Li Chenghui was ridiculed by Qin Zhao for a while, and his face changed slightly: "You—"

"What I said is the truth. It is well known that I am a court lady, but it is also true that I am favored by His Highness, unlike you, Sister Li, who has been in the East Palace for so long, and is a pure and innocent direct daughter, but why? Your Highness just doesn't like my sister? My sister has to find the reason for this. I can't even like her with her temperament, let alone His Royal Highness?" Qin Zhao sneered and walked away gracefully.

Only Li Chenghui's face was blue and white for a while, and it was really ugly.

Baoyu and Baozhu were apprehensive. Normally, they would applaud Liangdi's tongue-in-cheek skills, but now Liangdi's expression is not right, is this going to settle accounts with them?

As a result, Qin Zhao didn't ask anything, and after a circle in the East Palace, he returned to Mochizuki Residence.

As soon as they entered the living room, Baozhu and Baoyu knelt on the ground in a tacit understanding, and said in unison, "This servant is wrong."

"Get up, why are you kneeling for no reason?" Qin Zhao said angrily.

Although it is the daughter's house, there is gold under his knees, so he cannot kneel easily.

She stepped forward and lifted one up with one hand: "You are also doing it for my own good, and you don't want to bother me, so you didn't talk about it. But you must know that paper can't contain fire. Since I will know sooner or later, why not just let it go? I know?"

It's better than when she went out today, she was still confused when she was laughed at by Li Chenghui.

"Slave doesn't want to see Liang Di sad." Baozhu frowned.

They thought this was the best thing for Liang Di, and hoped that the news that His Highness was getting married was false.

"What's so sad, His Highness is not too young, it's normal to get married." Qin Zhao lightly pulled the corners of his lips and wanted to laugh, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

In the previous life, Xiao Ce did have a crown princess, and that one was Wu Xiyu. Later, Wu Xiyu followed Zhao Yu, and Xiao Ce never married the crown prince again, nor did he stand up after ascending the throne.

In this life, because of her spoiler, Wu Xiyu was not regarded as the crown prince, so Xiao Ce's crown prince was vacant. Now that this matter is put on the agenda, it is actually in line with the development of the plot.

She just hadn't thought about it before, now it's time to think about it.

With her status, being a good diva is Xiao Ce's greatest favor, and she knows it herself, so there are some things she has never thought about.

Thinking about Xiao Ce's mood last night, it seemed that something was wrong. Later, Xiao Ce also said something that made her remember deeply. He said it wouldn't make her sad.

She felt a little bit of signs last night, but then Xiao Ce's words made her stop thinking about it. Thinking about it carefully now, Xiao Ce must be thinking about marrying the Crown Princess.

As the crown prince, it became his responsibility and obligation to marry Xiao Ce and have children. Concubine Shu wanted Xiao Ce to marry him, as did the emperor and the empress dowager.

This is a situation that must be broken. As long as Xiao Ce doesn't marry a wife for a day, this matter will become the most important thing for everyone.

Of course, it is not that there is no way to solve it, that is to let Xiao Ce have a future.

Qin Zhao looked at his stomach and suddenly felt powerless.

If she can't conceive a child, can she still stop Xiao Ce from marrying a wife and having children? Where did she come from?

"You all retreat, I will be alone. By the way, don't mention this to His Highness, this is not something we can talk about." Qin Zhao urged.

Baozhu and Baoyu followed their words and withdrew.

The two of them sighed at the same time, knowing that this matter was of great importance, and it was inappropriate for them to say anything. It would be better for Liang Di to figure it out for herself, or to accept the fact.

Of course, it would be better if His Highness the Crown Prince could not get married, but is it possible?

Even if His Highness said last night that he would not make Liang Di sad, they couldn't believe that His Highness would choose not to marry for Liang Di's sake.

Qin Zhao thought about it for a long time, but he was still in a mess. Later, she asked Baoping to help her diagnose her pulse. After the diagnosis, Baoping's answer remained the same: "At present, Liangdi's body has recovered, but it is still difficult to conceive..."

"You mean I might not be able to conceive a child in my life, right?" Qin Zhao interrupted Baoping.

She knew that Bao Ping's words had reservations, but she just didn't want to make her feel too sad, so she didn't say too much before.

"It's not...not necessarily. Don't worry about Liangdi. I will take care of her in the future. Maybe I can take care of Liangdi's body? The slave girl has been studying many ancient medical books recently. If she can find a good way, she will be able to make her lost Take care of your body." Bao Ping replied hurriedly.

Qin Zhao sighed softly.

She knew that Aquarius wanted her not to despair, after all, the future was uncertain.

But she also understands that her body was damaged at a very young age, and it is not easy to remove the residual poison from her body, but it is not so difficult to get pregnant.

"What the servant said is true, Liang Di really has a chance to take care of her body!" Bao Ping said hurriedly, afraid that Qin Zhao would not believe it.

Qin Zhao smiled: "I believe you."

Aquarius' loyalty to her is beyond doubt, she is sure of that.

Her luck in this life is not bad, presumably God will let her survive in a desperate situation.

She originally thought that if she could give birth to a prince, perhaps Xiao Ce would not have to marry a wife, and she could also help Xiao Ce complete the task of inheriting the lineage.

But her body has a loss and it is extremely difficult to conceive, what reason will she use to prevent Xiao Ce from marrying the crown princess?

If he doesn't get married because of her this time, and he ascends the throne in the future, won't he have to worry about inheriting the lineage?

So she couldn't do anything, and she was also afraid that in the future, there would be no successor in Daqi, and Xiao Ce would blame her for this.

"Slave will definitely find a way to adjust Liang Di's body, she will!" Bao Ping looked firm.

"Then you can study more in the future. It's enough for me to have Baozhu and the three of them to serve." Qin Zhao smiled and said, "Just talk about what kind of medical books you need to read, and I'll find them for you."

"Slave will definitely do her best." Aquarius responded.

Qin Zhao no longer bothered himself about this issue. She felt that Xiao Ce had treated her well enough. Although she didn't want him to marry another woman at all, she had no position to prevent him from getting married. This might be her sadness.

Just because she is the next cousin and she has no strong family support behind her, she, a woman without a background, is destined to be looked down upon.

Even if she is very confident, outsiders will always look down on her and think she is not worthy of Xiao Ce. Even when she became Liang Di, it was she who climbed up Xiao Ce.

Qin Zhao had some resentment in his heart, so when Xiao Ce came to Wangyueju that night, Qin Zhao was a little disappointed.

As soon as Xiao Ce saw Qin Zhao, he found that her mood was not right: "Who made you unhappy?"

"Nothing." Qin Zhao replied without a smile.


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