After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 339 You will marry Ace next year

"What?! That slave also gave Miss Zhuang some desserts she made. Didn't she feed the white-eyed wolf?" Baoyu exclaimed.

Qin Zhao was speechless: "Qing'er doesn't even know what she came to do in the palace. What kind of white-eyed wolf is she?"

"Could it be that Miss Zhuang has a deep scheming, and Liang Di didn't see it?" Baoyu said in a sullen tone.

"Liangdi is better than you in terms of looking at people." Baozhu said angrily: "Don't worry, since Liangdi knows why Miss Zhuang entered the palace, and Liangdi doesn't reject Miss Zhuang, this shows that Miss Zhuang is approachable."

Baoyu felt that what Baozhu said was reasonable, so she no longer bothered anyone.

After that Xiang Zhuangqing came out of the East Palace, he returned to the Changqiu Palace.

She made a confession with her maid, A Tong, and if Aunt Shu asked, she said she went to the prince's cousin.

Sure enough, she returned to Changqiu Palace, and was approached by Concubine Shu's aunt to question her.

"I went to the prince's cousin to sit for a while, but the prince's cousin was too busy, so I didn't dare to bother for too long before I came back." Zhuang Qing said the lines she had prepared.

Concubine Shu looked at Zhuang Qing coldly and did not answer.

This made Zhuang Qing feel up and down.

At this time, Concubine Shu looked at A Tong and asked, "Tell me where your girl just went."

A Tong was timid under Concubine Shu's gaze, she looked at Zhuang Qing for help, Zhuang Qing gave her a look, and suddenly understood one thing: Concubine Shu's aunt must know that she went to Qin Liangdi.

It's not good for her to lie again.

"Because I didn't know where to go, I went in and sat for a while when I passed Mochizuki Residence." Zhuang Qing hurriedly added another sentence.

That doesn't mean she's lying, does it?

Concubine Shu smiled coldly: "Are you sure?"

Qing'er's actions are in her hands.

Zhuang Qing didn't know how to answer now. The question is her whereabouts, how could Aunt Shu know?

"I was just curious about what kind of person Qin Liangdi was, so I went to Mochizuki Residence to sit for a while, isn't that right?" Zhuang Qing expressed incomprehension.

The one who lived with the prince's cousin was a woman from the East Palace, not Concubine Shu's aunt.

"Qing'er, you heard clearly, from now on you are not allowed to have any dealings with Mochizukiju and Qin Liangdi. I originally planned to tell you about this after the year, in order to prevent you from being deceived by Qin Liangdi, Take this opportunity to make it clear to you that you will marry A Ce next year, then you will be the Crown Princess, and Qin Liangdi is not a good person, this palace is afraid that you will be deceived by her." Concubine Shu said sternly.

Zhuang Qing was a little stunned by the sudden news, and it took a while to find her voice: "I want to be a princess?"

"Wait for you to get married before marrying A Ce. This palace will request the emperor to let you marry into the East Palace and become a crown prince. At that time, Qin Liangdi will be your enemy! Don't foolishly be used by her instead of I know myself." Concubine Shu opened her lips coldly.

Now she has reached the point of disgust for Qin Zhao. It was Qin Zhao who made the relationship between her and A Ce worse and worse, and she did not allow Qin Zhao's family to dominate.

"But, but I never thought of marrying the prince's cousin." Zhuang Qing frowned, a little overwhelmed.

She didn't understand why her family didn't help her discuss marriage when she was old, but now she understands that the Zhuang family and Concubine Shu's aunt were all planning to marry her into the East Palace.

But is it possible between her and the prince's cousin?

For a time, Zhuang Qing was also at a loss, not knowing what to do.

"I didn't think about it before, and it's not too late to start thinking about it now." Concubine Shu softened her voice: "Everyone in the Zhuang family's hopes are pinned on you. If you can become the crown princess, the Zhuang family will follow suit in the future."

Zhuang Qing said that marriage is a major event in life, why should she associate her marriage with the banker? On weekdays, her parents doted on her, and she would give her whatever she wanted. If she didn't want to get married, how could her parents force her to fail?

"What do you think, where in the world can you find a better match than A Ce? Ben Gong's son is the best man in the world, Qing'er, it's not a loss for you to marry A Ce." Speaking of Xiao Ce, Concubine Shu said Proud.

Of course, Zhuang Qing knows that the prince's cousin is very good, but she is not good, and her temperament is not suitable for living in the palace.

It's just that Concubine Shu couldn't listen to what she said.

She could only compromise: "I'm in a mess right now, let me think about it again."

Concubine Shu did not force Zhuang Qing, but Zhuang Qing hid back in the room and sighed.

If she had known that she had entered the palace to let her marry the prince's cousin, she would definitely not want to enter the palace.

But now that she lives in Changqiu Palace, it is not easy for her to go home. Why don't she find the prince's cousin and let the prince's cousin send her out of the palace?

But this would offend Concubine Shu's aunt.

"My servant thinks, there is nothing wrong with marrying His Highness the Crown Prince. His Highness is so handsome, and he is the Crown Prince of Da Qi, it is the best choice for a girl to marry His Royal Highness." Seeing her own girl sighing, Atong lobbied aside.

"You only see these good ones, but you never thought about whether my cousin, the crown prince, will be enthroned in the future. Will I survive the battle in the harem? Don't talk about others, just talk about people like Sister Qin. Do you think I am Sister Qin's opponent? "Zhuang Qing sighed again: "I must leave the palace and never marry the prince's cousin."

She doesn't know how to fight in the palace, and she can't survive in such a harem battle. Her appearance is not comparable to other beauties. No matter how calculated, she should not be a person in this imperial city.

A Tong still thinks that everything is possible: "Concubine Shu wants the girl to be the crown princess, and Concubine Shu supports her, what is the girl afraid of..."

"I can't tell you." Zhuang Qing frowned.

She felt that her mother and Concubine Shu must have discussed it, but neither of them disclosed any news to her, and now they tricked her into the palace, so she came to tell her about it because she was sure that she would accept her fate and marry the prince's cousin. ?

In her opinion, everyone thought it was too easy.

The cousin of the crown prince has Qin Liangdi in his heart, and he probably doesn't want to marry her, or if she is more determined, this matter can be settled.

She immediately made a decision and planned to go to the East Palace again.

Who knew that she had just left the door when she saw two palace maids guarding the outside, and when she saw her coming out, she asked, "Where is the girl going?"

"What are you doing outside my door?" Zhuang Qing asked rhetorically.

"The slave servant was ordered by Concubine Shu to serve the girl. The girl entered the palace at the beginning of her life and was unfamiliar with her life. In order to avoid unnecessary accidents, the slave servant must always guard the girl." The palace maid who replied was a little older.

What Zhuang Qing didn't understand at this time, the imperial concubine's aunt clearly sent someone to monitor her every move, this was because she was afraid that she would have contact with Qin Liangdi again.

She turned back indoors and suddenly lost her way.

The East Palace is calm.

When Qin Zhao went to the main hall at night, he also mentioned Zhuang Qing.

"Have you seen Qing'er?" Xiao Ce was a little surprised.

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