After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 324: If You Haven't Reconciled...

Xiao Ce took a deep look at Princess Yonghe, Princess Yonghe's face was a little hot, she had just lied, and the prince's brother must have seen that she was lying.

But she really didn't do it on purpose, she just felt that this answer was the safest.

Zhao Yu on the side heard Xiao Ce's conversation with Princess Yonghe, and instantly understood that this "person" was referring to Qin Zhao.

After that, he deliberately fell behind, and while everyone was not paying attention, he went to Rose Garden.

When he went to Qiangwei Garden, he didn't see Qin Zhao's figure. After thinking about it, he felt that there was another place to hide people, and that was Xiao Garden.

So he walked quickly to Xiaoyuan.

Besides, Qin Zhao went all the way to the vicinity of Xiaoyuan, and she felt friendly when she saw Xiaoyuan, and was about to go in and sit, but a woman stopped her: "Who are you?!"

Qin Zhao looked back at the person who came, she was a beautiful woman with a good face and an enchanting figure. She hadn't seen this woman in Zhao's residence before, was she new here?

"Who are you?" Qin Zhao looked at each other up and down and had the same question.

"This is Aunt Yueqing, who are you?" It was Xiaoling who replied.

And the beauty beside Xiaoling is Zhao Yu's new concubine Yueqing.

"My master is Qin Liangdi." It was Baozhu who replied.

Yueqing was originally amazed at Qin Zhao's beauty, but when she heard that the person in front of her was the Qin family who entered the East Palace and became Liang Di, she was shocked.

She never thought that Qin Zhao would become so beautiful. She only heard that Qin Liangdi was thin and small, which made the son unhappy, otherwise she would not be in court.

But this beautiful woman with excellent temperament in front of her turned out to be the legendary Qin Liangdi.

She regained her senses and hurriedly saluted Qin Zhao: "The woman has seen Liang Di."

"No gift." Qin Zhao said and waved his hand, "You can do it yourself, I'll go to Xiaoyuan to see."

"Yes." Yueqing watched Qin Zhao enter Xiaoyuan, and was stunned for a while before saying, "So this is Qin Liangdi."

Such a beautiful woman is completely different from what everyone described.

"Qin Liangdi take a good look." Xiaoling replied in a low voice.

They all knew that Xiao Yuan was the residence of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince when he was in the Zhao Mansion, and they did not dare to stay for long, so they hurried away.

After Zhao Yu went to Qiangwei Garden, he didn't see Qin Zhao's figure, so he came to Xiao Garden.

The moment he saw Qin Zhao, he slowed down. Sure enough, it was Xiao Yuan that she came to, and this was the place where she and His Royal Highness met for the first time.

When Qin Zhao heard the footsteps, he thought it was Xiao Ce at first, but the owner of the voice knew it was not Xiao Ce when he listened carefully.

When she looked back, it was Zhao Yu.

"Aren't you the groom's groom today?" Qin Zhao was very surprised.

Since Zhao Yu is the groom's groom, why is he still running around?

Zhao Yu looked at the slightly unfamiliar face in front of him, and couldn't speak for a while.

"I'm talking to you, why do you react like this?" Qin Zhao asked in confusion when he saw that Zhao Yu was still and didn't speak. He kept staring at her.

Only then did Zhao Yu realize his gaffe, he avoided Qin Zhao's eyes: "His Royal Highness just came down, I will come to look for you. Your Highness must be picking you up to the palace, you should go back with His Highness earlier..."

"That's not good! I received a wedding invitation from Wu Xiyu, and she invited me to drink your wedding wine. Wouldn't it be a waste if I go back like this before I drink the wedding wine?" Qin Zhao disagreed.

Whether she wants to go back to the palace is her business. Besides, Xiao Ce is in a cold war with her, so it's impossible to take her back to the palace.

Zhao Yu said in a deep voice, "Do you have to come if your cousin invites you? It's not like you don't know where this place is—"

Qin Zhao was happy when he heard this: "this is your Zhao family. I have lived here for two years, how could I not know where this place is. You don't need to feel embarrassed, I don't feel that way anyway. Wu Xiyu still She used to be a liangyuan, and now she can still marry you, knowing that things are impermanent."

She felt that it was not opportunistic to talk to Zhao Yu, and simply said: "I will sit in Xiaoyuan for a while. You are the bridegroom today, so you should be very busy."

She just barely made a direct eviction order.

Zhao Yu didn't show any sign of leaving, Qin Zhao looked at Zhao Yu and said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Young Master Zhao is so laid back that he doesn't look like someone who is going to get married today.

Zhao Yu shook his head, walked a few steps away, and then turned around again: "Have you ever thought about it, if we never got along..."

"What if it was in the beginning, reconciliation is reconciliation, where did so many assumptions and ifs come from. But as you said, I couldn't reconcile with you, and I must have died in some unknown corner. "Qin Zhao interrupted Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu was stunned for a while.

It was hard for him to imagine that such a vivid Qin Zhao had turned into a corpse, so their reconciliation was the best outcome for her.

Because of the protection of His Highness, she was able to become what she is today.

But Qin Zhao, who was with him, was dead and lifeless.

It turned out that Qin Zhao was not bad, but he was bad.

"Don't come back to Zhao's house. Since you're gone, don't come to my house." After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he walked away without looking back.

Qin Zhao turned to his back and said, "Do you think I love it? First ask Wu Xiyu why he invited me to watch the ceremony, it's inexplicable!"

At this time, Zhao Yu had disappeared.

Qin Zhao curled his lips and found a rocking chair to lie down.

She had been to Rose Garden just now, and it was already covered with dust. Xiaoyuan is just the opposite. It should be cleaned every day to keep it clean.

In other words, Xiao Ce suddenly came to Zhao's house, didn't he come to the happy bar on purpose?

Zhao Yu married Wu Xiyu. It is reasonable to say that Xiao Ce couldn't have come here to drink wedding wine. Could it be that he really came to arrest her?

Qin Zhao was thinking wildly when she heard the sound of small footsteps from far to near, and she heard it immediately. The owner of the footsteps was Princess Yonghe.

She looked up lazily, and saw that Princess Yonghe came hurriedly.

"You really are here. The prince's brother is here, let me take you to the ceremony." Princess Yonghe quickly came to Qin Zhao, gasping for breath.

Qin Zhao frowned: "Isn't he fighting me coldly?"

Why did she run to Xiao Ce to obstruct his eyes?

"Anyway, the prince's brother asked you to come over." Seeing Qin Zhao sitting still, Princess Yonghe simply stepped forward and pulled her: "Hurry up, we will be worshipping soon."

Seeing that her small arms and legs could not be pulled, Qin Zhao mercifully used her strength to get up.

"Does the princess think it's strange that Your Highness and I are here today for the wedding of Lord Zhao and Mrs Wu?" Qin Zhao asked casually.

"Is there?" Princess Yonghe didn't respond.

Qin Zhao reluctantly reminded her: "Master Zhao is my ex-husband, and Mrs. Wu used to be the good Yuan of His Royal Highness. As a result, I came down to attend their wedding with His Royal Highness. Don't you find this strange?"


I haven't asked for a monthly pass for a long time, hey, ask for a monthly pass.

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