"The Royal Garden is not far from Jinyang Palace." Li Yunv disagreed, she felt that Hu Baolin was jealous of her chance to hug the little prince.

Hu Baolin smiled coldly, disdain Li Yunu's hypocrisy in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything, after all, the lesson of the last time is still vivid in his mind.

When Qin Zhao's big team walked away, everyone straightened up, and she hooked her lips sarcastically: "Didn't Sister Li dislike Sister Qin the most? Now, in order to climb Sister Qin, she is willing to be used by Sister Qin as a dog..."

Wu Baolin frowned when he heard this: "Sister Hu is careful with her words and deeds!"

Haven't you remembered the lesson from last time? He dared to speak rudely.

Hu Baolin was reluctant to shut up, but deep down in her heart, she still looked down on Li Yunu.

Li Yunv was obviously incompatible with Qin Zhao, but now she was sent by Qin Zhao, and she was so degraded that she looked down on Li Yunv.

Sun Yunv looked at the direction Qin Zhaoyuan was going, and said softly, "Sister Li carried her little highness to Jinyang Palace. It was indeed a little hard work. Sister Qin doesn't seem to be someone who would dispatch others casually on weekdays."

"Didn't Sister Qin say it? Because Sister Li likes His Highness, I let Sister Li hold her for a ride." Wu Baolin answered the question.

Sun Yunv is also an eventful person, always insinuating, and the tone of her speech is unpleasant.

In the past, she always felt that Sun Yunv was a talkative, low-key person, and had no sense of existence. But after getting along for a long time, I knew that Sun Yunu was not a simple person.

"Sister Wu said yes." Sun Yunv did not continue to discuss this issue.

Qin Zhao hadn't gone far in that room, so he wasn't surprised to hear Sun Yunv and Hu Baolin's words.

Compared to Hu Baolin's rotten mouth, Sun Yudv is insidious enough. Could it be that the person she was looking for was Sun Yudv, and that the mastermind was Sun Yudv?

After thinking about it, Qin Zhao felt that it was unlikely.

In her opinion, Sun Yudv may be insidious, and she has some scheming, but her family background is not very good, how can Seth like Sun Yudv and find such a person to cooperate?

At least that person has to make Seth feel that this person is capable, right?

Sun Yunv, a little imperial maid, is at most a scumbag, not the mastermind.

Of course, Li Yunv didn't know how many people in the imperial garden were picking on her thorns. She carried the child wholeheartedly and went to Jinyang Palace. The child was very quiet along the way, neither noisy nor sleepy. She still looked at her from time to time, which made her forget the soreness of holding the child's arm.

After entering Jinyang Palace, Li Yunu breathed a sigh of relief, the child was really heavy, and her arms were sore after holding it for a long time.

Qin Zhao took over the child, "Sister Li has worked hard."

Then Baozhu handed over the tea: "Li Xiaozhu, drink some tea."

Li Yunu originally thought of bringing the child back and left, but now Baozhu handed over the tea, she had to sit down and plan to finish the tea before leaving.

Not wanting Qin Zhao to sit down, he opened the chat box.

At the beginning, it was all insignificant topics, just when she was wondering, Qin Zhao finally got to the point.

"This time Jinyang Palace will be infected with the epidemic because oil was poured in front of the gate of Yonghua Palace..." Qin Zhao explained how the treasure bottle was infected with the epidemic.

After listening to it, Li Yunv finally felt something was wrong: "Sister Qin asked me to carry His Highness over just to hide people's eyes and ears. The real purpose is to ask me something, isn't it?"

Qin Zhao smiled and said, "My sister was in the Imperial Garden that day, so it would be useless to ask her to ask questions. This palace knows that Yonghua Palace is tricky, but I can't always go to Yonghua Palace. My meaning is..."

"Sister wants me to stare at everyone in Yonghua Palace?" This time, Li Yunu also instantly understood what Qin Zhao meant.

"That's pretty much what it means. It's unrealistic for my sister to stare at everyone in Yonghua Palace, but if there is any strange person or thing in Yonghua Palace, my sister can tell this palace." Qin Zhao said, looking at the person in his arms. Child: "Bengong thinks that Sister Li is a very thoughtful one."

If Li Yunv becomes her eyeliner in Yonghua Palace, I believe Li Yunv will find out.

"Sister thinks that she is looking at me too highly. Not to mention other things, I just walked into Jinyang Palace with your little highness today, and everyone in Yonghua Palace knows it. Everyone sees me getting close to Sister Qin, who would be stupid Do you have to show your feet in front of me?" Li Yunu felt that this was a very realistic question.

It's not that she doesn't want to be the nail, it's just that it will be difficult to help.

"It's simple, you pretend to have a meal at Jinyang Palace before leaving." Qin Zhao smiled and said, "Of course, you don't have to be too deliberate, just say a few words to Hu Baolin after returning to Yonghua Palace."

Li Yunu thought to herself why she did such a thankless thing?

But, she didn't say it.

At that time, Qin Zhao had the opportunity to let her disappear in this harem, and she might also harm the Li family, but Qin Zhao raised his hand and let her go. Just at this point, she will promise Qin Zhao to do it well.

"I know what to do, but I'm not sure if I can help." Li Yunu got up and said goodbye.

Watching Li Yunv go away, Qin Zhao asked Baozhu, "What do you think of Li Yunv?"

"Being able to guess Niangniang's intention at the first time, and there is no resistance, this shows that Li Xiaozhu is willing to help, and Niangniang has a very good eye for people." Baozhu replied.

Just now, Li Yunv also said bluntly that she may not be able to help, but such Li Yunv is reassuring.

"Let's see if Li Yunu has anything to gain." Qin Zhao's eyes became colder: "Ben Gong believes that as long as it is a fox, it will show its tail."

She admits that the mastermind is very skillful, but the man still shows more and more flaws in his actions again and again.

Although Li Yunv has a bad temper, she has a delicate mind and is easy to understand. If Li Yunv is her eyeliner, there will definitely be someone in Yonghua Palace.

Only when Li Yunv entered the Yonghua Palace, she saw Hu Baolin looking around.

Seeing Li Yunv, Hu Baolin's eyes lit up, and Li Yunv immediately raised her head and raised her chest.

This little detail made Hu Baolin joking: "What's wrong with Sister Li? Is it too tired to hold your Highness?"

Li Yunu looked at Hu Baolin coldly, "What nonsense sister Hu said, why can't I understand it?"

"If Sister Li is too tired to hold His Highness, just say it straight. I, the elder sister, won't laugh at my younger sister." Hu Baolin said with a half-smiling smile.

"Even if I'm a little tired, that's my blessing, does Sister Qin give you a chance to hug your little highness?!" Li Yunu left these words and walked away arrogantly.

Hu Baolin was so angry that she couldn't breathe, she shouted at Li Yunu's back: "Do you think that if you flatter Sister Qin, Sister Qin will fall in love with you?"

How dare a little royal girl show off in front of her something that is beyond her own power? !

Li Yunv ignored Hu Baolin. She was about to return to her residence, but Sun Yunv held her back and said, "Sister Hu just now asked her to trouble her again?"

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