After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 346 Can't wait to attack her

After that, Qin Zhao spent a few quiet days.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. At this time, when Concubine Wu returned to the palace, the emperor personally greeted him at the gate of the palace. It can be seen that Concubine Wu was indeed very important to the emperor.

For so many years, Concubine Wu's holy favor has not faded, and she can quickly turn over when she is caught in a sore spot many times. This also makes her more certain about one thing, and she must remove Concubine Wu no matter what.

Here Qin Zhao was thinking about how to get rid of Concubine Wu, when the imperial servant came to pass the word, saying that she had obeyed the emperor's oral order and asked her to go to Jinyang Palace.

Sibao's expression changed when he heard this.

They never thought that Concubine Wu would be so direct, and she would actually ask the emperor to make an order. In this way, even if Liang Di was not willing, she would have to go to Jinyang Palace, otherwise she would be disobeying the decree. rise.

"I'm going to change a set of clothes." Qin Zhao didn't change his face, and then asked the Four Treasures to follow.

After entering the bedroom, Qin Zhao paced back and forth in the room.

Concubine Wu has made no secret of her malice towards her, and can't wait to give her a disservice. When she went to Jinyang Palace, she sent sheep into the tiger's mouth, and it was not so easy to get out.

"Why don't you ask His Royal Highness to accompany Liang Di?" Baozhu said hurriedly.

"The Emperor is there. If His Highness accompanies me to Jinyang Palace, the Emperor will definitely not be happy." Qin Zhao said solemnly.

"Would you like to invite the Empress Dowager?" Baoyu gave an idea.

Qin Zhao thought about it for a while and felt it was inappropriate: "It's a good idea to go to the Empress Dowager, but someone has to go to the Cihe Palace. If the person who went to tip off on the way was taken away by Concubine Wu..."

"This won't work, that won't work, but what should I do? Anyway, the slaves feel that Liang Di can't take the risk to go to Jinyang Palace, or she will definitely be bullied by Wu Guifei. The best way is to ask the Queen Mother to support Liang Di. Only the Queen Mother Higher in seniority than the emperor, the emperor has to give three points of courtesy when he sees the queen mother, so that the emperor will not embarrass Liang Di." Baozhu is always calm, but this time she was anxious.

Qin Zhao pondered for a moment before making a decision: "What I can think of, Concubine Wu can also think of. I won't invite the Empress Dowager, this time I will ask His Royal Highness to accompany me!"

She felt that the emperor would not necessarily be in Jinyang Palace, and might be separated by Concubine Wu.

Concubine Wu couldn't wait to humiliate her and torture her. How could Concubine Wu do her best in the presence of the emperor?

Probably even Concubine Wu felt that she would find the Queen Mother to support her, but she did the opposite and went to Jinyang Palace with Xiao Ce.

Even if the emperor is in Jinyang Palace, so what? Could the emperor still embarrass her in front of Xiao Ce?

"Bao Yuan, go and invite His Royal Highness, hurry up!" Qin Zhao said to Bao Yuan.

Bao Yuan was originally a martial artist, she was fast, so it was right to send her there.

After delaying for about a quarter of an hour, Qin Zhao changed into a set of clothes and came out. She just walked out of Mochizuki Residence when she saw Xiao Ce coming.

Before Qin Zhao could speak, he heard Xiao Ce say, "Guzheng wants to go to Jinyang Palace, where are you going?"

Qin Zhao secretly laughed in his heart, showing surprise: "It's a coincidence, concubine just happened to be going to Jinyang Palace, why don't concubine go with His Royal Highness the Prince?"

The two of them sang in harmony, with a tacit understanding.

In this way, under the "coincidence" of the two, they went to Jinyang Palace together.

When they entered Jinyang Palace, Concubine Wu was talking to the emperor, and the two seemed very close.

Wu Guifei heard the footsteps and looked at Qin Zhao, "What does Qin Liangdi mean? The emperor sent you over to ask questions, why did you bring the prince?"

"The imperial concubine misunderstood Qin Liangdi. Gu was just about to come to Jinyang Palace, and she ran into Qin Liangdi on the way, so she came to Jinyang Palace with her." Xiao Ce answered.

Qin Zhao softly agreed: "Yes, is there a rule that concubines cannot walk with His Royal Highness? How much does the noble concubine hate seeing her, that she will go to her head as soon as she sees her? Charged with trumped-up charges?"

She lived a beautiful life, her voice was nice, and her speech was clear and coherent. With just one sentence, Concubine Wu turned her face from anger.

Although the emperor turned to Concubine Wu, he couldn't fault Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce's words.

"Look, Your Majesty, how much can Qin Liangdi speak with this mouth? Even the concubines can't answer." Concubine Wu Gui said angrily.

The emperor patted Concubine Wu's hand, "Don't you have something to ask Qin Liangdi?"

When Qin Zhao heard the emperor's words, what else did he not understand?

If it was as she thought, Concubine Wu Gui spread her to Jinyang Palace under the guise of the emperor, clearly wanting to attack her. If she comes alone and the emperor is separated by Wu Guifei, she will fall into Wu Guifei's hands and let Wu Guifei be abused...

She looked at Xiao Ce, who happened to be looking at him, probably thinking of something with her, and he gave her a soothing look.

Qin Zhao's heart was settled.

Today, she asked Baoyuan to report to Xiao Ce, and Xiao Ce left other things behind and accompanies her to see Concubine Wu as soon as possible. This is enough to show that Xiao Ce put her before his government affairs, which is enough.

Probably because Xiao Ce gave her the confidence, she instantly felt that even facing the emperor had nothing to be afraid of.

"I don't know if the concubine has anything to ask the concubine, and the concubine will know everything." Qin Zhao said neither humble nor arrogant.

Concubine Wu looked at Qin Zhao, her eyes getting colder: "Sis Xi's accident happened, is Qin Liangdi behind the scenes?"

When Qin Zhao heard Wu Guifei mention this matter, he immediately laughed: "I don't know what happened to my concubine. When my concubine learned that Wu's death, she was shocked until she suddenly received a wedding invitation from Wu's. , Only then did the concubine know that the Wu family is still alive. As for other situations, it would be safer to ask His Royal Highness the Prince."

She said and looked at Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce has always had a tacit understanding with her, and she can understand it with just one look, and this time was no exception.

As soon as Qin Zhao finished speaking, Xiao Ce said eloquently: "I only saved Wu's life because of the noble concubine's face and let her go out of the palace. At that time, she had an affair with Zhao Yu, and there were a lot of them. It's an eyewitness. Since the imperial concubine asked, Gu wanted to ask your Wu family's tutor, how could you raise such a watery woman?!"

When Wu Guifei heard this, her face changed slightly.

At first, she only knew that Sister Xi died suddenly in the East Palace. Later, she heard that Sister Xi did not die, but married into the Zhao family. Mammy Zhong also insisted that it was Qin Zhao who made a fool of herself, so she let Sister Xi act in this way. disappeared in the East Palace. Sister Xi would marry into the Zhao family, she thought it was Sister Xi to revenge the prince, but she didn't know that there was this one.

She was too hasty, she couldn't wait to attack Qin Zhao as soon as she returned to the palace, but she never thought that it was Sister Xi who didn't follow the rules of women.

If the Crown Prince had not left the rest of the blame for such a crime, both the Wu family and the Zhao family would be implicated, and Sister Xi would not have the chance to leave the palace.

"What else?" The emperor was shocked when he heard this.

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