"I didn't vomit, I just wanted to sleep for a while." Qin Zhao said calmly.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Xiao Ce's frown, which showed that he was in a bad mood at the moment.

She didn't know what to say for a while, so she simply got into the bed.

Xiao Ce became angry when he saw this scene. Every time he pulls his face down to look for her, she always has this perfunctory attitude. He has never tried to be so rude to anyone in his life.

"Qin Zhao, don't you have anything to say to me?" Xiao Ce said patiently.

Qin Zhao didn't answer, she could hear that Xiao Ce was very impatient. He hasn't had a good conversation with her since he broke up with him in September, right?

Speaking of being pregnant, it was a happy event. She was the one who tried her best to hide Xiao Ce's matter, and he was the father of the child. She did it wrong, but she didn't regret it.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault that made the emperor angry." Qin Zhao took a while to open his lips with difficulty.

It's okay to say she has persecution paranoia, or she is unfounded, she just doesn't want to take risks.

Xiao Ce stared at Qin Zhao for a while before asking, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. The New Year is coming soon. It's not easy for the emperor to come here. I wish the emperor a happy New Year in advance, and everything will come true." Qin Zhao said to Baozhu: "Baozhu, go and send it to the emperor."

"Yes." Baozhu responded and turned to face Xiao Ce.

This time, Xiao Ce was extremely angry, and rushed to the bed and asked Qin Zhao, "How long are you going to make a fool of yourself?!"

Qin Zhao had never seen Xiao Ce so angry in this life.

She wanted to say that she was not fooling around, and wanted Xiao Ce not to be angry.

"It's almost New Year's Eve, don't be so angry with the emperor. In the first month of next year, the emperor will be twenty-one years old..." This time, before Qin Zhao finished speaking, Xiao Ce had already walked away.

Xiao Ce looked at Xiao Ce's back and thought to himself that she gave Xiao Ce a chance this time, because he didn't find out that she was pregnant, who could blame him?

"The emperor is gone." Baoyu patted her chest: "Although the slaves hope that the girl can have a lively and lively New Year, but there are too many people during the New Year, it is safer to spend the New Year in Jinyang Palace."

"Yeah, the emperor didn't even notice that the girl was pregnant. Every time he came, he was only angry, but if the emperor cared more about the girl, the girl would definitely soften her heart and tell the emperor truthfully." Baozhu echoed Baoyu's words.

The two of them sang and harmonized, which was somewhat meant to comfort Qin Zhao.

"Okay, it's easier for the emperor to leave. After the new year, the child will be four months old. At that time, it will be more stable. You can rest assured. I'm in a good mood, and I'm not affected by the emperor!" Qin Zhao pointed to his face, "Do you think I look sad?"

Baozhu and Baoyu looked at each other, and both felt that the girl was in a good mood, so that was enough.

"Will the birthday gift that the girl specially prepared for the emperor be given to the emperor?" Baozhu suddenly thought of this important question.

Recently, in addition to having a miscarriage, the rest of the time the girl is seriously preparing a sachet for the emperor.

Although the girl's embroidery skills have never been better, this is the girl's heart for the emperor. The girl just doesn't like to talk about these scenes.

"It's still too early for the emperor's birthday. Let's talk about it later." Qin Zhao estimated the time, and there are at least 20 days left.

If she leaves Jinyang Palace, this birthday gift can naturally be given. If it was just the opposite, she could give it to Xiao Ce later.

The reason why this birthday gift was prepared for Xiao Ce was just because he wanted to make up for last year's regret. But things were unpredictable, she didn't expect that she would become pregnant, so there were still changes.

After Xiao Ce left the Jinyang Palace, his mood was a little down.

At this time, someone came to him to salute, it was Cui Yan.

"Where is the emperor's cousin going?" Cui Yan looked at Xiao Ce shyly.

Xiao Ceqiang cheered up: "The Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Apart from Yangxin Palace and Jinyang Palace, he had nowhere to go.

Thinking of this, he looked back at the direction of Jinyang Palace. This was the fourth time he took the initiative to find her since he had a conflict with Qin Zhao, but she still didn't go down this level.

It's not like she has to fight with him all her life...

Seeing that Xiao Ce's eyes were fixed in the direction of Jinyang Palace, Cui Yan couldn't help frowning slightly.

Qin Zhao has no other advantages besides being able to see his face. The emperor's cousin is good at everything, but he also has a common problem with other men, that is, he likes beauty.

Obviously she has a good face and a good figure, why can't the emperor's cousin see her?

She had so many feelings in her heart that she had nowhere to vent, so she suddenly threw herself into Xiao Ce's arms.

Xiao Ce's reaction was half a beat, and when Cui Yan was about to jump into his arms, he hurriedly pushed Cui Yan away.

Because of the sudden incident, he couldn't control the strength in his hands, and his push caused Cui Yan to fall on all fours.

Cui Yan cried out in pain, Niansu saw her like this, resisted her dislike for Cui Yan, and helped Cui Yan to get up.

Unexpectedly, Cui Yan stepped on the skirt, only to hear a "hiss", Cui Yan's skirt was torn apart, revealing half of her snow-white calf.

It is reasonable to say that this is a big winter, so it is better not to wear too thin, but when Cui Yan learned that Xiao Ce came to Jinyang Palace, she endured the chill and deliberately wore a thin dress to stop people.

Of course, she also wore a cloak, but this cloak was temporarily in Niansu's hands.

Niansu didn't expect such a change, she hurriedly wrapped a cloak around Cui Yan, but the light of the spring came out, no matter how fast she was, she would inevitably lose Cui Yan.

Xiao Ce also felt embarrassed. He left Cui Yan directly and wanted to return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Who knew that Cui Yan chased after him and shouted, "I have been seen by the emperor's cousin, and the emperor's cousin must be responsible for me!"

When she shouted, everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Ce's face.

Xiao Ce was even more embarrassed. He had never encountered such a thing before, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

At this time, Cui Yan rushed towards him again, and his reaction was to walk away quickly.

Cui Yan wanted to catch up again, but Xiao Ce's pace was too fast and disappeared in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Nian Su also chased after him and reminded softly: "The emperor has left, and now it's more important to return to the Cihe Palace."

Cui Yan felt that Niansu's words made sense.

After returning to the Cihe Palace, Cui Yan cried to the Queen Mother Guo about the whole process of Xiao Ce being irresponsible to her.

The Queen Mother Guo had a headache, and Cui Yan's sharp voice made her intolerable.

About an hour later, she let go: "Aijia will make the emperor responsible for you, you go back to rest first."

Cui Yan's crying stopped abruptly, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

When Niansu saw this detail, he suddenly understood one thing, it turned out that all this was Cui Yan's calculation.

Cui Yan was thinking of a way to enter the emperor's harem, and then he planned other things. It's ridiculous that she thought that Cui Yan stepped on her skirt was just an accident, but she didn't think Cui Yan did it on purpose.

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