Mammy Li also felt that Qin Zhao's reasoning was justified. The real murderer had done a lot of things behind the scenes back then, and he was scheming.

Qin Zhao took the veil again, and after careful inspection, her eyes lit up: "I understand, the problem lies in the word 'tai'. This is added, there are cut marks above the word 'tai', This shows that this is a 'big' character, and what is above the 'big' character is unknown."

Baozhu also had a flash of inspiration: "Could it be the word 'Wu'?"

Isn't Wu Guifei's surname Wu?

Then Concubine Wu may also be the real murderer who killed Concubine Wan.

The queen mother was stunned, took the veil and took a closer look, and found that there were indeed cut marks above the word "big", which means that the murderer had cut the veil, and the "mouth" and "one" above the word "Wu" were cut off. , it becomes the word "big", followed by a little bit, and then the word "hou", it becomes the word "empress dowager".

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that this matter was in line with the logic that Qin Zhao had speculated, but it was just speculation. With this handkerchief alone, there was no other witnesses and material evidence, and Concubine Wu did not admit it, so she could not decide what happened to Concubine Wu. crime.

"Your guess is very reasonable." The empress dowager's eyes became colder: "If the death of Concubine Wan was really caused by Concubine Wu, wouldn't the Aijia and the emperor have been played around by her all these years?"

Qin Zhao felt that it was too early to make a conclusion: "There is no other evidence to prove that Concubine Wu did it. We should not make a decision too early."

After all, Concubine Wan is the biological mother of Princess Yonghe. To find out the real murderer is to seek justice for Princess Yonghe. She cannot impose her personal likes and dislikes on this case, otherwise it will be unfair to Princess Yonghe.

When the queen mother heard the words, she praised Qin Zhao.

According to the grievance between Qin Zhao and Concubine Wu, if Qin Zhao is selfish, he can insist that Concubine Wu is the real murderer who killed Concubine Wan without evidence.

But Qin Zhao remained neutral and rational at this critical moment when Concubine Wu was about to return to the palace. Such a woman has a big picture.

It's a pity that he came from a poor background and was married before, otherwise he would be a perfect match with A Ce.

When Qin Zhao left the Cihe Palace, Baozhu asked, "Do you want Liangdi to discuss this matter with Princess Yonghe?"

Qin Zhao shook his head: "At present, there is no other evidence, and it is said that it will only add to the trouble. Concubine Wu will return to the palace in a few days. If she is really the murderer who killed Concubine Wan, we have to find out the evidence, otherwise we will say nothing. By the way, the emperor will not believe it and will not convict Wu Guifei."

And the first thing Wu Guifei did after returning to the palace, must be to deal with her, give her the power, she felt that the most urgent thing was to think about the countermeasures first.

"By the way, you should be more careful. Concubine Wu is arrogant. If she can't deal with me, she will probably kill you. My suggestion is that if you want to leave the East Palace, you must go together. If something goes wrong, it's good to have someone to take care of." Qin Zhao said with a straight face.

"The slaves can save it." Baozhu responded.

After Qin Zhao returned to Wangyueju, she was still worried. She deliberately called the Four Treasures to her and said that Concubine Wu would find a way to deal with her when she returned to the palace.

"You must wake up your spirits. Concubine Wu is a ruthless one. If you fall into her hands accidentally, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die, so you must take care of yourself and not be careless, you know?" Qin Zhaoqian Remind me.

Concubine Wu is a concubine. Among all the women in the harem, Concubine Wu has the highest concubine status, of course, except for the queen mother.

But it is impossible for the empress dowager to fight against Concubine Wu for the sake of her servants.

The Four Treasures responded in unison, they didn't dare to be careless in this matter of life.

"I'm afraid that Concubine Wu will make a surprise attack, and she will take action before she returns to the palace. You all should be careful these days." Qin Zhao added worriedly.

The Four Treasures looked at each other in dismay, is it necessary for the Tao of the Heart?

Even before Concubine Wu returned to the palace, Liang Di had already prevented Concubine Wu from dealing with them. How could it be possible?

Is Wu Guifei so powerful?

"Baozhu, talk to the three of them and let them know the importance of life." Qin Zhao saw that the other three treasures didn't care much, and felt a little tired.

Baozhu smiled and said, "Yes."

Then Baozhu called the other three treasures aside, and it took a lot of words to convince the other three.

Especially to let Baoyu know that if the person is gone, she will no longer be able to eat the delicious food in the world, and she will no longer be able to serve in front of Liangdi.

They haven't seen Liang Di give birth to a child. It would be a pity if it just disappeared.

Baoyu originally wanted to go to the kitchen to get the ingredients, but when she remembered what Baozhu had said before, she felt that she had to be more careful in the East Palace, so she asked Baoyuan to accompany her to the kitchen.

Although she felt that Concubine Wu was not so capable, before she returned to the palace, she was already thinking of doing it in the East Palace...

She told Bao Yuan as she walked, and soon went to the nearby kitchen.

Seeing the kitchen in sight, Baoyu smiled and said, "Why don't you just wait for me here—"

Before she could finish her sentence, suddenly two palace servants rushed over and wanted to do something to her.

But the moment they saw Bao Yuan, the two palace servants hesitated, just because it was no secret that Bao Yuan would be able to fight. It's just that they didn't expect Bao Yuan to be there today, and for a while they were riding a tiger.

Baoyu and Baoyuan exchanged glances from the very beginning, and felt that the two palace servants were clearly vicious just now, as if they were going to attack her.

"What did you two want to do just now?" Baoyu asked directly, unable to hide her thoughts.

She didn't know these two palace maids, and the two palace maids looked very familiar. She was sure that she had never dealt with them before.

"Nothing." It was still the square-faced maid who answered.

Baoyu was too lazy to talk nonsense with these two, so Baoyuan asked them to go to Mochizuki Residence.

Qin Zhao saw Bao Yuan came in with two face-to-face maids, and he didn't know what happened, "Who are they?"

It was Baoyu who replied, "When the slave and maid went to eat and get the ingredients, these two suddenly appeared and wanted to do something to the slave..."

"No, this servant just wanted to say hello to Baoyu, please tell Liang Di to see it." The square-faced maid hurriedly explained.

Another palace maid was busy echoing.

"The servants saw it clearly, they really wanted to attack Baoyu. But it was only later that they found out that the servants were there, so they had to stop." It was Bao Yuan who replied.

Qin Zhao opened his lips indifferently: "If you don't tell the truth, go to the Criminal Division, or let His Royal Highness deal with it. Of course, I don't need to investigate further, just stick to kill..."

"Liangdi spare your life, slave and maid!" As soon as the square-faced palace maid was frightened by Qin Zhao, she couldn't take it anymore and immediately called.

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