After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 340 Sister, Be the Crown Princess

"Yeah, she came to chat with her concubine, and said that she didn't know anyone in the palace. The funny thing is, Qing'er didn't look for His Royal Highness, but came to play with me. It seems His Highness is not approachable enough." Qin Zhao joked.

Xiao Ce thinks Qin Zhao's words make sense: "Qing'er was naughty when she was a child, and Gu has a little impression of her. If she likes you, she may come to you often."

"My concubine heard from her that she won't go home until next year's wedding ceremony, which means that she will be celebrating Chinese New Year in the palace this year." Qin Zhao tentatively said without trace.

Concubine Shu hopes that Zhuang Qing will become the crown princess. Does the actor Xiao Ce know about this?

"Really?" Xiao Ce was a little surprised.

Qin Zhao found that Xiao Ce's expression was not fake, which showed that he didn't know about it, and she felt slightly relieved.

"My concubine also heard what Qing'er said. Next time when Qing'er comes to the East Palace, I will bring her to find His Highness." Qin Zhao was in a good mood.

Not wanting Zhuang Qing to disappear in the next few days, Qin Zhao also specifically told Xiao Ce about this, and Xiao Ce told her that if she wanted to find Zhuang Qing, she could ask someone to ask Zhuang Qing out.

She felt that this was reasonable, so she asked Baoyu to do it.

Who knew that Baoyu spent a lot of money to spread the news into the Changqiu Palace, and then there was no news back. This phenomenon is not normal.

She went to Xiao Ce again, but Xiao Ce was so annoyed by her that he couldn't concentrate on his work, so he had to promise her to go to Changqiu Palace to see what the situation was.

When Xiao Ce went to Changqiu Palace, he saw Zhuang Qing, but Zhuang Qing seemed listless and lacked energy.

"Qing'er, greet Ace quickly." Concubine Shu saw that Zhuang Qing was not taking the initiative at all, so she had to give Zhuang Qing a hint.

It was rare that A Ce was still willing to come to Changqiu Palace after the last unhappy parting, which was something that had never happened before.

Zhuang Qing came to Xiao Ce to greet him, and then stood aside.

"Qinger rarely enters the palace, so my son takes her to the East Palace for a walk." Xiao Ce said and ordered Zhuang Qing: "Qinger, keep up!"

Zhuang Qing stared at Xiao Ce's back, hesitating whether to follow.

Seeing her standing still, Concubine Shu couldn't help urging: "It's rare for A Ce to take the initiative to come to you, so hurry up and follow. If you can make A Ce interested in you, it is your destiny."

Zhuang Qing thought to herself that she had no such ability, but she still followed because she wanted to know what the prince's cousin thought.

She followed Xiao Ce out of the Changqiu Palace, but the two maids sent to her by Concubine Shu's aunt also followed, she lightly tugged at Xiao Ce's cuff, and whispered, "Cousin, can you ask everyone to retreat? Down?"

What else did Xiao Ce not understand at this time?

He ordered in a low voice: "Go with Qing'er alone and talk alone!"

As soon as he said this, the servants headed by Zhang Jixiang stopped and no longer approached Xiao Ce and Zhuang Qing.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Qing said softly, "Cousin the prince is really powerful, just one sentence makes everyone listen to the cousin, it's not like I can't drive away the two palace maids sent to me by Concubine Shu's aunt. ."

"Mother concubine sent someone to watch you?" Xiao Ce was a little surprised.

No wonder Qin Zhao asked him to come over to see what happened. It turned out that the girl's worries were not groundless.

"Aunt Concubine Shu is also doing it for my own good, I know. By the way, when is the cousin of the crown prince planning to get married?" Zhuang Qing suddenly brought the topic to the point.

Xiao Ce glanced at her, and his eyes became colder.

"Hasn't Aunt Concubine Shu told my cousin the prince? What she means is that she wants me to be a prince. Does my cousin think I can be a prince?" Zhuang Qing said again.

Xiao Ce gave her a deep look: "Do you want to be a princess?"

"I don't think I have the ability to be a prince concubine. If the prince's cousin has another candidate for the prince's concubine, you can make it clear to Aunt Shu. What does the prince's cousin think?"

She felt that she was unlucky to be a prince concubine. She was definitely not a match for those people in this place.

When Xiao Ce heard this, he looked at Zhuang Qing and met her clear eyes.

She is the same as before, she is a good girl, and she has no scheming, such a person is indeed not suitable for the palace.

Qin Zhao was different. She was smart, cunning, independent, and thoughtful. Of course, Qin Zhao was also the most interesting woman he had ever seen.

"I will find a chance to clarify this matter with the concubine, you don't need to worry." Xiao Ce replied in a low voice.

Zhuang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but she still felt the need to make it clear: "It's not that the prince's cousin is bad, but the prince's cousin is too good. There are too many women who like the prince's cousin. Survive in the harem..."

"Okay, Gu knows what you mean." Xiao Ce interrupted Zhuang Qing's so-called explanation.

At this moment, he felt more intimacy with Zhuang Qing.

"I don't know what the prince's cousin-in-law will look like in the future. I think it must be a good woman like Qin's sister to match the prince's cousin." Zhuang Qing knew that Xiao Ce liked Qin Zhao, so she spoke kind words about Qin Zhao.

Xiao Ce thought of Qin Zhao, and his eyes became gentle: "I will handle this matter. If you want to leave the palace earlier, I can order someone to take you home."

As soon as Zhuang Qing heard Xiao Ce's words, she knew that Xiao Ce also didn't want to marry her, so she felt at ease.

Anyway, she would rather marry into an ordinary family than struggle in the deep palace.

After the two reached an agreement, the atmosphere was not bad, and Xiao Ce also specially took Zhuang Qing to the East Palace.

As soon as Zhuang Qing saw Qin Zhao, she told all her conversations with Xiao Ce.

Qin Zhao couldn't help laughing when he heard it: "It's not a bad thing to be a crown princess, it's just a palace fight..."

"It's not just as simple as a palace fight. If you're not careful, your family will be ruined. And I don't want to become an opponent with Sister Qin and become enemies." Zhuang Qing said what she said from her heart.

Qin Zhao touched Zhuang Qing's face and said softly, "It's fine if you don't enter the palace. This is a big dye vat. If people stay here for a long time, they may become another person."

She originally wanted to change her way of life in this life, but her fate with Xiao Ce was too deep, and she kept beheading her, and finally she became his Liang Di.

"I don't think so. Sister Qin is very good. I believe that no matter how many years she stays in the palace, Sister Qin will still be like this." Zhuang Qing suddenly thought: "If the prince's cousin really wants to have a princess , I think elder sister Qin is a good candidate. If elder sister thinks of a way to become a prince concubine, then Concubine Shu and the emperor will not always remember to find a prince concubine for the prince's cousin. "

Qin Zhao laughed dumbly: "You can just tell me this kind of thing. If it spreads to other people's ears, it will be a big sin for me."

She had been married before and could not be a princess.

She also doesn't have this kind of whimsical idea, unless she travels back to before marrying Zhao Yu. Even so, as a businesswoman, it is impossible for her to become a candidate for a crown princess.

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