After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 742 Qin Zhao's Conspiracy

Thinking of this, Niansu simply smashed the jar and smashed it, and raised her voice: "The slave servant came to invite Miss Qin on the order of the Empress Dowager. Miss Qin can't condone the evil slave of Jinyang Palace to kill the slave servant! It doesn't matter if the slave servant is injured, but This hurts the heart of the Empress Dowager, and destroys the majesty of the Cihe Palace!!"

Baozhu and Qin Zhao were standing not far from Jinyang Palace, Baozhu frowned when she heard Niansu's frame, she was afraid that the girl would be angry.

Unexpectedly, the girl's face was very calm, and she handed Long Yu to her: "Go and teach Niansu rules!"

After she finished speaking, she turned back to the main hall and planned to stay indoors to keep warm, but it was freezing cold outside.

Baozhu went to the Jinyang Palace, Baoyuan saw her coming, and hurriedly asked: "But what is the girl's order?!"

Baozhu smiled, "The girl asked me to come out and see who was making noise in front of Jinyang Palace, I don't want to see this absurd scene."

She said that she went to Niansu and showed the dragon jade.

The moment Nian Su saw Long Yu, her pupils shrank, and she forgot how to react.

"Seeing that the emperor Longyu turned a blind eye, do you know that you have committed a crime of disrespect?!" Baozhu sarcastically hooked her lips.

Only then did Niansu react, and she hurriedly knelt on the ground. She had fallen and sprained her leg before, but now kneeling on the cold ground, her legs hurt even more.

"Seeing that Longyu is like the emperor's presence, tell me, how did you fall? You have to know that this is Longyu, and lying to Longyu is the crime of deceiving the king." Baozhu repeated word by word. .

Niansu's face was pale, her lips moved, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, you can follow me to the imperial court. The emperor knows that you have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, and the big deal is to kill you." Baozhu saw Niansu's struggle, and the sneering smile on his face deepened.

It's just a matter of dealing with a Niansu, she doesn't need the girl to take action personally, she can repel Niansu, how capable Niansu really thinks she is? !

"I fell by myself before, and it wasn't because of Bao Yuan. I was just quick to say something wrong!" Niansu is a sensible person, and she knew that she would not get any benefit if she confronted Baozhu head-on.

It doesn't matter if she is humiliated in Jinyang Palace, isn't there the Queen Mother Guo backing her up? What is she afraid of?

"If you say something wrong, you will whitewash Taiping, but it will damage the reputation of our girls. Niansu, don't think that you are on duty in the Cihe Palace, and you can pretend to be a fox and a tiger in the name of the empress dowager. If it goes on like this, even if our girl doesn't take care of you, the Empress Dowager can't tolerate you!" After Baozhu finished speaking, she said to Bao Yuan, "Girl is unwell, don't let anyone enter Jinyang Palace to disturb the girl's rest."

"Okay." Bao Yuan agreed.

After Baozhu went far, Niansu also left Jinyang Palace, returned to Cihe Palace and returned to the Queen Mother Guo, and told her before and after going to Jinyang Palace.

After hearing this, Queen Mother Guo frowned: "You haven't even entered the gate of Jinyang Palace?!"

She thought that Niansu was more capable than Nianyun, but who would have thought that it was worse than Nianyun.

"The servants suspected that Miss Qin knew that the servants would go to Jinyang Palace, so she ordered Baoyuan to stop her at the door early in the morning to prevent the servants from entering Jinyang Palace." Niansu felt that this was the most likely possibility.

The Queen Mother Guo disagreed: "Impossible, unless the Qin family can predict!"

Otherwise, how could it be stopped at the gate of Jinyang Palace in advance?

"Miss Qin has always been treacherous and will think of the Queen Mother, and that's possible." Niansu knelt in front of the Queen Mother Guo: "This servant is incompetent, please punish the Queen Mother. The servant is willing to accept the punishment, but she hates herself for failing to give Cihe Palace a face. Instead, she was suppressed by a servant from Jinyang Palace, which made the Empress Dowager lose face!"

Of course, she tried her best to provoke Empress Dowager Guo's hatred towards Qin Zhao. As long as Empress Dowager Guo's anger was provoked, Qin Zhao would not want to live a good life!

Facts were as Nian Su had expected. Empress Dowager Guo was furious and decided to go to Jinyang Palace to meet Qin Zhao for a while.

She wanted to see if Qin Zhao could stand up in front of her!

Inside the Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao was thoughtful.

Although Niansu is gone, but based on her understanding of Niansu, Niansu is like a blood leech, and she will definitely not let it go. And what Niansu is best at is to sow discord, plus the Queen Mother Guo hates her to death, and after Niansu fanned the flames, the Queen Mother Guo will definitely come to Jinyang Palace to find trouble for her.

In normal times, she is really not afraid of Empress Dowager Guo.

Now that she is busy with having a miscarriage, she can't get too excited. She is not afraid of anything else, but she is afraid that if she gets emotional, it will affect the child.

She should figure out how to deal with it.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and then the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Xiao Ce's twenty-first birthday, these two big days are still hidden in Jinyang Palace.

If she could have had a baby for four months in Jinyang Palace, then she would not be as passive as she is now.

Then, should she take advantage of the fact that Mrs. Guo was looking for trouble with her later, to completely anger Xiao Ce and let him imprison her in a fit of rage?

She made a quick calculation in her heart and felt that today was a good opportunity. If you can block the troublesome person Queen Mother Guo, and anger Xiao Ce, kill two birds with one stone, you can try it.

"Baoyu, you go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and say that Mrs. Guo asked me for trouble later." Qin Zhao soon made a decision.

When Mrs. Guo asked her for trouble later, she took advantage of Mrs. Guo for a gamble, just to take some risks.

Baoyu's eyes lit up when she saw that Qin Zhao asked her to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, thinking that her girl had opened up.

She excitedly ran to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and was still wondering why Empress Dowager Guo did not come to Jinyang Palace to ask for trouble, why the girl would let her go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to report the news.

But she didn't know that not long after she ran to Yangxin Palace, Queen Mother Guo led the crowd to Jinyang Palace.

The Queen Mother Guo thought she saw Bao Yuan at the gate of Jinyang Palace, but when she came, there was no one in front of Jinyang Palace.

This made the Queen Mother Guo vigilant.

She has always known that Qin Zhao has many tricks, but Qin Zhao guessed that she would come to Jinyang Palace, so she hid it?

It's not that she is careless. She has dealt with Qin Zhao many times and knows that Qin Zhao is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"What's wrong with Niangniang?" Nianyun saw that the Queen Mother Guo was standing still in front of Jinyang Palace, not knowing why.

The Queen Mother Guo turned to look at Niansu and asked, "Do you think Qin Zhao knew that Aijia would come?"

Niansu was also wondering why Baoyuan was not seen in front of Jinyang Palace, and she was also wondering if Qin Zhao had some conspiracy.

To sum it up in one sentence, she and the Queen Mother Guo had an idea.

"Miss Qin is very cunning, she probably knew that the Empress Dowager would come to Jinyang Palace." Niansu did not shy away and answered truthfully.

Empress Dowager Guo felt that Niansu's words were reasonable, she hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped into Jinyang Palace.

No matter how cunning Qin Zhao is, can she still suffer at Qin Zhao's hands? She is the queen mother, what is Qin Zhao?

Qin Zhao in Jinyang Palace clearly heard the conversation between Empress Dowager Guo and Niansu. She was a little nervous at first and felt that it was a bit risky, but the conversation between Empress Dowager Guo and Niansu pleased her, but made her relax. .

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