At this moment, Niansu knew that she underestimated Cui Yan, but she didn't realize that Cui Yan had such ability.

If Cui Yan can successfully enter the harem in this battle, then Qin Zhao will also have another opponent, and she is happy to see it.

Half an hour later, Empress Dowager Guo took Cui Yan, who was choking, to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and asked Xiao Ce for a name.

Xiao Ce never thought that the Queen Mother Guo would join Cui Yan to ask him for a name. What could be more ironic than this?

For him, there is no difference between one more person or one less person in the harem, and these women are just decorations.

Xiao Ce looked at Cui Yan, whose eyes were red from crying, and opened his lips coldly: "Are you sure you want to enter my harem?! You have to know that if you enter the harem, there is no room for you to go back."

Under Xiao Ce's icy gaze, Cui Yan's palms became cold.

After a while, she nodded vigorously: "I don't regret it, I want to become the emperor's cousin's woman!"

She wanted to be his queen, but it seemed impossible at the moment.

She had no chance at all before. After the New Year, the Queen Mother Guo might send her out of the palace. The last time she overheard the conversation between Nianyun and the Queen Mother Guo, she knew at that time that she had little time and needed to grasp it. every opportunity.

"as you wish!"

Xiao Ce immediately gave Cui Yan a title, but she was a royal daughter with a very low rank.

Empress Dowager Guo was dissatisfied with Xiao Ce's perfunctory: "No matter what Yaner says, it's still..."

"I have given my order, and this matter is a foregone conclusion." Xiao Ce interrupted the Queen Mother Guo and said to Zhang Jixiang who was standing beside him, "Auspicious, see you off!"

Zhang Jixiang couldn't get used to Queen Mother Guo and Cui Yan, so he immediately took orders and rushed forward.

The Queen Mother Guo wanted to lobby again, but Xiao Ce reluctantly walked away.

"The Queen Mother..."

This time Cui Yan only spoke, and Empress Dowager Guo glared at him: "Enough!!"

Cui Yan had never seen the empress dowager Guo look so vicious, she was so frightened that she kept silent and did not dare to move.

"The Aijia made trouble with the emperor because of you, and you still have the face to make trouble?!" The Queen Mother Guo looked at Cui Yan coldly: "Since you have chosen this path, you should accept this outcome, and you will have to follow your own path in the future. Go, Aijia can't help you, nor will it help you!"

After saying what to say, the Queen Mother Guo left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Only Cui Yanchu was left in place, and for a while he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

Although she entered the emperor's cousin's harem as she wished, she was only a small royal daughter. With so many concubines in the harem, which one is not higher than her?

She thought that Empress Dowager Guo was behind her, but today she offended Empress Dowager Guo and the emperor's cousin at the same time.

Seeing Cui Yan looking like she wanted to cry, Niansu stepped forward to comfort him and said, "It's a big happy event for the little master to enter the harem. Whether he can ascend to the throne in the future depends on the little master's ability. Next, he will arrange a place for the little master to live in. "Don't worry, little master, everything will be fine."

Cui Yan raised a smile that was uglier than crying, "I hope."

What else can be done? She has no way to retreat, she can only bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

What happened in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Qiu Shui entered Jinyang Palace in a moment.

Bao Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw the message handed in from outside.

On the surface, it seems that the girl stays at home and does not have the muddy water of the harem, but there is always someone who can't wait to tell the girl what happened in the harem. The girl needs to calm down and calm down. Telling the girl about this kind of thing will only make the girl unhappy, why bother?

Then the bottle came, and she told the bottle about it.

After listening to Bao Ping, she thought the same as her: "Forget it, don't let the girl know about this, I'm afraid it will affect the girl's mood."

Anyway, it's all messy things, and that girl Cui is also a troublemaker, and she entered the harem in this way.

What they didn't know was that Qin Zhao's hearing was good, and all the conversations between the two of them entered Qin Zhao's ears.

Qin Zhao was not affected at all by this incident, and she even hoped that someone would gossip with her about this incident.

In the previous life, Cui Yan was married, but in this life he entered Xiao Ce's harem, so the plot and the fate of the characters have also changed. It's just that such a change in the plot will not affect the main characters, such as Wu Xirou.

At this moment, Qin Zhao hoped that Wu Xirou would gossip with him about this so-called romantic affair of Xiao Ce.

Soon Baoping told Baoyu and Baozhu about Cui Yan. After the two listened, they unanimously decided to let Baoyu not go to Qin Zhao to serve, lest Baoyu have no way to hide things.

Qin Zhao heard the whispers of the two and deliberately asked Baozhu to call Baoyu to him.

Baoyu's eyes flickered and he did not dare to look directly at Qin Zhao.

"What did you do that you didn't dare to look at me?" Qin Zhao quipped his lips.

Baoyu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly defended: "No slaves!"

"You have! Come on, I don't know what's going on." Qin Zhao stared at Baoyu like that, making Baoyu's heart tremble.

Baozhu was shocked to see it on the side, and she smoothed out: "Don't scare Baoyu, girl, what can Baoyu hide from the girl?"

Qin Zhao turned to look at Baozhu: "You were not like this before, and now you have learned to lie."

Orb:  …

Seeing this, Baoyu couldn't resist, and simply told the truth about Cui Yan.

Qin Zhao said with a smile after hearing this: "It turns out to be such a trivial matter, isn't it that there is an extra woman in the harem? The emperor is the monarch of a country, and there are only so many people in the harem right now, it's not enough to see. More people means more people. lively?"

"The girl said it lightly. In the past, the girl always said that where there are many people, there will be more right and wrong, and if there are more people in the harem, there will be more danger. After the birth of His Royal Highness the little prince, those who are jealous of the girl can't take the opportunity to make trouble? Then Cui Yunu It's not a fuel-efficient lamp." Baoyu expressed his thoughts.

This time Qin Zhao looked at Baoyu with admiration: "You girl's ideas are getting more and more open."

"Isn't it? The slaves have been with the girl for a long time, and naturally they understand more. The girl should not take it lightly. Anyway, the slaves think Cui Yunu is not a good person. If you want to deal with the girl in the future, the girl has to be careful." Baoyu is rarely serious. .

"Isn't there Baoyu to escort me? I'm not afraid at all." Qin Zhao suddenly wanted to understand one thing at this moment. No matter how much she values ​​her child or how much she wants to hide her child, her child will sooner or later. will be exposed to the public.

The dangers she wanted to avoid would follow.

In short, she had to plan for the worst and not take it lightly.

Let's talk about everything after the new year. By then, her child will be four months old, and the fetus has stabilized. At that time, it was known that she was pregnant, and the risk was not that great.

Don't know if her child is a boy or a girl? Four Treasures opened their mouths and closed their mouths and said it was the little prince, and she also felt that the probability of being the little prince was higher.

She loves both boys and girls. As long as the child is born healthy and safe, she is satisfied.

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