"People like Sister Qin are destined to do great things. Although I have the intention to befriend her, I also know that my future is gloomy." Zuo Liangyuan frowned.

How about being more calculating? It is a fact that His Royal Highness does not like her. Even if Qin Zhao regains his favor, she will still have a chance to see His Highness in the future, but His Highness may not like her.

His Highness doesn't like anyone except Qin Zhao.

Taking the current situation as an example, the fact that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince left Qin Zhao in the cold was an opportunity for other beauties in the East Palace. But during this period, His Royal Highness did not walk around the backyard, not to mention giving everyone a chance to sleep.

This is the saddest place.

"Don't be discouraged, Liangyuan, the future is still very long, and it is most important to take the present step first." Red Line comforted her master.

Zuo Liangyuan looked back at Wangyueju and whispered silently, "If I were Sister Qin, how good would it be?"

Here, Qin Zhao was immersed in his own thoughts after sending Zuo Liangyuan away.

"Baozhu, have you noticed that Wangqiu Pavilion has been too quiet recently?" Qin Zhao said suddenly.

Baozhu was stunned for a while.

As Liangdi said, Wangqiu Pavilion is too quiet, as if there is no such person as Wu Liangyuan in the East Palace. But Wu Liangyuan is not a person of security, this situation is really abnormal.

"Wu Liangyuan isn't planning any conspiracy, right?" Baozhu was a little worried.

Qin Zhao thought thoughtfully: "I have to ask Wu Xiyu."

After all, Wu Xiyu is not a safe person, and there must be a reason for his sudden quietness.

"Let's do this, let Baoyu keep an eye on the movements at Wangqiu Pavilion recently. If there is anything unusual, let me know as soon as possible."

"Slave, go and tell Baoyu." Baozhu said and walked away.

Qin Zhao quickly put the matter on hold. She is not even afraid of Wu Guifei, and naturally she is not afraid of Wu Xiyu's tricks.

And she thought that Wu Xiyu couldn't make any big waves.

The last time Madam Zhong followed Wu Guifei to Wuye Mountain, Wu Xiyu didn't have a decent military advisor by her side, so she was sure that Wu Xiyu would not be a big deal.

As for Wu Xiyu, she was waiting in Wangqiu Pavilion for the chance to see Zhao Yu again.

Since the last time she met Zhao Yu, she decided to follow the plot in the book, she wanted to become Zhao Yu's wife to humiliate Xiao Ce.

If Xiao Ce doesn't cherish her, there will naturally be someone better than Xiao Ce who is worthy of her life. Why should she hang herself on Xiao Ce's tree?

She insisted on becoming Xiao Ce's woman, not because Xiao Ce was happy with Xiao Ce, but because Xiao Ce was the prince, she took this road of no return in order to fulfill everyone's dream of being a queen.

Now she regrets it, her aunt is not in the palace, and no one stops her in what she wants to do.

Just when she was thinking wildly, Luoxia came in in a hurry, with a happy face: "My servant finally sees Young Master Biao."

"Then did you bring my words to him?" Wu Xiyu asked, surprised and happy.

The smile on Luoxia's face gradually faded, and she said quietly, "Young Master Biao left without saying anything, and this slave does not know what Young Master Biao means."

Liangyuan asked her to speak to Young Master Biao, hoping to meet outside the palace. She brought the words to Young Master Biao, but Young Master Biao was surprised from the beginning to silence later, and she did not know if Young Master Biao would meet Liangyuan outside the palace.

"Cousin didn't say anything, it means that he has a heart, it's okay, I just need to wait for cousin's reply. Tomorrow, you can wait near the council hall. If you see cousin, let him No matter what, give me a message." Wu Xiyu smiled.

She felt that Cousin Yiyu's affection for her would definitely be tempting. As long as she saw Cousin Yu, everything that followed was a matter of course.

"This slave can save it." Luoxia answered happily.

She felt that Young Master Biao was much better than His Royal Highness, at least he had nothing to say to Liangyuan. Why did entering the East Palace feel like living in a cold palace?

After receiving the message from Luoxia, Zhao Yu thought it was inconceivable. Later, he felt that it was not right. After all, his cousin was already the good Yuan of His Royal Highness.

If he meets with his cousin again, Guatian will go down and he will not be able to tell.

For a while, he remembered the sweet times he had with Wu Xiyu, and couldn't help himself.

He once thought that he was the one who would never marry in this life, and finally became the concubine of His Royal Highness. And his former wife also became the concubine of His Royal Highness.

They would all rather be the concubine of His Royal Highness than his wife, just because His Royal Highness is the Crown Prince and will be the Emperor in the future.

Zhao Yu didn't sleep well that night, he always remembered what Wu Xiyu brought him. According to what he knew about Wu Xiyu, since she wanted to meet him, this time she couldn't, and she would come to him next time until he agreed.

When he saw Luoxia the next day, he was not surprised.

"You bring words to Wu Liangyuan. She is now the Liangyuan of His Royal Highness, and should not have any dealings with me anymore. I will not see her." After Zhao Yu finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Luoxia didn't want to attract attention, so she had to look back at the Qiu Pavilion first.

When Wu Xiyu heard Luoxia's answer, she was not surprised at all.

"You can bring another word to cousin Yu tomorrow, and tell him that if he doesn't agree to see me, tomorrow I will wait for him outside the council hall in person." Wu Xiyu showed a meaningful smile.

Cousin Ru Ruoyu is not moved at all, so he will not appear in the East Palace today. He should understand that she is not one to give up easily.

She believed that her relationship with Cousin Yu would definitely make Cousin Yu agree to meet her.

At this moment, Wu Xiyu didn't know that the movement in Wangqiu Pavilion had already caught Qin Zhao's eyes.

Baoyu received the news on the first day Luoxia saw Zhao Yu, and immediately told Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao decided to wait and see what happened.

When Luoxia saw Zhao Yu again the next day, Qin Zhao knew that this was unusual.

Is it possible that the plot of the book will still be followed in the end?

Wouldn't Wu Xiyu regret following Xiao Ce and want to put a green hat on Xiao Ce?

The last time Wu Xiyu had met Zhao Yu, she suddenly had a high fever. At that time, she guessed that she could not get rid of Zhao Yu, but at that time she thought that Wu Xiyu had Zhao Yu in her heart, so she would react so much.

How do I know that Wu Xiyu has quieted down recently, and when there is a movement, it is related to Zhao Yu.

If Wu Xiyu is on the way to cuckold Xiao Ce, should she remind Xiao Ce about this?

Of course, this is not easy.

Because Xiao Ce has not communicated with her recently, if she goes to Xiao Ce for this kind of thing, her relationship with Xiao Ce will probably worsen.

In the end, Qin Zhao still felt that it was better to have less than one thing.

It is not good for her to intervene in this matter. If Wu Xiyu follows Zhao Yu in the end, it can only be that the plot master in the manual is still playing a very important role, which also shows that its power is still strong.

If Wu Xiyu follows Zhao Yu again in the end, will Xiao Ce still die young in the future?

Thinking of this possibility, Qin Zhao's heart was a little heavy.

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