After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 307 As long as you don't know, your concubine won't be sad...

When Xiao Ce came to Wangyueju that night, Qin Zhao found that Xiao Ce's expression was not quite right, and he looked a little depressed.

She sat down beside Xiao Ce and asked, "What's wrong with Your Highness?"

Xiao Ce turned to look at her: "I rarely accompany you recently, can you be alone?"

Qin Zhaomei's eyes curved slightly: "How is it possible? With the Four Treasures accompanying the concubine, as well as the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, the concubine has a very fulfilling life every day. Your Highness does not need to worry about the concubine, the concubine can take care of herself."

She is not a fragile woman, she can't live without Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce saw that she was so well-behaved and sensible, all the words stuck in her throat.

"What kind of look is your Highness?" Qin Zhao felt that Xiao Ce looked at him strangely, but he couldn't tell why.

Xiao Ce patted her head and asked, "What do you want? Just tell Gu, I will give it to you."

Qin Zhao was delighted when he heard this: "I don't usually see His Highness treat my concubine so well. What's wrong with me today? Isn't it because you have done something and feel that you are indebted to your concubine?"

She was just a joke, but in Xiao Ce's ears, it was like a thunderbolt. He didn't expect her to be so sensitive, even if he said it in an instant, it showed his current state of mind, and Qin Zhao caught it.

"Really? It's alright, if your Highness does something wrong to your concubine, you can hide it from your concubine. As long as you don't know, your concubine will not be sad..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xiao Ce held her in his arms: "There will be no such day."

The thoughts of the father, grandmother, concubine, and ministers of civil and military affairs are not important at all, the important thing is that he does not want to make Qin Zhao sad.

He felt that apart from Qin Zhao, he would never meet another person who he didn't want to let down.

"His Royal Highness's embrace is so warm, it makes my concubine feel safe." Qin Zhao leaned in Xiao Ce's arms and said with a genuine smile.

Zhang Jixiang, Baoyu, and Baozhu, who were waiting not far away, silently exited the room.

Baoyu and Baozhu looked at each other, both of them were thinking, the Highness said "there won't be such a day", does it mean that there will be no Crown Princess?

Or are they thinking too much?

No matter what Your Highness means, it is absolutely true that Your Highness cares about Liangdi.

Baozhu and Baoyu were not sure whether Xiao Ce meant what they thought, but Zhang Jixiang clearly understood that His Highness did not intend to get married, and he made a decision because His Highness did not want to see Qin Liangdi sad.

His Highness cares so much about Qin Liangdi's feelings, and I don't know if it is a good thing. In any case, His Highness can be happy.

As the person involved, I felt that Xiao Ce tonight was a bit unusual, especially when she was sleeping, and this feeling was even stronger. She had to ask for water four times a night, which would have tossed her old waist.

The next day, she slept until nearly noon before getting up, and her spirit finally recovered, and she ate a lot of lunch. Just because she ate too much, she planned to go out to Mochizuki Residence for a walk.

Who knew that Baoyu and Baozhu stopped her at the same time, which surprised her a little.

"What are you doing?"

"It's too sunburned, Liang Di's skin is so delicate, going out at this hour will cause her skin to get sunburned." Baoyu was anxious and found a good excuse.

Qin Zhao looked out the window, "There is no sun today, how could it be possible for the skin to get sunburned?"

Baoyu took a look and found that it was indeed a cloudy day.

"The weather has changed, and it looks like it's going to rain, so Liang Di will take a walk in Mochizuki Residence." Baozhu answered the words very alertly.

Qin Zhao didn't think this was going to change the sky, but Baoyu and Baozhu didn't want her to leave the Moonlight Residence, which seemed a bit unusual.

Could it be that what happened to the East Palace, they didn't want her to know?

"It's okay, go out for digestion and come back soon." Qin Zhao said, and walked away first.

Baoyu and Baozhu looked at each other, both of them knew that they couldn't stop their master, so they had to bite the bullet and follow.

They all hoped that they would not meet a talkative woman later, so as not to let Liang Di hear the rumor that the Prince's Palace was about to marry a wife. This matter has not yet been finalized, it is just a rumor, who knows if it is true or not?

But things backfired. Seeing Li Chenghui approaching, Baoyu and Baozhu knew it was bad.

Sure enough, Li Chenghui showed a meaningful smile as soon as he saw Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao saw it clearly and slowed down.

There is a situation!

"Sister Qin stayed in Mochizuki all day and couldn't come out. I don't think she knew that the sky in the East Palace was going to change, right?" Li Chenghui didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

Qin Zhao turned to look at Baoyu, who immediately lowered his head in a guilty conscience.

Seeing Baoyu's guilty conscience, what else did Qin Zhao not understand? These two girls clearly knew that something happened in the East Palace, but they didn't want her to know.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be out of Mochizuki Residence, and Li Chenghui couldn't wait to brush his presence in front of her.

"No matter how the sky changes, isn't it still the same sky? I don't think there's any need to make a fuss. It seems that you have little knowledge about Sister Li." Qin Zhao's mouth was still as powerful as before.

Seeing Qin Zhao taunting himself, Li Chenghui laughed instead of being angry: "My sister is not worth it for my sister. If it is said that His Royal Highness's heart is not of Sister Qin's, but His Highness's favor is only superficial. We will get married. When the East Palace has the Crown Princess, Sister Qin will only be a concubine no matter how much she is favored..."

Qin Zhao was a little surprised when she heard that Xiao Ce was going to get married, but it didn't affect her to go back: "Sister Li's statement seems to be not a concubine."

Li Chenghui was not provoked by Qin Zhao this time, and she still smiled: "My sister is an insignificant little person. She sees His Highness only a handful of times on weekdays, and there is nothing to lose. When the Crown Princess enters the East Palace, there will be an additional procedure of greeting. Sister. It's different again. His Royal Highness dotes on my sister. When the Crown Princess is stationed in the East Palace, she still doesn't treat her as a thorn in her eyes and a thorn in her flesh? So my sister said, "My sister is fine in everything, but her status as a concubine has no place on the table, and it is impossible in this life." To be His Highness's wife, you can only be a concubine."

She felt that no matter how skilled Qin Zhao was, the limit was to be able to get into the position of a good diva. When His Royal Highness has the Crown Princess, doesn't Qin Liangdi have to look at the Crown Princess's face and act?

That being the case, what face does Qin Zhao have to drag in front of her?

"Sister, should you be more sympathetic to yourself? After entering the East Palace for so long, the number of times my sister has seen His Royal Highness is very small, but she is still proud of it. This shows that my sister has not improved much. I am different. When I was Liangdi, I It can be favored by His Highness, no matter who adds to the East Palace in the future, my favor will not be less than it is now. But my sister..."

Qin Zhao said with a sarcastic smile: "So there is no comparison between people. My next cousin can be more promising than you, a famous lady, doesn't my sister feel that she is wasting air and food in her life? ?"

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