Wu Xiyu had this in mind, of course there was no objection.

Wangyue was in the house. After Zhongmao saw Qin Zhao, Daoming said, "Grandma Zhao is outside the East Palace and wants to see Qin Liangdi. She also asked Qin Liangdi to go out with her servant."

"No time." Qin Zhao refused cheerfully.

Madam Zhong's tone made her unhappy.

Besides, if Wu Xiyu wants to see her, does she have to go to see Wu Xiyu?


Mother Wu didn't expect Qin Zhao to refuse so bluntly. She couldn't get off the tiger for a while, so she lowered her posture and said, "Grandma Zhao said that she has something important to discuss with Qin Liangdi, and she also asked Qin Liangdi to go out and see Grandma Zhao."

"Baozhu, see off the guest!" Qin Zhao didn't bother to deal with Madam Zhong any more, so he rudely ordered the eviction.

Baozhu invited Madam Zhong out of Wangyue Residence according to her words, making Madam Zhong pale with anger.

She went to Wu Xiyu in front of the carriage and replied, "Qin Liangdi is busy and can't be free. Grandma should go out of the palace first, so as not to cause trouble."

"I said, I won't leave the palace until I see Qin Zhao." Wu Xiyu was stubborn.

"But Qin Liangdi doesn't want to see Grandma, what's the use of Grandma staying in the palace? Before Grandma does anything, she should consider the Wu family and Zhao family. If anyone sees Grandma's face and knows that Wu Liangyuan is not dead, she will marry her instead. Give it to Master Zhao, then both the Zhao family and the Wu family will be implicated." Mother Zhong said in a deep voice.

She felt that Wu Xiyu was selfish, reckless, and very willful. Wu Xiyu seemed to think that the whole world should revolve around her.

"I said, I won't go out of the palace if I can't see Qin Liangdi today!" Wu Xiyu's attitude was very tough.

Madam Zhong suddenly became angry: "Then leave the palace, the old slave has to return to the imperial concubine to return to his life, and leave first."

After she finished speaking, she walked away without looking back.

Wu Xiyu didn't expect that Madam Zhong would dare to slap her face. This old pious woman really thought that she would be disrespectful to her when she was serving in front of her concubine and aunt?

She didn't believe it anymore, the noble concubine and aunt would just let her go. It would be worthwhile to let Madam Zhong go to tell her aunt and concubine, then the aunt of her concubine will definitely settle Qin Zhao with her and ask Qin Zhao to come to see her obediently.

With her wishful thinking, Wu Xiyu waited quietly in the carriage.

As soon as Madam Zhong returned to Concubine Wu, she told Wu Xiyu's unwillingness to leave the palace.

After hearing this, Wu Guifei was furious: "Absurd!!"

"The old slave thinks that Grandma Zhao is too willful and extremely selfish. She knows that her identity is not suitable for staying in the palace for a long time, but she is willful and unwilling to leave the palace. The imperial concubine can no longer help Grandma clean up the mess unconditionally as before, she must let Grandma See your predicament clearly." Mother Zhong expressed her thoughts.

As early as when she was serving in the East Palace, she discovered that Wu Xiyu was extremely selfish, and she didn't even care much about the imperial concubine. Wu Xiyu would only come to the imperial concubine when the imperial concubine could help. When the concubine had an accident, Wu Xiyu never thought of a way to save the concubine.

What Wu Xiyu did was really chilling.

"You're right. That's it, let her go by herself. I want to see if she really wants to stay in the palace for a day." Concubine Wu opened her lips coldly.

Concubine Wu opened her mouth with respect, just in line with Madam Zhong's intention.

And Wu Xiyu waited in the carriage for a full hour before she made sure of one thing, the noble concubine and aunt didn't care about her life or death, and had no plans to help her.

Luoxia's legs and feet were weak, and she hadn't seen the imperial concubine make a move for so long, so she guessed that the imperial concubine would not help the eldest grandma clean up the mess.

She said, "Grandma should go back to the house first, so that no one can see Grandma's face..."

"Even you think I can't see anyone?" Wu Xiyu interrupted Luoxia's words coldly.

Luoxia didn't know how to answer for a while.

When Wu Liangyuan "died" in the East Palace, the eldest grandmother should understand one thing, Wu Liangyuan's face cannot appear in the palace in the future.

In addition, the eldest grandma is already the wife of Master Zhao, why does the eldest grandma still want to walk in the palace?

Know that this is impossible.

"One day, I will make my face appear in the palace once again!" Wu Xiyu swallowed the bitterness in his heart and gave the order: "Exit the palace."

"Yes!" Luoxia breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the carriage to leave the palace immediately.

When he returned to Zhao Mansion, Wu Xiyu was very tired and hungry.

At this hour, everyone had already eaten lunch, and when she arrived, the maid was withdrawing from the meal.

Wu Xiyu became angry when she saw this scene, and said coldly, "I haven't had lunch yet!"

The implication is that they are in a hurry to withdraw the meal. Could it be that she is a big grandmother for nothing?

The maids looked at each other in dismay, but there was still a police officer who was busy bringing the vegetable bowl back to its original position.

When Princess Ronghua was about to leave, seeing this scene, she raised her voice and said, "Remove all the meals. Zhao's house does not wait for anyone to eat. There are people who have connections in the palace, so you can enter the palace for meals!"

The entire Zhao family knew that Concubine Wu returned to the palace yesterday, so she couldn't wait to call Wu Xiyu into the palace today. Concubine Wu has always looked down on the Zhao family. Concubine Wu, that woman has a higher heart than the sky. If she can't be the queen herself, she wants Wu Xiyu to be the queen.

What was the result?

When Wu Xiyu entered the East Palace, she was just a little liangyuan, so she didn't follow the rules of women, so she dared to seduce Yu'er, forcing Yu'er to marry a woman the prince didn't want.

The son born by the eldest princess is so honorable, how could she not be annoyed by having such a marriage in the end?

Wu Xiyu resisted her anger, and said in a low voice, "Why should my mother be angry? The noble concubine and aunt returned to the palace, and the daughter-in-law entered the palace to greet the noble concubine and aunt for the sake of..."

"Bengong doesn't want to listen to you, shut up!" After Princess Ronghua finished speaking, she asked the servants to withdraw the meal, and before leaving, she said, "I don't want to feed the dogs and some people who don't have long eyes."

When Wu Xiyu heard what Princess Ronghua said to the servant, she was so angry that tears rolled in her eyes.

She thought she would live a happy life after marrying Zhao Yu, but that was not the case. Every morning and evening, she was determined to greet Princess Ronghua, and she was humiliated by Princess Ronghua every day.

Today is even more extreme, and she is not allowed to have lunch. She has never seen a more vicious woman than Princess Ronghua.

"Princess Ronghua is too much." Luoxia cried when she saw Wu Xiyu's grievance, and she just wanted to scold people because she was eager to protect the master.

Wu Xiyu wiped away her tears and said after a while, "It's really too much, if I didn't eat today."

After she finished speaking, she went to Liuyun Pavilion.

After she married Zhao Yu, she naturally lived in Liuyun Pavilion, but it was not like Qin Zhao lived in Qiangwei Garden when he was in Zhao Mansion, and lived separately.

Since Zhao Yu is her husband, everything about Zhao Yu belongs to her.

After getting married, Zhao Yu treated her kindly and considerately, except last night when Zhao Yu was suddenly called away by Yueqing's fox spirit, Zhao Yu always responded to her requests.

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