After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 323 The Crown Prince is here! !

Princess Yonghe hurriedly said: "I can't let you take responsibility..."

"My good princess, we haven't gone out yet, and there is no one to hold you accountable. Don't think about the things that haven't happened yet. If you want to leave the palace, I'll take you with me." Qin Zhao interrupted Princess Yonghe.

Princess Yonghe no longer hesitated, and readily agreed: "I want to leave the palace!"

She wants to see what the world outside the palace looks like. She has grown so big that she has never left the palace to see it.

"Then it's settled. I want to go to Zhao's house to drink wedding wine first, and then take the princess to go shopping on the street after drinking the wedding wine..." Qin Zhao followed up and explained his plan.

Princess Yonghe listened carefully and asked, "Do I want to prepare anything?"

"Nothing needs to be prepared." Qin Zhao chatted with Princess Yonghe for a while before getting up and leaving.

Princess Yonghe took her to the door, and suddenly asked another business: "Does the prince know that we are going out of the palace?"

"His Royal Highness and I are still in the cold war. I didn't tell him about this. He is so busy, so don't go to him for such trivial matters?" Qin Zhao felt embarrassed when he said this.

Princess Yonghe became anxious when she heard this: "How can it be done? Then the prince's elder brother will be blamed, so how can we make it happen?"

"Don't worry, I'm measured." Qin Zhao waved to Princess Yonghe and walked away quickly.

Lvca couldn't help sighing: "Qin Liangdi is really free and easy, how dare you not report to His Royal Highness the Prince on such a big event."

Princess Yonghe laughed: "Yes, there are few women in the world who are as assertive as Qin Liangdi."

Since Qin Zhao is not afraid of the prince's brother to blame, what should she be afraid of?

It didn't take long for Wu Xiyu and Zhao Yu to get married.

Because of Wu Xiyu's special identity, Zhao Yu has also been married once. This time, their marriage ceremony was simple, and the guests who came to watch the ceremony were also some relatives and friends, and even few people in Kyoto knew that this day was Zhao Yu's wedding day.

Mrs. Zhao tried to stop this, but Zhao Yu was determined to marry Wu Xiyu, but he finally gave in.

He was not optimistic about Zhao Yu and Wu Xiyu, but they wanted to get married despite everyone's opposition. Nothing he said would work.

When Qin Zhao and Princess Tong Yonghe appeared at the gate of the Zhao family, everyone in the Zhao family was taken aback.

Princess Yonghe is golden branches and jade leaves, and her arrival certainly caused quite a stir.

Princess Ronghua was very surprised when she heard that Princess Yonghe was coming, and when she heard that Qin Zhao was also coming, her face suddenly became ugly.

"Are you sure the Qin family is here too?" Princess Yonghe asked in disbelief.

"Exactly! Qin Liangdi came with Princess Yonghe and is in the living room at the moment." It was the competent attendant beside Princess Ronghua who answered.

Princess Ronghua's face sank: "I'll go take a look."

In this way, under the leadership of Princess Ronghua, the group went to the front hall in a mighty manner.

Qin Zhao and Princess Yonghe had already taken their seats. When Princess Ronghua arrived, Qin Zhao was talking to Mrs. Zhao.

When she saw Qin Zhao's face clearly, Princess Ronghua took a while to recover.

How could this be the Qin family? Qin Shi is thin and small, but the woman in front of her has black hair and snow skin, and she is radiant. Such stunning beauty is rare in the world.

"My concubine has seen Princess Ronghua." Qin Zhao saw that Princess Ronghua was coming, and got up to salute to Princess Ronghua.

Only then did Princess Ronghua find her own voice: "No gift."

She didn't expect to see Qin shi again in this situation. In the past, the Qin family was Yu'er's concubine, but now the Qin family is already the prince's good wife.

Because of the arrival of Princess Ronghua, the scene suddenly became eerily quiet.

"Yonghe, why did you leave the palace?" Princess Ronghua looked at Princess Yonghe, who was sitting beside her, and frowned.

She didn't like this princess, so naturally she couldn't show a good face.

"I went out of the palace to have a look. I heard that Qin Liangdi came to Zhao's house to watch the ceremony, so I accompanied Qin Liangdi." Princess Yonghe replied in a low voice.

Princess Ronghua frowned when she heard the words, "What are you doing with the Qin family? She came to watch the ceremony, and you came to watch too?"

Did you come to see her aunt's joke?

"There is a happy event at my aunt's house. Isn't it normal for me as a niece to come to watch the ceremony?" Princess Yonghe said indifferently, "There is a happy event at my aunt's house today, so don't get angry, otherwise it will be unlucky."

Princess Ronghua's breath was suddenly blocked in her throat, unable to go up or down.

Princess Ronghua is just as disgusting as Qin Zhao. Yu'er remarried and married a woman the prince didn't want. Why was she so happy?

At this moment, she became more and more certain that Qin Zhao and Princess Yonghe were both mad at her, and she also watched her jokes.

Just at this moment, someone outside suddenly ran in in a hurry to report: "His Royal Highness has come down!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, even Qin Zhao was dumbfounded.

She didn't tell Xiao Ce about her leaving the palace, but Xiao Ce suddenly ran over to watch the ceremony. If Xiao Ce saw her, would he be angry?

She couldn't sit still for a while, and looked at Princess Yonghe subconsciously.

Princess Yonghe also looked over and asked her in a low voice, "Brother Prince, I really don't know that you are in Zhao's house?"

Qin Zhao shook his head: "I don't know, it would be troublesome for him to see me here."

She wanted to find a place to hide.

Seeing that everyone left the living room and went to meet Xiao Ce in front of the door, she whispered, "I'll go to the other garden where I used to live to hide..."

Princess Yonghe felt outrageous for a while when she saw Qin Zhao left her and ran away.

She thought Qin Zhao was reliable, but as soon as she heard that the prince's brother was coming, Qin Zhao would run faster than anyone else.

The problem is that many people in the Zhao family know that Qin Liangdi is here. What is the use of Qin Zhao hiding?

Green Calyx joked in a low voice: "Qin Liangdi is also smart and confused for a while. What's the use of hiding? If someone leaks a word, doesn't His Royal Highness know that Qin Liangdi is here?"

Princess Yonghe couldn't help laughing: "Let her go, let's go to meet the prince's brother first."

When Princess Yonghe went to the gate, everyone in the Zhao family went out to greet her, with the exception of Wu Xiyu, who was the bride today.

Zhao Yu, the bridegroom's groom, was also among them.

He was welcoming His Royal Highness, when he saw Princess Yonghe coming out from inside, his heart froze, but Qin Zhao was what he thought of.

Could it be that Qin Zhao is also here?

Otherwise, how could His Royal Highness come here to watch the ceremony, and even Princess Yonghe came to the Zhao residence?

Xiao Ce got off the carriage. He glanced around and saw no one figure. His eyes finally settled on Princess Yonghe's face.

Of course, Princess Yonghe knew who the prince's brother was looking for just now, and it was clearly Qin Liangdi.

So let's just say, the prince's brother knew that Qin Liangdi had come to Zhao's house, so he rushed over temporarily. Qin Zhao was still hiding, could he hide from the monk and hide in the temple?

Xiao Ce walked up to Princess Yonghe and asked, "Where's the person?"

"Just now, he was still behind, and disappeared in the blink of an eye." Princess Yonghe said naively.

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