While thinking about it, Qin Zhao didn't sleep for a long time, until the next morning, she suddenly woke up from her dream.

Baozhu waited for her to change and wash before saying, "Master Feng is waiting outside."

Qin Zhao heard the words and quickened his movements so that Imperial Physician Feng could take her pulse.

There was no surprise in the diagnosis result. Feng Taiyi’s words were also repeated, saying that she should take good care of her body and relax her mood, and also said that her current physical condition is good.

In a word, it is the same whether to diagnose the pulse or not.

Because she had expected such an outcome, she was not too disappointed.

Qin Zhao only left the main hall here, and Feng Taiyi went to answer Xiao Ce.

"Qin Liangdi was fundamentally injured in the early years, and it is not an easy-to-fertilize system. Don't worry, Your Highness, let Liangdi continue to take care of her body first. The minister just prescribed a prescription. Qin Liangdi takes it first, and it may be effective." Feng Taiyi respectfully said. .

Niansu waited on the side, listened carefully, and his expression did not change, because he had expected such a result.

His Highness hoped that Qin Liangdi would be able to conceive an heir as soon as possible, but Qin Liangdi's body was unsatisfactory, and it was getting closer and closer to the end of the year.

By that time, if Qin Liangdi fails to conceive, His Highness will not be able to refuse marriage.

She thought that God had been lenient enough to Qin Liangdi, but it was impossible to take care of her every time. Qin's good luck should have been used up.

After Imperial Physician Feng left, Xiao Ce's expression became solemn.

Niansu played the role of Jie Yuhua in time: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the experts are in the people, maybe His Highness can go to the people to find a genius doctor and see a doctor for Qin Liangdi. According to the slave maid, Qin Liangdi is a person with profound blessings, and she will be able to be your Highness in the future. give birth to a son."

Xiao Ce nodded slightly: "This is a way."

There are a lot of strange people in the folk. If you can find a highly skilled person to enter the palace to see a doctor for Qin Zhao, maybe you can change the status quo.

There was not much time, and the emperor only gave him so much time. Even if he wanted to find a genius doctor, he would not be able to find him in a while.

If Qin Zhao was able to get pregnant, he would still be able to find a reason for rejecting the marriage.

"My servant will send someone to look for her, and she will definitely find a divine doctor to heal Qin Liangdi, so don't worry, Your Highness." Nian Su said softly.

"Let Jixiang do this." Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently.

Niansu knew that Xiao Ce didn't trust her, but she didn't take it to heart: "Yes."

Coincidentally, Nianyun came suddenly and specially invited Xiao Ce to go to Changqiu Palace for lunch.

Xiao Ce thought that Concubine Shu was thinking of her, so she agreed to go.

When he entered the main hall, he found that there was another stranger. This Shu has a very good appearance. Although she is young, her temperament is very outstanding, and she looks playful and beautiful.

After seeing Xiao Ce, the girl Yingying bowed and saluted: "Qing'er has seen the prince's cousin."

Xiao Ce understood as soon as he heard this, this is Zhuang Qing, who had been confronted when he was a child: "No gift."

Zhuang Qingluo said generously: "The last time I saw the prince's cousin was ten years ago. The prince's cousin probably doesn't remember Qing'er."

Xiao Ce replied in a low voice, and then there was no further text.

Seeing this, Zhuang Qing covered her lips and smiled: "Cousin Prince was also reluctant to talk before. When Qinger said something, cousin Prince Prince had to answer. After so many years, cousin Prince Prince hasn't changed at all."

She was born beautiful, even more beautiful when she smiled, and with a cheerful personality, she was indeed likable.

When Zhuang Qing was in the banker's house, she was everyone's pistachio. She had a sweet mouth. When she entered the palace, of course, she was liked by Concubine Shu.

"Qing'er just can talk, Ace, don't you think?" Concubine Shu said comfortably from the side.

Xiao Ce falsely responded, but he felt that Qin Zhao was the only one who could really speak. Qin Zhao's mouth was accustomed to sweet words, and sometimes he was angry, and she could make him happy with just a few words of coaxing.

Seeing that Xiao Ce was not enthusiastic, Zhuang Qing didn't care, and she talked about the interesting things that happened when she entered the palace as a child.

She talked a lot, and Xiao Ce also remembered some past events.

Zhuang Qing was very naughty when he was a child. Once, he climbed a tree like a monkey. He was also the first time he met such a naughty child, and he was a girl.

"Once I fell from a tree, and I couldn't cry at that time. In order to stop my mouth, the prince's cousin said he would marry me. Does the prince's cousin remember this?" Speaking of this matter, Zhuang Qing With a narrow smile.

Xiao Ce vaguely remembered that there was such a thing, but after all, it was a childhood thing, so let's not mention it.

"Isn't the prince's cousin remember?" Zhuang Qing was slightly disappointed, but she quickly became excited: "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, Tong Yan Wuji, I won't rely on the prince's cousin. But, The woman who can marry the prince's cousin in the future must be a blessing."

Seeing Zhuang Qing's cheerful smile, Concubine Shu couldn't help but sigh that her sister taught Qing'er well.

If A Ce can see Qing'er's well-being and marry Qing'er as the crown princess, this is also A Ce's blessing.

Xiao Ce looked at Zhuang Qing with a hearty smile, and her condensed expression loosened.

He could see that Zhuang Qing was unintentional, and his impression of Zhuang Qing remained in his childhood.

"Qing'er will live in the palace for a while, Ace, you have to take care of her and make her stay happier." Concubine Shu urged worriedly.

She knew what kind of temperament her son was.

If he doesn't like someone, he will never aggrieve himself to accommodate him.

"Mother and concubine can accompany you a lot." Xiao Ce said in a low voice.

The implication is that he has no time to accompany him, so don't try to stuff people into him.

Concubine Shu's face darkened, this child is really...

Seeing this, Zhuang Qing hurriedly said: "The prince's cousin is someone who does big things. He is usually so busy, how can Qing'er run to disturb him? Besides, Qing'er entered the palace to accompany Concubine Shu's aunt, and she will go home after staying for a while. , the prince and cousin don't need to pay attention to Qing'er."

She didn't want to cause trouble for the prince's cousin.

Seeing that Zhuang Qing is sensible, Xiao Ce thinks of Qin Zhao.

"If you want to play in the East Palace, you can find Qin Liangdi." Xiao Ce opened his lips indifferently.

Qin Zhao has time, if someone accompanies Qin Zhao to talk to relieve the boredom, it is also feasible.

"Who is Qin Liangdi?" Zhuang Qing asked curiously.

Does a character like the prince's cousin actually have a favorite woman?

That Qin Liangdi is indeed a bit of a skill.

"It's just a good lady who can't stand on the stage, it's just a gadget." Concubine Shu didn't like Qin Zhao, and what she said was naturally unpleasant, especially when Xiao Ce asked a lady like Zhuang Qing to deal with Qin Zhao, This made her very unhappy.

As soon as Concubine Shu said this, the temperature in the room plummeted.

Xiao Ce's gloomy face made the scene silent.

Zhuang Qing didn't expect Concubine Shu to dislike Qin Liangdi so much, and she didn't expect Concubine Shu's aunt to be so mean.

The prince's cousin also changed his face, which showed that the prince's cousin liked Qin Liangdi very much, so he couldn't allow Concubine Shu's aunt to say that Qin Liangdi was wrong.

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