After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 317 The prince is absurd!

The next day, Zhao Yu received another message from Luoxia, and he frowned, "I wonder what Wu Liangyuan wants to tell me?"

This is in the East Palace. Does Wu Xiyu know how serious this kind of thing is in the ears of His Highness?

"This... Liangyuan said that it was inconvenient to speak in the palace, and wanted to talk to Young Master Biao slowly outside the palace. Can Young Master Biao make arrangements?" Luoxia conveyed Wu Xiyu's words.

Zhao Yu sneered: "Is Wu Liangyuan being too self-willed? If people see me and her in a secret meeting outside the palace, not to mention that the Wu family will be implicated, and my Zhao family will also be implicated. If she is so willful again, don't blame this official. Ruthless!"

After saying this, Zhao Yu walked away.

Luoxia didn't expect that Zhao Yu, who always responded to Wu Xiyu's requests, would suddenly get angry. She lost her opinion for a while, and hurriedly looked back at Qiu Ge to report.

Wu Xiyu asked in disbelief: "Cousin really said those words?"

"Master Biao did say so." Luo Xia said indifferently.

Wu Xiyu's eyes reddened: "Cousin would not be so heartless towards me."

She always gave her what she wanted, how could she suddenly be so strict with her?

"What should Liangyuan do next?" Luoxia asked anxiously.

She felt that Young Master Biao was much better than His Royal Highness, the inexplicable prince, and there were many rules in the palace, so it was better to be at ease in Zhao Mansion.

"Tomorrow I'll go find him myself!" Wu Xiyu said fiercely.

"But there are so many people in the East Palace, wouldn't it be bad for people to see?" Luoxia was a little worried.

After all, Young Master Biao is also a foreigner, so the female relatives of the East Palace are not supposed to see foreigners, but Liangyuan...

"I'm not afraid, anyway, His Royal Highness doesn't care!" Wu Xiyu said coldly: "It was His Highness that failed me first, and I was persecuted by His Royal Highness." Wu Xiyu sneered and hooked his lips.

Luoxia wanted to say that Liangyuan was also a woman with a master, so she went to see other men in broad daylight, so that other people would know how they felt?

Early in the morning the next day, Wu Xiyu went to wait for Zhao Yu near the conference hall. Who knew that after waiting for most of the day, he did not wait for Zhao Yu, but instead met Wen Chong and Luo Yan.

When Luo Yan saw her, he glanced at her more, and then asked Wen Chong in a low voice, "That one seems to be Wu Liangyuan, isn't she waiting for His Royal Highness?"

"Don't mind your own business." Wen Chong didn't look sideways and walked away quickly.

Luo Yan looked back at Wu Xiyu, when Wu Xiyu suddenly approached him and asked, "Cousin Yu didn't come to discuss business today?"

Luo Yan was stunned for a while before answering: "Master Zhao is ill today and didn't go to the morning."

Wu Xiyu frowned slightly and muttered to herself, "Cousin is sick?"

Luo Yan vaguely felt that something was wrong, and he didn't dare to think about it any more, so he walked away quickly.

Wu Liangyuan and the others are Zhao Yu. Is that legend true? Wu Liangyuan actually secretly communicated with Zhao Yu, and have private contacts?

Should he tell His Royal Highness about this?

After struggling with this matter for a long time, based on the mentality of allegiance to His Royal Highness, he still went back the same way and went to His Highness to report the matter.

After Xiao Ce listened to it, he didn't say anything: "I know, I don't want to talk about it."

"Yes, Your Highness." Luo Yan felt slightly relieved and withdrew from the meeting room.

The room was quiet, Zhang Jixiang carefully observed his words, and did not see any unhappiness in Xiao Ce. Maybe it was because he didn't care about Wu Liangyuan, right? Otherwise, His Highness would not be so calm.

If it were Qin Liangdi who had contacts with Lord Zhao, His Highness would definitely be furious...

