After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 336 She came back too late

Xiao Ce patted Qin Zhao's unruly hand away: "How many times have I told you, don't do anything casually."

Especially when there are outsiders. He is the prince, she is Liang Di, and she must obey the rules.

"What can I do for the concubine? It's all your Highness who made the concubine unable to restrain herself." Qin Zhao grabbed Xiao Ce's hand and put it on his lips and kissed him.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ce suddenly wanted to leave business behind and spend more time with her.

But he is a man with strong self-control after all, this ridiculous thought was fleeting, he withdrew his hand: "Sit well, don't move."

"If the concubine accidentally moves, what will His Highness do with the concubine?" Qin Zhao smiled brightly.

Seeing her bright smile, Xiao Ce knew that talking to her was playing the piano to the cow.

"Aren't you reluctant to dispose of your concubine?" Qin Zhao saw through Xiao Ce's helplessness at a glance.

Xiao Ce squeezed her strength and was reluctant to use it: "I'm afraid of you, so you can sit down and don't talk."

Qin Zhao laughed in a sullen voice: "Yes, yes, my concubine is sitting and studying ink, and being the book boy of His Highness, I promise to be obedient and sensible."

Xiao Ce shook his head secretly.

In short, when he said one sentence, Qin Zhao could block him ten sentences, but he couldn't do anything about her.

It was a joke, but Qin Zhao was really good and didn't quarrel with Xiao Ce to do business.

But Xiao Ce still looked at Qin Zhao unconsciously, even though she was by his side and did nothing, his eyes couldn't help but glance at her.

Qin Zhao, even the Stone Man, noticed the difference. When Xiao Ce looked over again, she glared back: "Your Highness, don't be halfhearted, and handle government affairs with peace of mind."

Xiao Ce laughed, in the end it was his own.

Qin Zhao was not idle during this period, she was secretly observing Nian Su's reaction.

Niansu stood far away from beginning to end, calm as a pine, as if all her interactions with Xiao Ce could not affect her. This scene further shows that her intuition is right, and the thoughts of her previous life have also come.

If this is the case, Nian Su will be difficult to deal with.

Even so, she didn't have any fear of Niansu. In her previous life, she was too irritable, so she was repeatedly attacked by General Niansu.

In this life, things like the previous life will never happen again. Of course, Xiao Ce is definitely not the wooden man in the previous life.

Therefore, no matter how high Niansu's combat skills are, there is no threat to her.

Qin Zhao felt that it was meaningless, got up and said, "His Royal Highness is busy, so that His Highness will not say that it is the concubine who has missed His Highness's official business..."

Before she left, Xiao Ce took her hand: "Sit down!"

"His Royal Highness asks for a concubine?" Qin Zhao took an inch.

The next moment, Xiao Ce shot directly, picked her up, and put her on the stool: "Sit alone, don't move."

Qin Zhao looked at him angrily: "How can Your Highness use force against a weak woman like your concubine?"

Xiao Ce was embarrassed when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Niansu. Seeing that Niansu didn't look sideways, he whispered to Qin Zhao: "Don't talk nonsense."

Qin Zhao saw these small details, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "The concubine is joking, seeing the nervousness of His Highness. Besides, there are no outsiders here, what are you afraid of?"

She just wanted Niansu to see the relationship between her and Xiao Ce clearly, so that Niansu would deeply understand that no matter what she did, Xiao Ce regarded her as a relative even if she did not regard her as a lover.

She and Xiao Ce no longer have no emotional foundation like in the previous life, and they can be provoked by provocation.

Having achieved his goal, Qin Zhao quietly waited on the pen and ink, trying to minimize his sense of existence, so as not to delay Xiao Ce's business.

As a result, Qin Zhao stayed in the main hall for the whole day, and was under Xiao Ce's eyes even during the lunch break.

Of course, she also hoped that Xiao Ce could take a nap for a while, but he was so busy that he didn't even have time for a lunch break.

She was distressed and helpless, and did not sleep much. He handled government affairs while she practiced writing.

Nian Su saw this scene from a distance and looked blank.

She came back too late. If she had come earlier, His Royal Highness did not have such deep feelings for Qin Liangdi. If she had returned to His Royal Highness before Qin Liangdi became Liangdi, she would not have been like this now. situation.

At present, His Highness the Prince has become dependent on Qin Liangdi, and even has feelings for him. No matter what this feeling is, in the future, His Highness the Prince will easily be unable to part with Qin Liangdi.

However, since in her previous life, she could make His Royal Highness the Prince stay away from Qin Liangdi, this life will be no exception. She has such confidence.

If there is a way to make His Royal Highness completely disappointed with Qin Liangdi, she will be able to achieve her goal.

It's just that this matter is not urgent, it needs to be well planned.

That night, Qin Zhao naturally stayed in the main hall for the night.

This time Niansu did not make the same mistakes as before. She was not interested in seeing how Qin Liangdi was spoiled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and there was no need to block herself.

And she thought that Qin Liangdi's favor was only a temporary phenomenon.

No flower is ever red, and Qin Liangdi is no exception.

In addition, Qin Liangdi has a fatal weakness. In the previous life, Qin Liangdi gave birth to children, but in this life, Qin Liangdi was damaged from a young age, and it was difficult to get pregnant.

As long as Qin Liangdi's stomach does not live up to its expectations, there will be many people who will not allow Qin Liangdi to occupy the only favor.

After Qin Zhaoshi finished sleeping, he was so tired that he wanted to sleep, but Xiao Ce was still interested in chatting.

With his hand on her stomach, she knew right away that he wanted a son.

"His Royal Highness, let's rest early, we have to go to court tomorrow." Qin Zhao yawned and fell asleep.

"Tomorrow, let Imperial Physician Feng give you a pulse." Xiao Ce's voice rang in her ear.

Qin Zhao replied, "Okay, my concubine listens to His Highness."

What she didn't say is that Bao Ping has been studying medical records day and night recently, eager to heal her body. Because she was afraid of Xiao Ce's disappointment, she didn't mention it.

One more person to see the doctor and more hope, but she never dared to hold too much expectations.

She also knows that the problem is that her stomach is not up to par, otherwise it will save a lot of trouble, at least no one will say that the crown prince has no children yet.

The emperor and Concubine Shu were not in a hurry to force Xiao Ce to marry.

Her stomach is not good, there must be a woman who can give birth to continue the child for Xiao Ce, right?

It is sad to think about it, the decision of the fate of her and Xiao Ce is actually on her stomach.

Although Xiao Ce rejected marriage this time, she also knew that it was only temporary. Hearing that Xiao Ce was twenty years old, the emperor would suggest marriage to Xiao Ce.

At that time, Xiao Ce had no reason to refuse marriage.

Originally this time, the emperor and Concubine Shu also wanted to marry Xiao Ce. She knew that Xiao Ce refused to marry because of her feelings.

But the emperor still gave an ultimatum. After Xiao Ce was twenty years old, he had to get married. This was his duty as the crown prince.


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