When Wu Xiyu entered Liuyun Pavilion, she didn't see Zhao Yu's figure, and she didn't take it to heart at the moment. She just wanted to wait for Zhao Yu to come and let Zhao Yu see how vicious Princess Ronghua was.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yu didn't show up until the evening, because she didn't have lunch, and she was so hungry that it was dark in front of her eyes.

At this hour, the Zhao residence is already having dinner, right?

"Luoxia, go see if the eldest son is back." Wu Xiyu said with hindsight.

Since it was time for dinner, why didn't anyone call her to go to the main hall for dinner? This is not normal.

Luoxia walked away.

Soon Luoxia came back again, and she panted and said: "The eldest son is already having dinner, do you want to go over there?"

"How is that possible?!" Wu Xiyu said in disbelief.

She didn't go to the main hall, how could Zhao Yu leave her alone for dinner? This is not common sense.

"But, but the eldest son is indeed having dinner." Luo Xia said indifferently.

Wu Xiyu couldn't lie down anymore, she quickly got off the bed. Probably because she didn't eat lunch, her legs and feet were weak, and she almost fell to the ground when she got out of bed, quite embarrassed.

Luoxia hurriedly stepped forward to help Wu Xiyu, and the two masters and servants went to the main hall as quickly as possible.

When they arrived, dinner was drawing to a close.

When Princess Ronghua saw Wu Xiyu coming, a coldness flashed in her eyes, and she ordered her servants to put away the tableware.

"Husband." Of course Wu Xiyu saw that Princess Ronghua was doing it on purpose, and she called out softly.

When Zhao Yu heard the words and looked back, seeing Wu Xiyu coming, he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Aren't you uncomfortable? Since you are uncomfortable, just stay in Liuyun Pavilion and don't move."

"I'm not feeling well?" Wu Xiyu thought to herself, her discomfort was because of her discomfort, and it was all caused by Princess Ronghua.

"Yeah, I heard from your mother that you are not in good health. You haven't come to eat at this hour. I think you have no appetite." Zhao Yu said, and wanted to help Wu Xiyu to return to the Cloud Pavilion.

Only then did Wu Xiyu know that Princess Ronghua was behind the scenes, and she suppressed the anger in her heart: "Don't talk about whether the concubine is in good health or not, shouldn't it be time for dinner to invite the concubine to dinner?"

"The Zhao family doesn't raise rich and noble people. This palace is the eldest princess. When the time comes, you come here to eat. Are you superior to others and have to invite others to eat?" Princess Ronghua sarcastically curled her lips, she Looking at Zhao Yu, he said, "Yu'er, teach some people the rules, our Zhao family can't afford to support delicate people."

When Zhao Yu was reprimanded by Princess Ronghua, she also felt that her face was dull, "Yes, my son is wrong."

Princess Ronghua didn't look at Wu Xiyu again, and with the help of the maid, she walked away arrogantly.

Wu Xiyu burst into tears for a while, "The concubine is useless even for lunch. It took a long time to enter the palace in the morning, and when I came back, because the concubine failed to come back in time, the mother ordered the people to withdraw the lunch. So, is the mother being too harsh on her concubine?"

"Mother's temper is like that, you just follow your mother..."

Zhao Yu was speaking when Yue Qingping appeared gracefully, "My concubine has something to say to the son, can the son move?"

Zhao Yu has always been unable to refuse Yueqing, he nodded and agreed without hesitation: "Okay."

What kind of person is Wu Xiyu? He prides himself on being of unusual origin, has a high vision, and has a higher heart. Zhao Yu is the man who once said that she would not marry, and now she is also her husband.

But such a man she thought could be freely controlled and manipulated was called away by another of his concubines in front of her. Where would she put her face in the main room?

Immediately she was angry, but she still had a smile on her face: "My concubine is talking to her husband, where is your husband going?"

She didn't eat lunch, she didn't eat dinner, she was hungry right now, she couldn't stand still, how could he leave her and go with another slut?

Only then did Zhao Yu remember that there was another Wu Xiyu, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

At this time, Yueqing said again: "The concubine does not need the son for too long, and it will be fine in a while. The concubine really has something to discuss with the son."

"My concubine is tired, tired and hungry, so why can't my husband accompany my concubine to dinner?" Wu Xiyu thought that she had seen too many tricks like this, just to compete for favor, wouldn't she?

She was originally disdainful of doing jealous things with a slut, but Yueqing made her not want to endure it any longer.

"Yueqing, if you really have something to do, just tell the son here, you don't need to call the son away in this way." Wu Xiyu looked at Yueqing and sneered, determined that this was a new method for Yueqing to compete for favor.

Yueqing looked at Zhao Yu in a state of difficulty: "Young Master, it's not convenient for me to talk about this in public..."

"It's okay, just say it here, there's nothing that my cousin can't listen to." Zhao Yu's heart was still towards Wu Xiyu, after all, this was his wife.

Yueqing's face turned pale, and she lowered her eyebrows.

Originally, she didn't want everyone in the Zhao family to know about this, especially the new grandma, who was afraid that the new grandma would be unhappy.

But in this situation, she didn't say that it was impossible.

"Don't you have something to say?" Wu Xiyu couldn't see Xiang Yueqing's demeanor, and her eyes suddenly turned cold.

Yueqing bit her lower lip lightly, and then she mustered up her courage, looked at Zhao Yu and said, "Young master, concubine, concubine is happy..."

The blood on Wu Xiyu's face drained instantly, she couldn't believe what she heard.

When she looked at Zhao Yu subconsciously, she found that Zhao Yu was full of joy, looked at Yue Qing in disbelief and asked, "Qing'er, are you really happy?"

"Well, my concubine felt uncomfortable last night because of the pregnancy reaction. At that time, my concubine hadn't figured out whether to tell the young master about this. Now that I have thought about it, I will tell the young master as soon as possible that my concubine is happy. ." A red cloud flew up on Yueqing's pale face, which was truly charming and charming.

Zhao Yu came to Yueqing and touched her belly: "Is there really my child here?"

"It's true." Seeing Zhao Yu happy, Yueqing's heart finally fell to the ground.

Because the new grandmother entered the door, and when she was newly married to the son Yan Er, she felt that the child came at the wrong time.

She was afraid that the son would be unhappy and did not want to keep the child.

Seeing the son happy now, it means that the child can stay, right?

She seemed to be aware of a strange look staring at her, but she looked at the source of her gaze, but met Wu Xiyu's gloomy eyes.

She was startled and hid in Zhao Yu's arms.

Wu Xiyu smiled coldly when she saw this scene. This bitch picked on her and Zhao Yu's wedding day to conceive a child, and just now seduced Zhao Yu in front of her, the little bitch is very good.

Originally, she didn't intend to deal with Yueqing, but now it seems that she has to find a way to get rid of this slut, especially the evil in her belly can't be kept.

The son-in-law has not yet been born, how can there be a reason for the child of the concubine?


Nung, moon and new moon. May the babies be happy, not only today.

Aiya, I'm dying of numbness, everyone eat more delicious Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cakes are too greasy, eat less, love mud cute.

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