"What is your Highness going to do with Wu Liangyuan?" Zhang Jixiang asked curiously.

I want to see Lord Zhao in broad daylight, how anxious is Wu Liangyuan?

"Let her go. If she really likes Zhao Yu, let her go out of the palace with Zhao Yu." Xiao Ce replied quietly.

Zhang Jixiang was dumbfounded: "What did Your Highness say?"

He must be behind his ears, how could His Highness allow such absurd things to happen?

No, His Highness is clearly promoting such absurd things to happen!

"The twisted melon is not sweet. Since Wu Liangyuan can't let Zhao Yu go, it is better to let her leave the palace and leave the East Palace quiet." Xiao Ce's eyes flashed slightly, but he did not say that he was selfish.

He didn't like that Qin Zhao had Zhao Yu in his heart. If Zhao Yu had Wu Xiyu, he might be able to completely remove Zhao Yu from Qin Zhao's heart.

"But Wu Liangyuan is from the East Palace, how can she turn to Lord Zhao instead?" Zhang Jixiang still thought it didn't make sense.

This is the royal family, how can the royal family allow such a thing to happen?

"Then do you have a better way?" Xiao Ce asked in a low voice: "Even if Wu Liangyuan stays in the East Palace, her heart is on Zhao Yu. If things go on like this, sooner or later there will be trouble. Before, wouldn't it be better to be a lonely person?" Xiao Ce replied in a low voice.

The big deal is to give a name, saying that Wu Liangyuan of the East Palace died of illness, so the matter can be completely resolved.

"The servant thinks that if Wu Liangyuan doesn't keep the woman's way, then she should be put into the cold palace forever, instead of being generously sent out of the palace by His Royal Highness." Zhang Jixiang still felt that something was wrong.

"Gu Zong must take into account the feelings of Mrs. Zhao, which also involves Zhao Yu, and the means should not be too extreme." Xiao Ce waved his hand: "You go down, Rong Gu think about it again."

Zhang Jixiang had to withdraw, but he still felt that His Royal Highness's heart was a little too big.

Although Wu Liangyuan never served the bed after entering the East Palace, but in name, Liangyuan, who is also His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, how could she fulfill Wu Liangyuan and Lord Zhao?

This subverted Zhang Jixiang's values ​​and made him messy.

At night, before Xiao Ce was going to sleep, Zhang Jixiang couldn't help but ask, "Has your Highness thought about what to do with Wu Liangyuan?"

Xiao Ce replied in a low voice: "Tomorrow alone ask Zhao Yu and Wu's meaning before making a decision."

When Zhang Jixiang heard the change in Xiao Ce's address to Wu Xiyu, he suddenly realized that His Highness had not changed his mind.

After going to court the next day, Xiao Ce ordered Wu Xiyu to be invited to the main hall.

When Zhao Yu came to the main hall, the first person he saw was Wu Xiyu, his eyebrows jumped, and he didn't know what kind of battle this was.

When Wu Xiyu first saw Zhao Yu, she was overjoyed, and she lost her temper for a while: "Is cousin ill?"

Zhao Yu's face changed slightly, and he looked at Xiao Ce, afraid that Xiao Ce would be unhappy.

Wu Xiyu also found her gaffe, and she looked at Xiao Ce nervously.

Seeing their nervous reaction, Xiao Ce knew that he had guessed correctly.

"Miss Wu, are you still unable to let go of Zhao Yu?" Xiao Ce asked directly without talking nonsense.

Zhao Yu's face turned pale with fright: "No, this minister and Wu Liangyuan haven't seen each other for a long time, please ask His Royal Highness to make a clear lesson..."

"Zhao Yu, you don't need to be nervous. Gu is looking for you two today, just because I don't want anything beyond Gu's control to happen one day in the future. Well, Mrs. Wu, you can tell the truth first." Xiao The policy was ordered against Wu Xiyu.


Haha, all of them are weird

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