After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 345 The Crown Prince's Iron-blooded Wrist

In fact, the matter is very simple. Someone paid a lot of money to hire two palace maids to win Baoyu, but the other party didn't show their face. They gave them a deposit at night, and the deposit was very considerable.

Seeing that they wanted to make money, they decided to seize the treasure and jade at an opportunity, and then put the treasure in the place designated by the man. As for the next thing, it has nothing to do with them, they just need to do such a simple thing.

After Qin Zhao heard this, he asked Bao Yuan to escort the people to the main hall, so that Xiao Ce could deal with the two palace maids.

Baoyu finally understood at this time that these two palace maids were most likely the ones Wu Guifei paid a lot of money to buy.

If it wasn't for Liangdi's repeated reminders, she would not have taken it seriously.

If she was really taken to an unknown place by the two palace maids just now, it is very likely that she would become a corpse the next day?

Thinking of this possibility sent a chill down her spine.

Even Qin Zhao didn't expect that she just had a little more heart, and actually helped Baoyu through a disaster.

"Now you should know that there are many traps in the deep palace. This is a place to eat people. After this battle, you must maintain a vigilance no matter what you do, and don't be careless." Qin Zhao said with a deep heart.

Fortunately, Baoyu was fine this time, otherwise she couldn't imagine what would happen after Baoyu was really captured.

The Four Treasures should be in harmony, of which Baoyu's voice is the loudest.

That afternoon Qin Zhao heard that the two court ladies who committed crimes were killed by Xiao Ce in public.

The so-called killing with a cane in public is to gather all the palaces and courtiers of the other gardens in the East Palace and beat them to death. This is to make everyone remember it. This is the rule of the East Palace, and no one can put their hands in other places. Yuan, let alone make an assertion and attack other people in other gardens.

Such a play, of course, is to think of the role of killing chickens to warn monkeys.

After Qin Zhao heard it, although it was unexpected that Xiao Ce would be so vicious, he had to say that this method was the most effective. Only in this way could the servants serving in the East Palace understand one thing. What they had to do was to serve themselves. His master, if his mind is not right, as long as he commits a crime, he will be severely punished.

Among them, the one who suffered the most was Nian Su.

Niansu has served Xiao Ce for two lifetimes, but he has never seen Xiao Ce act so viciously.

However, it was Qin Liangdi who sent the two palace servants to the main hall. Bao Yuan said that they had passed by, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince decided to kill the two palace servants in public without even the slightest hesitation.

Although these two palace servants moved badly, they hadn't made a move yet, and of course they didn't harm anyone, but just like that, His Royal Highness actually killed the person without saying a word.

And it is to gather all the servants of the East Palace together, so that everyone can watch this scene.

This is nothing more than because it is related to Wangyueju and Qin Liangdi, so His Royal Highness the Crown Prince made such a ruthless hand.

It was impossible for this to happen in the previous life.

This time, she really found out that the Crown Prince was not the one from the previous life. Although that one was very different to Qin Zhao, he would never do such a demented thing for Qin Zhao.

The Prince in front of him is willing to smear blood for Qin Liangdi's sake, and he doesn't mind his reputation, which shows that Qin Liangdi occupies a very important position in the heart of the Prince.

She used to think that as long as she found the right time, it would not be difficult to deal with Qin Liangdi. In her previous life, she could do it with ease, and Qin Zhao suffered from her many times.

She used to have such confidence, but now she is not so sure.

Even Qin Liangdi didn't take her into her eyes, which was different from her previous life. Qin Liangdi in the previous life regarded her as a thorn in her side, but Qin Zhao never looked her in the face in this life.

That is to say, if she used her previous life to deal with Qin Liangdi, it would not work.

Although she was patient and confident that she could deal with Qin Zhao, she didn't know where to start, and the fact that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince cared about Qin Zhao made her think twice before doing anything.

Today, His Royal Highness the Prince is fighting for Mochizukiju, which makes her even more at a loss.

She was afraid that one day she would end up in the same situation as those two palace maids...

Not to mention that Niansu was terrified because of Xiao Ce's iron-blooded wrist, he said that the other palaces and servants in the East Palace had nightmares after watching it.

Only the Four Treasures of Mochizuki Residence did not observe the scene, and naturally they did not know how tragic the situation was.

Zuo Liangyuan came to Wangyueju the next day and mentioned this to Qin Zhao, saying that Hongxian hadn’t slept for half the night yesterday.

Qin Zhao looked at the red line and saw that she had dark circles under the corners of her eyes. At a glance, she knew that she hadn't slept well last night.

"The people in the East Palace are very talkative, and there are other people who have placed eyeliner in the East Palace. Your Highness must also want to knock the mountain and shake the tiger, and show it to everyone, so that everyone can feel safe. Although the method is a bit fierce, I think it will still be effective, at least It can have a shocking effect on some eyeliners placed in the East Palace." Qin Zhao replied in a low voice.

Zuo Liangyuan didn't seem to have expected Qin Zhao's answer like this. She couldn't hide her surprise, and it took a while for her to return to normal.

Qin Zhao saw it very clearly, and only found it funny.

Zuo Liangyuan probably misunderstood her temperament and thought she was a kind person. Everyone knows that after she became the queen mother in her previous life, many people died at her hands.

After all, their orphans and widowed mothers, if she is not strong, someone will always bully their mother and son. After a long time, her heart will become harder. What kind of things have not been done?

But it was undeniable that she didn't want to live like that, the pressure was too great, and sometimes she couldn't even remember her original appearance.

If she can live a lazy life in this life, it is her good fortune.

"Sister's words make sense." Zuo Liangyuan took a while to agree with Qin Zhao.

She thought that she was getting to know Qin Zhao gradually, but it turned out that she thought too much, and Qin Liangdi was actually someone who did big things.

Zuo Liangyuan sat for a while before leaving Mochizuki Residence.

Just after leaving the garden, the red line whispered: "Qin Liangdi turned out to be a vicious woman, doesn't she think that the death of the two palace maids was too wrong?"

It's okay to have no sympathy, and actually agree with His Royal Highness's actions, which is not to take the lives of their servants.

"But Sister Qin's words are not without reason. This is originally the palace, and His Highness's status is not ordinary. Today, someone can hurt people for money, but others can follow suit? It seems that there is no point in thinking about the problem from the standpoint of Sister Qin and His Royal Highness. Wrong. Hongxian, you can just say this to me, if it gets into Sister Qin's ears, it would be disrespectful." Zuo Liangyuan sunk her face and taught Hongxian.

"The slaves know that they are wrong." The red line said indifferently.

"You really have to know what's wrong. Since I plan to be an ally with Sister Qin, I can't make Sister Qin feel that I am unreliable." Zuo Liangyuan took a deep look at the red line: "You should reflect on yourself."

The red line did not dare to object, and answered in a low voice.


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