Now Qin Zhao knew that Queen Mother Guo and Niansu had joined forces like that, and the two women were actually a little scared of her.

She never knew she was so capable.

Seeing the smile on Qin Zhao's face, Baozhu wondered why Qin Zhao was happy: "Is the girl in a good mood?"

The girl said that the Empress Dowager Guo would come to trouble her, and she also told her a plan to anger the emperor. She was worried that the girl was too nervous, but the girl suddenly laughed to herself.

"The current predicament will be resolved soon. Of course I'm happy. You will cooperate with me in the performance later. We must make Empress Dowager Guo and the emperor angry." Qin Zhao calmly took a sip of hot water.

Baozhu was still hesitating at first, but now that Qin Zhao is so confident, her tight strings are relaxed.

"The slave will definitely cooperate with the girl." Baozhu agreed immediately.

Qin Zhao nodded with a smile, already knowing what to do later.

After that Empress Dowager Guo walked into Jinyang Palace, she was still a little hesitant, and she always thought that Qin Zhao had some conspiracy.

No one was seen along the way. Although Jinyang Palace had never been crowded, she still felt that there was a strange silence in Jinyang Palace.

"The slaves always think that Miss Qin may have prepared a trap to deal with the empress dowager." Niansu's voice sounded.

Queen Mother Guo glanced at Niansu and felt that Niansu had thought of herself, but she couldn't show her timidity in front of so many attendants.

"Just what kind of storm can the Qin family find?" Queen Mother Guo replied stubbornly.

When Nian Su saw that the Queen Mother Guo was so confident, it was hard to say anything.

Soon Empress Dowager Guo and her party went to the main hall, and they found Qin Zhao in the study.

When she saw Qin Zhao lying comfortably on the couch, Empress Dowager Guo fixed her gaze.

Qin Zhao looked ruddy and bloated, with Baozhu and Baoyuan waiting by the side, how could he look sick?

Empress Dowager Guo became angry when she saw this scene, "Qin Zhao, didn't you call yourself sick?!"

Qin Zhao was reading the script, as if he didn't hear Empress Dowager Guo's words, and did not stand up to salute Empress Dowager Guo. Her arrogant appearance made Empress Dowager Guo aflame.

Throughout the entire harem, only the former Concubine Wu made her suffer, but Qin Zhao was even worse than Concubine Wu.

"Qin Zhao, are you behind your ears?!" Empress Dowager Guo said again patiently.

Qin Zhao continued to read her words book, and regarded Empress Dowager Guo's words as farts. Of course she didn't have a back of ear, but she still had to wait for Xiao Ce to come over.

She was only worried that if Baoyu could not invite Xiao Ce, it would be difficult for her plan to kill two birds with one stone.

I was hoping that Baoyu would have the ability to invite Xiao Ce over.

Fortunately, after a while, she heard Xiao Ce's footsteps approaching, and she continued her performance only when Xiao Ce arrived.

How did Empress Dowager Guo know Qin Zhao's plan?

Seeing that Qin Zhao regarded her as air, the Queen Mother Guo turned pale with anger, and she shouted sharply, "Ms. Qin, you are so bold!!"

Qin Zhao was finally willing to look away from the book. She raised her head to look at the Queen Mother Guo, "The Queen Mother is old, so be careful and be careful of bursting blood vessels."

The Queen Mother Guo did not expect Qin Zhao to dare to say these disrespectful words, and her voice suddenly increased: "Qin Zhao, how dare you..."

Qin Zhao said lightly: "My boldness was favored by the emperor. The empress dowager always thought that she was the emperor's biological mother, so she could suppress and humiliate me, but the emperor valued me the most, not your old woman! "

Xiao Ce, who had just walked near the study, heard Qin Zhao's voice slow down, his brows became cold, and he did not continue to move forward.

"I have endured the empress dowager for a long time. If it wasn't for acting in front of the emperor, I would have turned against you. Now that the emperor is not here, I can tell you plainly that the control of the harem will fall into my hands sooner or later. It took 20 years to get the position of Empress Dowager, and I will become the Lord of the Middle Palace in a short period of time..."

"Qin Zhao, how dare you?!" Empress Dowager Guo roared uncontrollably.

Xiao Ce walked into the study with a calm face. As soon as Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce coming, he immediately stood up from the couch of the imperial concubine. She smiled and said, "Why does the emperor have time to come to Jinyang Palace today?"

"Emperor, you came just right, Qin Zhao is rebellious, and she dares to think of the queen's position..." Empress Dowager Guo couldn't wait to report to the imperial court.

"The empress dowager is ridiculous. I don't even have a position. How dare I think about the queen's position? Although I know that the empress dowager has prejudice against me, I didn't expect the empress dowager to throw dirty water on me." Qin Zhao interrupted Queen Mother Guo's words.

Xiao Ce looked at Qin Zhao coldly. Under his stare, the smile on Qin Zhao's face gradually disappeared: "Does the emperor believe in the empress dowager, but not me?"

Xiao Ce didn't say anything, just looked at Qin Zhao coldly, as if looking at her for a longer time, as if seeing through her.

"You weren't like this before!" Xiao Ce took a long time to say.

Qin Zhao frowned slightly: "The emperor has not answered my question. Between the Empress Taihuang and me, who does the emperor believe?"

Xiao Ce also frowned. He wanted to believe Qin Zhao, but how could Qin Zhao's words make him believe her?

The Qin Zhao he knew would not be so rude, let alone speak so rudely.

Seeing that Xiao Ce was silent, Qin Zhao naturally knew what he was thinking.

She lowered her brows: "The emperor knows how much the empress dowager hates me, but the empress dowager is still in her heart. The empress dowager is the emperor's biological mother, but I have been in the palace for so long, but I am nothing. Since the emperor does not believe me, Why come to Jinyang Palace?!"

After a pause, she said again: "From today onwards, I will punish myself and think about it behind closed doors, and I will never see the guest again. Baozhu, see the guest off!"

"Yes, girl."

Baozhu turned to Empress Guo and Xiao Ce and said, "Please, the emperor and the empress dowager move over!"

Qin Zhao achieved his goal, ignored everyone who was standing there, and went to the dormitory.

Nian Su was also a little confused.

Looking at Qin Zhao's back, she always felt that with Qin Zhao's cunning level, how could she make such a low-level mistake?

And Qin Zhao doesn't seem to have only this fighting power. How could such a thing as self-punishment happen to Qin Zhao? Could it be that Qin Zhao was planning to retreat to advance, on purpose?

The Queen Mother also thought this was a bit weird.

She was scolded by Qin Zhao, and then the emperor came. The emperor didn't say anything, but Qin Zhao felt that the emperor did not trust her, so he punished himself and thought about it behind closed doors. This is not Qin Zhao's temperament.

Qin Zhao has always been good at sophistry, but this time he was defeated without a fight. It seemed that something was wrong.

As one of the parties, Xiao Ce couldn't slow down.

Qin Zhao has already ordered to drive away the guests, can he still stay here and not leave?

It's not that he doesn't trust Qin Zhao, but what Qin Zhao said to the queen mother was too outrageous before. She would never say such disrespectful words before, how could he call the queen mother an old woman?

Qin Zhao has changed so much recently, every time he wants to get closer to her, she will push him away. Today is even more outrageous, actually saying that he will punish himself and think about it behind closed doors.

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