Zhao Yu didn't know that Wu Xiyu had made up his mind to get rid of Yueqing's mother and son. He was immersed in the joy of becoming a father. How could he still remember the existence of others?

He carefully picked up Yueqing and sent Yueqing back to Pear Garden.

At this moment, of course, he didn't know that Wu Xiyu was standing behind him, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

Luoxia was a little scared when she saw this detail. She had never seen her master show such resentment in her eyes before, so it seemed that Aunt Yueqing was going to suffer?

After returning to Liuyun Pavilion, Luojiao cautiously said, "This servant will come to get some dinner. Grandma will have dinner first?"

"Do you think I can still eat it?!" Wu Xiyu couldn't help clenching his fists.

She wished that Yueqing and the evil barrier in her stomach could disappear in Zhao Mansion together!

"Grandma's health is important. There will be many opportunities to deal with Aunt Yueqing in the future, so why bother with your own body?" Luoxia advised softly.

Wu Xiyu didn't answer, her face was gloomy, immersed in her own thoughts.

She never thought that such a situation would happen not long after she married Zhao Yu.

Obviously, after she followed Zhao Yu in the book, although the two occasionally quarreled, Zhao Yu held her in the palm of his hand and responded to her requests. Although Zhao Yu also had concubines, those concubines were just chips for Zhao Yu to use them to piss her off. Zhao Yu didn't take those concubines to heart.

How come the reality is so different from the book?

She didn't remember whether the character Yueqing was in the book, let alone whether she had a concubine and was also pregnant. The current situation was something she had never foreseen before, which made her very confused.

Luoxia quickly brought the meal and brought it to Wu Xiyu.

When Wu Xiyu smelled the fragrance of the vegetables, he sighed softly, "How can my cousin let other women have his child?"

Why is this happening?

It is clear that the person Zhao Yu loves is her, he is her hero, she is his heroine, and there should be no extra third person intervening between them.

"It's just a concubine. Even if the child is born, it's just a concubine. As long as the eldest grandma is also pregnant with the child and gives birth to the eldest son, then concubine Yueqing will not be a threat from grandma." Luoxia comforted.

Wu Xiyu showed a sneer: "But I can't let Mr. Yueqing give birth to a child, whether it's a son or not."

Otherwise, her marriage to Zhao Yu will become a joke, and Qin Zhao will see her joke, she will never allow this kind of thing to happen to her.

Luoxia didn't know how to answer the call now.

Regarding the issue of inheritance of children, she felt that Wu Xiyu's approach was right, and the new grandmother had only come through the door. How could one aunt lead the husband to give birth to the child?

In a big family, this kind of thing is not allowed to happen. If Young Master Yue allows Concubine Yueqing to give birth to this child, where would Wu Xiyu be?

Wu Xiyu had no appetite, so he ate some casually, and waited quietly for Zhao Yu to come back. She wanted to ask Zhao Yu in person what she planned to do with Yueqing's child.

She just married Zhao Yu, but Zhao Yu made his concubine pregnant with a child. Zhao Yu had to give her an explanation.

Luoxia was also waiting anxiously, but she didn't see Zhao Yu returning to Yunge until Hai Shi.

This hour hasn't come back yet, no matter how stupid people are, they know what's going on.

Under the candlelight, Wu Xiyu's face was as pale as paper, and Luo Xia looked uncomfortable: "It's getting late, why don't grandma go to bed first, and discuss with the eldest son tomorrow if there is anything."

Wu Xiyu held back for a long time, and finally broke out at this moment. She swept the things on the table to the ground and screamed: "How can he do this to me?! How can he?!"

How determined did she decide to go with him, why did Zhao Yu hurt her heart like this?

How could he stay by that slut's side at this time? !

Did the entire Zhao family know that Yueqing was pregnant with a child, is the Zhao family celebrating this event with joy?

But that's just a concubine, she is the woman Zhao Yu said he would love for a lifetime, how could he betray her?

Seeing that Wu Xiyu was crazy, Luoxia didn't dare to get close, and she didn't know how to comfort Wu Xiyu. What she didn't dare to say was that she had specifically inquired about the news before, and it seemed that the entire Zhao family was satisfied that Concubine Yueqing was pregnant with a child.

Because Biao Gongzi is not too young, when Qin Liangdi was the first wife of Biao Gongzi, Biao Gongzi never married Qin Liangdi. At that time, the Zhao family was very anxious, especially the old lady and Princess Ronghua, who were afraid that Biao Gongzi would not have children.

Aunt Yueqing was pregnant with a child at this time, and the Zhao family was very happy, how could she possibly take this child away?

That night, Wu Xiyu didn't sleep all night, even though she was beautiful, she looked a little old and haggard because she didn't rest well.

But she didn't sleep at all, and insisted on waiting for Zhao Yu to come to see her.

However, Luoxia knew that the eldest son entered the palace early in the morning, and if he went to the East Palace to discuss matters, he would be able to return to the Zhao residence around noon.

As a result, when it was noon, lunch was specially prepared in Liuyun Pavilion, but Master Biao still disappeared.

Wu Xiyu couldn't sit still, and asked Luoxia to inquire about the situation.

Luoxia hurriedly went and returned, not daring to hide the truth: "After the eldest son returned to the mansion, he went to Lihuayuan."

Lihuayuan is the residence of Concubine Yueqing.

Although Wu Xiyu was mentally prepared, she was still disappointed when she heard this.

How can you do this?

It was clear that she and Zhao Yu had just gotten married, and they were newly married Yan Er, but his heart and soul were on a concubine, because that slut was pregnant with evil obstacles.

"I'm going to see Lihuayuan." Wu Xiyu felt that she couldn't wait indefinitely.

Zhao Yu only has Yueqing in her heart, how can she still remember her wife?

If she didn't go to Zhao Yu, I don't know when Zhao Yu would think of her.

Luoxia felt inappropriate: "Why don't you wait, maybe after lunch, the eldest son will come back..."

"If I don't come back, do I have to wait until after dinner? If I don't come back after dinner, I have to wait until tomorrow, tomorrow after tomorrow, maybe until that bitch gives birth to a child before I can see my cousin." Wu Xiyu felt cold all over.

She thought that when she married Zhao Yu, she no longer needed to fight or rob, Zhao Yu would spoil her and love her, but it turned out not to be.

Luoxia didn't dare to disagree any more, and then followed Wu Xiyu to Lihuayuan.

There was only one Xiaoling who served in Lihuayuan before. Since she found out that Yueqing was pregnant, Princess Ronghua sent two more wives and two maids to Lihuayuan.

As soon as Wu Xiyu appeared, the woman who was guarding outside immediately ran in nervously to report.

However, Wu Xiyu's speed was too fast. When the mother-in-law entered to report, Wu Xiyu also rushed over.

Wu Xiyu also saw the daily life of Zhao Yu and Yueqing for the first time.

At that time, Yueqing had no appetite because she was unhappy, so Zhao Yu simply fed Yueqing to drink soup...

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