After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 316 Qin Zhao, Shut Up! !

"Wu Liangyuan and Mr. Zhao have a private exchange, do you want to tell His Royal Highness this matter?"

Baoyu's voice drifted into Qin Zhao's ears.

"This is about Wu Xiyu, let's not worry about it. And Wu Xiyu has a strong backstage. If she plans to get back with Master Zhao, she will get her wish in the end, right?" Qin Zhao clearly remembers one thing, Zhao Yu loves Wu Xiyu more than in the book own life.

If Wu Xiyu deliberately seduced Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu might not be able to resist Wu Xiyu's tenderness offensive.

It's just that she couldn't understand Wu Xiyu's brain circuit. At first, even if she was a concubine, she had to enter the East Palace. After entering the East Palace, she was not seen by Xiao Ce, so she wanted to eat back grass.

She thought that Wu Xiyu insisted on entering the East Palace because of Xiao Ce's status as a prince. It was not like the current Wu Xiyu no longer admired vanity, but love came first, right?

And Wu Xiyu suddenly retreated from Tanggu and set his sights on Zhao Yu, wouldn't that mean losing without a fight?

Obviously Wu Xiyu hates her to death, and even hates to kill her. If Wu Xiyu leaves the palace, how will Wu Xiyu fight against her?

The more Qin Zhao thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, because it was illogical.

Wu Xiyu is by no means a good person, and the grudge with her is not a matter of one or two days. Suddenly Wu Xiyu intends to get back with Zhao Yu, does he just want to give Xiao Ce a green hat?

She thought that Wu Xiyu's main target should be her.

Unless it is said, Wu Xiyu feels that there is a way to deal with her with Zhao Yu.

At this moment, Qin Zhao's inspiration flashed, and she suddenly realized that Wu Xiyu knew the plot in the book. Does that mean that Wu Xiyu also knew that Xiao Ce would die early?

So Wu Xiyu decided to stop the loss in time, and when Xiao Ce died, he would join forces with Xiao Yu to deal with her?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was very high, otherwise Wu Xiyu would not abandon Xiao Ce, but turned around and decided to have an affair with Zhao Yu.

Maybe Wu Xiyu is still looking forward to Xiao Ce's early death, and if Wu Xiyu becomes the wife of a powerful minister in the future, he can fight against her in another way...

Qin Zhao thought that one head and two big ones here.

This is just her own personal guess, so I don't know if Wu Xiyu really planned this.

Rather than thinking wildly here, it's better to meet Wu Xiyu for a while and try it out.

Wangqiu Pavilion.

Wu Xiyu didn't expect Qin Zhao to kill him suddenly.

Recently, she stayed in Wangqiu Pavilion and stayed at home, just because she didn't want to provoke trouble in the East Palace. She only wanted to confirm with cousin Yu as soon as possible, so that she could leave the ghost place of the East Palace as soon as possible.

As soon as she saw Qin Zhao, her mood became a little unstable: "How can sister Qin come to look at Qiu Pavilion?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Come and have a look. You look good, so I can rest assured." Qin Zhao replied with a smile.

There was a sneer on Wu Xiyu's lips: "I didn't know that Sister Qin was a warmhearted person and would care about my life and death."

"What you said. No matter how you say it, you and I also had a relationship when we were in the Zhao mansion. At that time, I was still Lord Zhao's original partner, but you hooked up with Lord Zhao behind the scenes. I will remember this 'friendship' for the rest of my life. In my heart." Qin Zhao mentioned Zhao Yu intentionally, just to test Wu Xiyu's true mind.

Sure enough, when Wu Xiyu heard her mention Zhao Yu, her face changed.

"Why don't you say that I have a relationship with you? When I was in the Zhao residence, I heard about your name, and I saw with my own eyes how you seduce men. Later, when I entered the East Palace, I found that you were nothing more than that. I don't even have a chance to serve in bed, I can only be a widow—"

"Qin Zhao, shut up!!" Wu Xiyu was stabbed in the sore spot, and suddenly became furious.

All the humiliation she suffered in her life was given by Qin Zhao.

If it wasn't for Qin Zhao, she wouldn't be just a little Liangyuan, and she wouldn't even have the chance to serve in the bed.

Originally, she was supposed to be the crown princess and the future queen, but it was this vicious woman who changed her fate.

How could Qin Zhao have the guts to talk nonsense in front of her? !

"If I don't speak, it will not change the fact that you are a widow. And you can only live like this in your life, because you also know that His Royal Highness will not ask you to sleep, just because you have an aunt like Concubine Wu. ." Qin Zhao continued to poke at Wu Xiyu's sore spot, hoping to anger her.

"It is rare for someone to be called to bed by His Highness, but I am not!" Wu Xiyu blurted out.

Qin Zhao looked sideways when he heard the words, and said with a half-smile, "That's interesting, you don't care about sleeping, do you want to be a widow for the rest of your life?"

Wu Xiyu sneered in his heart.

Isn't Qin Zhao also being left out by Xiao Ce right now? He actually had the face to run up to her to show off. You must know that she doesn't care about Xiao Ce, her current goal is Zhao Yu.

"Don't you want to spread branches and leaves for His Royal Highness? Everything in the East Palace is fake, but if you can give birth to a son and a half daughter for His Royal Highness, you won't have to worry about the rest of your life." Qin Zhao continued to test without leaving a trace.

"That's your personal opinion, not everyone is like you. Qin Zhao, I'm not speculating with you, you can go." Wu Xiyu asked Luoxia to see off the guests.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao quickly left.

Although Wu Xiyu didn't spit out any useful information, she could find some clues from Wu Xiyu's attitude.

Wu Xiyu didn't even want to give birth to Xiao Ce's children, which didn't seem to be the way of the Wu family.

If Wu Xiyu wanted to rely on Xiao Ce after he ascended the throne, the best way would be to give birth to a little grandson, but Wu Xiyu didn't even care about this matter, it just showed that Wu Xiyu's heart was no longer on Xiao Ce and the East Palace.

"It seems that His Royal Highness is really going to be put on a green hat by Wu Xiyu." Qin Zhao said this, and he suddenly wanted to laugh: "His Royal Highness must have never thought that one day he would end up in such a situation."

Baozhu looked around nervously, and reminded in a low voice, "Beware of the ears on the wall, and Liangdi speak in a low voice."

"I've been quiet enough, don't worry, no one will hear. It's not me who cuckolded His Highness anyway..."

"Little Ancestor, please don't talk about this!" Baozhu was extremely nervous.

"If you don't say it, don't say it. I'll listen to you." Qin Zhao's eyes turned around: "Tell me, I know Wu Liangyuan is going to do this kind of thing, so should I stop it from happening?"

Therefore, it is very strange to say that Wu Xiyu's annoyance circuit, even if she was Liangyuan, she had to enter the East Palace. Now he wants to talk to Zhao Yu, and Wu Xiyu's brain is not easy to use.

Doesn't she know that cuckolding the prince is a royal scandal, and not only Zhao Yu's future will be ruined, but even the Zhao family will be implicated.

"Wu Liangyuan wants to die, why should Liangdi stop her?" Baozhu disagreed.

Qin Zhao thinks this makes sense. It was Wu Xiyu who killed herself, she just had to watch the fun.

Next, let's see if Zhao Yu can resist Wu Xiyu's enthusiastic offensive. She is very much looking forward to the next plot development.

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