girl, why is she not a princess? Obviously, His Highness likes Liang Di so much.

When Qin Zhao saw Baoyu crying suddenly, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

In the end, it was Baozhu who came forward, took Baoyu out of the study, and exhorted, "Your emotions are too revealing, and you should spend less time in front of Liangdi in the next few days, otherwise Liangdi will sooner or later find out that something is wrong."

"What's the use of hiding it? Could it be that if you hide it, Liang Di would not know about it?" Baoyu said, and walked away with a sad expression.

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