Qin Zhao decided to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Li Yunv.

When she returned to Jinyang Palace, she was very happy to see Baozhu sitting on the rocking chair with Xiao atom in her arms.

"Did he cry when Ben Gong went out?" Qin Zhao asked.

This child really wants to cry, that's strange.

"Little Highness is good, never cried."

Baozhu's answer did not surprise Qin Zhao at all.

Qin Zhao stepped forward and kissed the child's face, "I'm too worried about being a mother."

To give birth to such a sensible child, you don't need to wake up at night, you don't need to coax the child during the day, just leave the child to someone to take care of, and the day goes by.

"That's because the little highness is sympathetic to the hard work of the empress." Baozhu smiled.

Qin Zhao turned to look at Baozhu: "You girl's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

She took the pearl and sat down: "It's nothing to do now, let's chat with Ben Gong."

Baozhu immediately sat down obediently, with the appearance of a three-good student: "What do you want to say?"

Qin Zhao talked about the harvest of today's visit to Yonghua Palace, and finally got to the topic: "This palace thinks that the residents of Yonghua Palace are very difficult, either the mastermind is in Yonghua Palace, or there are associates of the mastermind in Yonghua Palace, Always keep an eye on Yonghua Temple, and you will surely gain something in the future.”

Baozhu listened carefully: "The slave and the empress have the same idea. Since there is a problem with the Yonghua Palace, just keep an eye on the Yonghua Palace."

"Then tell me, can Li Yunv be used?" Li Yunv is the key person Qin Zhao wants to discuss today.

She didn't dare to use the eight new people in Jinyang Palace. Among the elderly, Baozhu's brain was the most useful, and it was the most suitable for discussing this matter with Baozhu.

"Li Xiaozhu had a holiday with his mother, and Li Xiaozhu was emotionally exposed, and sometimes his mood was unstable." Baozhu felt that it was very risky to use someone like Li Yunv.

"The festival between Bengong and Li Yunv is well known. In the past, when Li Yunv met Bengong, it was like eating a bomb, but now Li Yunv is willing to lend a helping hand when Bengong is in distress. Bengong thinks Li Yunv It can be used." Qin Zhao opened his lips indifferently.

Hearing this, Baozhu knew that Qin Zhao had listed Li Yunv as an available person.

"The slaves are afraid that Li Xiaozhu is just a stalker. Today, he is facing Jinyang Palace, and tomorrow he will be bought by others." Baozhu is still uneasy.

It is better to use Wu Baolin than to use Li Yunv. She thought that Wu Bao was easier to trust than Li Yunv.

"Li Yunv can't be a slap in the face. From her attitude towards Ben Gong, she knows that she hates someone is not just talk. If she promises to help Ben Gong, then she will definitely do it." Qin Zhao felt that Baozhu was still too conservative.

Of course, Baozhu's worries were also justified. She decided to ask Li Yunv to come over to have a chat first, and then discuss whether to cooperate.

"Since Niangniang trusts Young Master Li, let's give it a try. The slave thinks that Mistress sees people better than slave slaves. If Niangniang trusts Young Master Li, it must be that Young Master Li has something special." Baozhu was relieved quickly.

In her opinion, the noble concubine has a unique vision, and there must be a reason why Li Yunv can meet the eyes of the goddess.

"Look for an opportunity to make a chance encounter with Li Yunv in the past few days. Don't do it too deliberately." Qin Zhao quickly made up his mind.

If Li Yunv was deliberately brought into Jinyang Palace, it would attract attention, and there would be people who would guard Li Yunv.

"Then let Xiao Linzi keep an eye on Li Xiaozhu's actions. As soon as Li Xiaozhu comes out, Niangniang will make a chance encounter with Li Xiaozhu." Baozhu understood.

Qin Zhao quickly called Xiao Linzi in, and Xiao Linzi responded one by one.

When I found this opportunity, it was already early November.

Hearing that Li Yunu had gone to the Imperial Garden, Qin Zhao took Xiao Yuan with him and took the carriage to the Imperial Garden.

Li Yunv was visiting the garden with Wu Baolin, Xu Cairen, Hu Baolin and Sun Yunv.

Hu Baolin disappeared for a few days, mainly because he fell in with Qin Zhao last time. He felt shameless and kept a low profile for a few days.

Not wanting to come to the Imperial Garden this time, I heard that Qin Zhao, a woman, was also here.

She really wondered if Qin Zhao was staring at her every move, otherwise how could she just come to the Imperial Garden and Qin Zhao would follow him?

The last time she knelt in the imperial garden was still vivid in her mind, and now she was still unhappy when she saw Qin Zhao's face again.

However, Qin Zhao had a high status, so she had to salute when she saw Qin Zhao, which was too uncomfortable.

Qin Zhao excused everyone from the ceremony and said, "It's a coincidence that all the sisters are visiting the garden."

Everyone answered one by one, and Li Yunu's eyes were fixed on the child in Qin Zhao's arms.

It can only be said that Mrs. Qin Zhao can give birth, and the child is really beautiful, like a golden boy.

Seemingly sensing her gaze, Qin Zhao suddenly said to her, "Sister Li, please help Ben Gong hold the child. The little guy is sinking, Ben Gong is tired from holding her for a long time."

Li Yufu was a little surprised. She didn't expect Qin Zhao to name her alone among all the people.

Naturally, she readily agreed and stepped forward to hold the child. After holding the child, she understood why Qin Zhao said that the child was heavy. The little guy was handsome and his face was small, but he was very thorny and a little heavy.

At first, she was afraid that the child would cry when she was in her hands, but the child just glanced at her, then leaned lazily in her arms, looking at ease.

"Your Highness is so beautiful." Xu Cairen sighed on the side.

Sun Yunv also echoed: "Indeed, I have never seen a better-looking child than His Royal Highness."

This is true.

Perhaps it was because Qin Zhao was born beautiful and the emperor was also beautiful, so their children were more handsome and good-looking than ordinary people's children.

"Don't brag any more, the child will be proud." Qin Zhao's lips rose, and he was in a good mood.

Of course, her and Xiao Ce's children are beautiful, but the next question is how to spare others...

As soon as Qin Zhao came, everyone took Qin Zhao as the center and walked around the garden together.

What Qin Zhao said, everyone agreed, but Li Yunu spoke very little. The child is still in Li Yunv's arms. After holding it for a long time, Li Yunv's hands are sore, but they are sweet.

The life in the harem was very boring. It was rare to meet such a good-looking child, and I usually didn't have the chance to hug her. This time Qin Zhao entrusted her with this task, and she quite liked it.

It seemed that she liked children. After visiting the Imperial Garden, Qin Zhao said to her, "I can see from this palace that you like children, so let's go back to Jinyang Palace with the little atom."

Li Yunv's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she readily replied, "Okay!"

"Is Sister Li sure you want to carry it from the Imperial Garden to Jinyang Palace?" Hu Baolin answered, not used to it.

Even if he wanted to curry favor with Qin Zhao, he would not be so hypocritical.

This is not a good errand. Obviously Qin Zhao came over in a chariot and insisted that Li Yunv carry the child back to Jinyang Palace. Isn't this deliberately torturing Li Yunv?

Li Yunv is also stupid. She was played around by Qin Zhao, and she was still happy.

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